Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan

Chapter 13: Magical girl

Chapter 13: Magical girl

Kana Ienaga stood at the bus entrance as she observed the interior. She narrowed her eyes, trying to search for a figure. Yet, no matter how she tried, she couldn't see anything.

"Kana-chan! Kana-chan!"


Kana was startled and awoken. She turned and looked at her friend, who seemed to be far from calm, even panicked. "What's wrong?"

"Wh-what's wrong? Why didn't you answer me before?"

"I am sorry! Let me help!"

She could only apologize before joining everyone to care for the juniors. Among them, she, along with her friends and a few guys, was the oldest. While they were scared, they had a duty to protect their juniors. Some of their juniors were also hurt, and they also needed someone to calm them down.

Still, in this situation, when everyone's heart was uneasy, she didn't want to aggravate, telling them she felt something. This something... she wasn't sure how to describe it, but she felt like something had helped them. Something invisible and couldn't be seen by eyes. Yet, she knew if she said something like this, it would make everyone panic and be afraid since they were trapped in the tunnel and they weren't sure when they would be saved.

"Hey, is it possible for us to get out of this tunnel?"

While she could help with first aid, it was better to send the juniors to the hospital, and who wanted to stay in this place any longer?

The boys, who held the flashlight, walked to check the tunnel and could only show a helpless and anxious expression.

"No, we're completely trapped."

"Dammit, how can we go out?!"

"What should we do? What should we do?"

"It's okay, everyone! The adults will save us soon! Calm down!"

While many were panicked, fortunately, few were rather calm, and they could ease everyone's heart.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright."

Kana tried to calm everyone, but when she looked around, she was startled.


"Ienaga, what's wrong?" A boy, who seemed to be a leader among them, asked with confusion. He was also startled, and his body was tense from Kana's scream. "Why did you get scared?"

"Be-be-because there are... people lined up over there."


The one who held a flashlight pointed the light in the direction where Kana showed and almost dropped it. The others weren't much better since their hearts almost stopped.

"D-do they look a little strange to you?"

"Ki-Kiyotsugu-kun... what are they...?!"

"Uh... Be-beats me..."

Everyone became scared since the appearance of this group of people was weird since they appeared in this tunnel quietly. They also didn't seem to be the group who would save them, especially when all of them wore hooded, tattered cloaks and resembled mummies. Moreover, with the light, they could see the ghoul-like appearance of those people.

Kana didn't know who they were, but she could tell they weren't good people.

While she wondered about what to do, she felt a weight on the top of her head.


This startled her, and she wondered what it was, but a voice stunned her in a place.

"Be careful. You're all in danger."

She looked up and was in a daze. "Cu-cute..." She knew this wasn't a time for her to appreciate the cuteness of this creature, but as a girl, she couldn't help it.

This creature is a bit like a dog, about two feet long (including a tail). His entire body is covered in soft, dark-brownish fur. Yet, the unique feature of his body was the crescent moon-like symbol on his forehead, which was so mesmerizing.



"What's with that expression?"

This creature, who lay on the top of her head, looked at her with a dissatisfied expression.

"Do you have a problem with a tanuki?"

"Ah, um, nothing. I-I just think that you are cute!"

Kana hurriedly said, afraid to offend him.


He nodded, seemingly satisfied by her answer, as he patted his paw at Kana's head. "You're a good girl."


Kana had many things to say at that moment, but she couldn't deny that he was cute. However, this wasn't the time for this!

"By-by the way, what do you mean we're in danger?"

While she could tell that the group of people that suddenly appeared before them seemed suspicious and dangerous, she hoped that wasn't the case.

"You can see those people, right?"


"Unfortunately, they're not police, firefighters, or rescue workers. You can see from their appearance; you can tell that they're not good people, right?"

"Th-then, who are they?" Her body was trembling, fearing her thought.

"They're a youkai."

"Yo-Youkai?!" She was dumbfounded. "Do they exist?"

"Didn't you talk with one now?"

"...." Kana.

"However, unlike me, they're the lowest of the lowest." He didn't hide his disdain at the group of youkai in front of them.

"Who are they?" She could tell that this tanuki was gentle, and frankly, his presence put her at ease.

"They are Gagoze."


