Taming The Villainesses

Episode 276.2

Episode 276.2

(EP-276.2) Confession #4

276 – Reconciliation and Confession #4

“I used to think that way too. But it’s not. This is reality.”

“I wish I could go back to when I knew nothing. Even if it were just last night. No, I wish I could go back to this morning….”

“You know that’s not possible, Lady Mirna. Still, I told you the truth because I truly trust and cherish you.”

“Trust…? Cherish…?”

Mirna looked up at me with eyes half-filled with tears. Her expression was so pitiful and innocent, making her seem vulnerable and evoking a strange desire to torment her just a little.

I calmly spoke to Mirna.

“Think about it from the opposite perspective. If you were in my position, imagine how dangerous it would be to reveal such truths and feelings to someone….”

“Sniff… I don’t know, I don’t know anything anymore….”

To see Mirna break down like this… Even though I anticipated this reaction, actually witnessing it made me feel flustered and inexplicably guilty.

But what’s done is done.

“Given the situation, let’s set aside what’s happened so far and start anew, together, Lady Mirna. There may be some tough times ahead, but just trust me and follow my lead. I’ll give you the world.”

“The world…?”

“We’ll all become masters of the world.”

Even I thought it sounded cool. However, Elga, who had been watching from the side, snorted and abruptly walked out. 

It seemed she didn’t like seeing me and Mirna so close to each other.

* * *

As we talked about various things, evening had fallen. As I stepped outside the shop, Mirna spoke to me.

“Sir Theo, the stories I heard today are hard to believe, and they’re so complex. Honestly, it’s impossible for me to give you an answer today.”

“I completely understand. We don’t have much time, but I’d like to give you some time to consider.”

“How many people know about this?”

“Not many. Aside from Lady Mirna, Lady Elga, Lord Reinhardt, and myself…, just Professor Balan and one of my subordinates.”

“Professor Balan?”

Mirna’s brow furrowed. It was clear she still harbored resentment toward Professor Balan, the one responsible for the downfall of the Draco family.

“We’ll need to arrange another meeting soon, Sir Theo. I’m sure today’s discussion wasn’t everything.”

“Understood. Let me know when it’s convenient for you.”

“Then, I’ll head back first—I have a headache.”

Mirna hailed a nearby carriage and returned to the palace. As I watched the carriage disappear into the distance, Elga, who had been standing idly with her arms crossed, slowly approached me.

“I really don’t know anymore. We’ve reached the point of no return. Things have grown beyond our control.”

Elga was right.

The die had already been cast, and I had no choice but to move forward according to the number that had been rolled.

I couldn’t foresee what awaited me on the next square, but facing it was solely my responsibility.

Or perhaps now, it’s our responsibility.


It’s still a strange word to me.

Elga said.

“She took it better than I expected. I thought she’d throw a bigger fit.”

“I think she got more worked up than I anticipated. And there are still some things I haven’t told her….”

As my voice trailed off, Elga narrowed her eyes.

“Like the part about me being pregnant?”

“…Well, yes. In any case, thank you for being here today, Elga-nim. If you hadn’t been by my side, it might have been much more difficult.”

To acknowledge her efforts, I casually draped my arm around Elga’s waist. But she seemed a bit embarrassed, grumbling, “I didn’t really do anything,” as she pushed my arm away.

But I was sincere in what I said.

Sometimes, just having someone beside you can be reassuring. If Elga hadn’t been there, who knows if I could’ve handled Mirna’s outburst on my own….

Then, as if she suddenly remembered something, Elga asked. 

“So, Professor Balan and your subordinate also know about this?” 

“Yes, that’s correct. They’ve both helped me in various ways. I hope to introduce them to you and Lady Mirna someday.” 

“Hmm, Professor Balan. That minion of the Demon King…. I don’t know if I can trust those guys.” 

Elga seemed wary of Balan and Vassago. It’s understandable. After all, they were Solomon’s subordinates. But their loyalty to me was not false.

Now that I think about it, I wonder what they’re up to.

Not just them, but also the imps such as Marmar, Gargar, Tartar and Purpur. And I wondered how the ogre Gorgor and Lady Kalira, whom I had infiltrated as a school nurse, was doing.

Maybe I should reach out to them soon.

While pondering over this, a maid approached me as Elga and I were walking towards the royal palace’s resting quarters.

“You are… Clara? Miss Clara Douglas. It’s good to see you’re doing well.” 

“Thanks you. I appreciate you remembering my name.” 

She was a woman with neatly tied-back blonde hair. Clara Douglas. The daughter of Belmott, who was the Minister of Finance. A pitiful woman who, because of me, ended up working as a maid in the palace.

But then again, maybe not too pitiful, considering that being a court maid was one of the coveted jobs for women of high status. 

The pay was good, the benefits were numerous, and it comes with the bragging rights of “working at the palace.” Additionally, the job increases the chances of meeting noble heirs, providing plenty of opportunities to build connections.

Of course, Clara, who was placed here through my intervention, harbored a strong dislike for me.

“Theo Gospel, anyway, you have a letter. It was going around in circles since the sender’s name wasn’t clearly written.”

“A letter for me?”


I received a small envelope from Clara. On it, some rather crooked handwriting spelled out the recipient as “Teo Gospel.”

It should have been “Theo,” not “Teo.”

… Well, people often get confused.

With that feeling, I opened the letter and realized that it was from Marmar…!


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