Taming The Villainesses

Episode 278.1

Episode 278.1

(EP-278.1) Fairy and Summer Trip #2

278 – The Clumsy Fairy and the Summer Trip #2

When Mirna asked if I was going to the wall, I decided to be honest.

“I’m considering it. But it’s not an easy decision to embark on a journey to the northern territories, so I’m hesitating.”

“The wall… are you perhaps trying to follow in the footsteps of your father, Isaiah?”

Can she deduce that much from just this?

As expected, Mirna was sharp in more ways than one. Knowing that someone like her would be on my side in the future made me feel quite reassured.

“There’s Isaiah’s trail, but there are also various other reasons. Considering the upcoming tournament in the Witch Forest, I also need to check if the wall’s security is solid.”

Mirna should be able to understand with just that explanation.


She then folded her arms, seemingly lost in thought, and asked me.

“Isaiah Gospel, do you remember anything about that man?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never actually met him. I don’t know why he disappeared beyond the wall either. It would be good to find out, but….”

What if, as Reinhardt said, Isaiah had gone mad like the rest of the Angmar family and jumped the wall?

And if I, too, might not be free from the hallucinations and delusions that drive our family to madness, it would be wise to find out where Isaiah went and what he did to prepare for my own future.

「You have calmly judged the situation!

You have gained experience points through the talent 《Calm Thinking》.

All job experience +5」

As I calmly mulled over the situation, Mirna chuckled softly.

“Perhaps he also met the nymph who became Sir Theo’s mother there. She might have been a nymph living in the Witch Forest.”

My nymph mother…

I nodded.

“That’s quite likely. If not in the Witch Forest, then it’s highly probable they met beyond the wall. But the lands beyond the wall aren’t exactly suitable for nymphs to live in….”

I’ve heard that beyond the wall, it’s a place where life struggles to survive. The land was tainted, the air was heavy, and the black sun scorches endlessly in the sky.

The worst thing was the existence of the shadow army and crazy monsters lurking beyond the wall. There’s no way a delicate nymph could have lived in such a place, which even the strongest warriors fear.

Of course, this was all but stories, so seeing it with my own eyes might change my perspective.

Mirna asked.

“Sir Theo, do you have any memories of your mother?”

“My mother…”

“Can you remember anything, like what kind of nymph she was?”


Of course, that’s only based on the memories of this body, Theo Gospel. But as the human, Lee Sung-eum, I do have quite a few memories of my mother.

The most vivid was playing hide-and-seek inside our cramped home.

I remember hiding in a wardrobe full of clothes, drawing pictures on the inside of the door to pass the time until my mother found me.

How old was I then?

Maybe about five years old.

Perhaps those were my very first memories.

But what Mirna was asking about wasn’t the memories of Lee Sung-eum, the human. So, I shook off the vaguely floating memories in my head.

“I can’t recall much about my mother either.”

“It seems I’ve asked something unnecessary. I apologize, Sir Theo.”

Mirna seemed to regret asking about my past, realizing I grew up without a proper guardian. That kind of reaction was something I was used to.

Most people who learned about my solitary upbringing would often feel the same way—apologetic and uncomfortable, even though it wasn’t their fault.

At that moment, Mirna, who had been hiding her face behind her fan, asked.

“… Is that why you want to create a family with 30 children?”

Was it? I don’t think so, but explaining would take too long, so I decided to give a simple answer.


“You must be searching for the ideal mother figure among various women, driven by a longing for maternal affection. It’s the result of emotional deprivation during your childhood…! That’s what made you this way, Sir Theo…!”


When Mirna puts it like that, it sounds quite convincing.

I didn’t really think of it that way, but after hearing her, it almost seems plausible. No wonder people seek out counselors and undergo therapy.


Then, Mirna suddenly stood up from her chair and spread her arms wide.


Her expression was a mix of solemnity—like a resolute zealot, and shy embarrassment—as if she were a newlywed bride just lifting the veil on her wedding night.

I asked.

“What are you doing?”

“… Sir Theo, now that I think about it, you must have gone through really difficult and tough experiences. At times, you must have been unable talk to anyone—enduring alone in silence.”

Is that so?

Maybe that’s it, maybe it’s not.

“So, you’re offering to hug me?”

“…That’s right!”

Mirna was a more compassionate woman than I thought. So, without hesitation, I leaned into her, embracing her body with mine.


Hugging a woman was unexpectedly soft and warm, which made my heart feel like a springy jelly.

Refreshing scent of apple mint.

Arms touching each other’s backs.

The sensation of a soft and gentle chest.

“Sir Theo, does your heart feel a bit more at ease now…?”

My heart.

My heart, huh.

While I was thinking about how I felt, Mirna whispered something rather surprising in my ear.

“You seem to have grown taller than before.”


Did I grow taller again?

I’m growing well. I must be around 170 cm now.

“But Sir Theo, why are you leaning back?”

I honestly replied to Mirna.

“Because something else grew as well.”

A hug between a man and a woman softens the heart and hardens desires.

I had been trying to ignore it, not wanting to taint the hug that Mirna had offered out of kindness and goodwill. But it seems it was noticeable after all.

Mirna let out a small sigh.

“… It’s hard to believe that just a while ago, you were talking about nymph flu and how you didn’t have much time left. But now, you’re so healthy.”


Mirna pushed me away, creating a slight awkwardness between us. For some reason, it felt both uncomfortable and strangely thrilling.

Mirna pushed me away, creating a slight awkwardness between us. For some reason, it felt both uncomfortable and strangely thrilling.

I watched Mirna’s side profile as she fanned her flushed face, thinking that the atmosphere was good—just then, there was a knock at the door.

Knock, knock.

* * *

“I heard you called for me, Aira-nim.”

I bowed deeply in front of Aira, who sat on her throne. Just when things seemed to be going well with Mirna, I was summoned here.

Though, the person who called me was silent.



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