"It's normal that you don't know since, unlike me, they're not famous, youkai."

"....." Kana.

Still, watching Kana's eyes, who seemed to hurry him to explain, he didn't disappoint her.

"Gagoze is a youkai born from a man who committed evil deeds when he was alive. In the temple where he was buried after he died, during the night, he became a ghost and attacked the children. You can say they are a youkai that kidnaps and eats children."

When he explained about Gagoze, he didn't hide his scorn toward this youkai.

Unlike a youkai who attacked an adult or the evil, Gagoze attacked children. However, unlike the adult who was dirty, the children were still pure, and they still had some salvation. In other words, they were the symbol of hope.

More importantly, with the low birth rate of this country, he was afraid if Gagoze kept kidnapping and eating children, this country might be over.

Fortunately, among his subordinates, Gagoze didn't exist.


Kana quickly realized how dangerous their situation was. "Th-then, don't tell me they are also the ones who kidnapped the children in this area?"

"Oh, is something like that happening?" He was surprised.

"You don't know?" She was confused.

"I am a youkai. Do you think that I will follow human news?" He patted Kana's head helplessly.

"...." Kana.

"However, I can't deny that possibility. Yet, you can't blame all of this on youkai since there is also a possibility that a human did it. Still, whatever the truth is, you are all in danger now."

Yes, she should put the matter of the criminal aside since everyone in this place was still in danger.

'What should I do? What should I do?'

"Looks like the tunnel didn't collapse completely..."

"Oh, well, I suppose we'll just have to... slaughter everyone."

The Gagoze group didn't seem to have much patience and mercy toward a group of children.


One of the children seemed to realize who Gagoze was, but it was too late since all the Gagozes had decided to slaughter all the children.

Kana was confused and scared until a voice asked her.

"Do you want me to save you?"

"Ah?" Kana was surprised and asked, "Can you?" Her eyes were full of hope as she looked at him. Still, she was in doubt. "Um... can you fight?"

"....." Tamazuki.

Yet, Kana couldn't be blamed since Tamazuki's appearance was so cute, so how could he fight against a group of Gagoze? A fierce youkai, who would kidnap and eat children?

"You don't need to worry. It's easy for me to save you."

"Please save everyone too!"

"I don't mind, but you need to make a contract with me." He jumped from Kana's head as he faced her, showing a majestic demeanor different from previously.

"Con-contract?" Kana was dumbfounded, but she had to say he was as cute as ever. "Am-am I going to become a magical girl?" Her voice was filled with hope somehow.

"...sorry, no."

"Ah, I see.."

He was speechless when she was so disappointed, but he also knew that she was at the age she was interested in the magical girl.

"Ah, um, it's okay! Let's sign a contract! Please save everyone!"

However, she quickly recovered and quickly said those words.

He raised his brow and asked, "Are you sure? I might want your life, you know?"

"Li-life?!" She was startled before she nodded with a determined gaze. "Yes, please!"

"....." Tamazuki.

"I, we, all of us might die here, and I don't want that! Please save them, Tanuki-chan! I will sign a contract with you!"

Everyone was going to die, including her, so why shouldn't she make a contract with a tanuki?

"And-and... I can tell that you're not a bad guy."

She also felt that the tanuki in front of her was gentle.

He looked at her for a moment before he nodded. "...then, let's sign a contract. From now on, I will protect you, and you will be my servant."


"What? Do you want to be my lover? I don't have an interest in a little girl." He snorted, showing disdain at her body.


Kana understood where the source of annoyance came from.

"Then, please!"

Still, she endured her irritation and begged him.


He stretched his paw and ordered. "Give me your hand."


She was a bit curious before she touched his paw. 'Wow, it's so soft!' She couldn't help but rub it, but her hand was slapped by his paw.

"Be serious." He rolled his eyes.


She looked at him in resentment, but she nodded hurriedly, and suddenly an intense light shone in this dark space, causing everything to stop still.

The children and the group of Gagoze covered their eyes since it was just too blinding. Then, when they recovered their eyesight, they were in a daze and couldn't help but show surprise when they suddenly saw a figure appear before them.

The figure yawned lazily before he walked to the closest Gagoze and ripped it apart with his claw-like fingernails.


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