Taming The Villainesses

Episode 275.2

Episode 275.2

(EP-275.2) Confession #3

275 – Reconciliation and Confession #3

It seemed that my choice to remain silent was a wise one, as a short while later, Mirna, now a bit more composed, finally spoke.

“Did Lady Lioness know about this?”

I was about to answer, thinking the question was directed at me, but Elga responded first, her voice small yet clear.

“I only found out recently.”

“Recently… so, you knew before I did? Sir Theo, you told Lady Lioness before me…?”


Mirna’s brow furrowed. It seemed she was feeling some anger at the fact that Elga had learned about such an important matter before she did.

In this situation, it was clear that I needed to provide a proper explanation. If I tried to gloss over it, I had the distinct feeling that my hair might get yanked out.

「You have calmly judged the situation!

You have gained experience points through the talent 《Calm Thinking》.

All job experience +5」

For real?


“What I’m telling you now, Mirna-nim is the first to hear it from me directly. As for Elga-nim, she figured it out before I could even say anything.”

Mirna’s eyes widened as large as tomatoes. I couldn’t believe that eyes could get that big, and those red pupils were intensely terrifying.

“Lady Lioness figured it out first? Is that even possible? No way!”

“What’s your problem? I’m just sitting here, why are you suddenly picking a fight? There were plenty of hints everywhere, you were the one who didn’t pick up on them, Mirna.”

Elga started growling in irritation. Mirna, too, furrowed her brow in anger.


“Yeah, when you think about it now, weren’t there a lot of suspicious signs? Red hair, strong magic, and a womanizer. It was basically being advertised right in front of you.”


Mirna seemed to ponder Elga’s words for a moment. Then, her face flushed, and her hair bristled.

“Even if you hadn’t told me directly, I would have figured it out soon enough…! So don’t get all smug, Lady Lioness…!”

“What? You didn’t know anything until just now. You always act so smart and superior, but when it comes to something important like this, you’re completely clueless. You’re all talk.”

“What did you say?”

“I said you’re all talk. Come to think of it, when fighting Opal, you were the first to get knocked out, leaving everyone else to suffer. You go on airs about noble duties, but when it really matters, you can’t do anything.”

Mirna trembled uncontrollably at Elga’s ruthless criticism.

Knowing how much it stressed Mirna to have been taken out early in the fight with Opal, I couldn’t help but feel a sudden surge of fear.

Mirna looked like she was about to scream any moment.

She quickly grabbed her fan, casually covering her face as she spoke with ease.

“And you—did you forget how you caused such a fuss over that nymph flu, making everyone suffer? How can someone be so suspicious?”


“There is no blessing in those who lack faith. I bet you were so full of doubt that you couldn’t trust Sir Theo and pried into everything! It’s obvious, even without seeing it!”

“Mirna, you b*tch…! Watch your mouth when you don’t know what you’re talking about…!”

The atmosphere between Elga and Mirna became tense. Fearing that another outburst was imminent, I trembled with anxiety.

But how could a man aiming for a harem can’t even keep the peace in the family?

It would be as irresponsible and reckless as taking several large dogs for a walk without leashes.

Biting off more than they can chew.

They who can’t even manage their wife shouldn’t start a harem. That’s my belief. So, I opened the mouth I had kept tightly shut.

“Hey, everyone, quiet down.”

At the same time, I felt the talent 《Charisma》, which I gained by reaching the Master level in the Actor job, activate. I could clearly feel my gentle voice seizing control of the audience.

Perhaps because of that, Elga and Mirna, who had been growling at each other until just a moment ago, closed their mouths and blinked at me.

However, instead of being overwhelmed by my pressure, their faces showed curiosity and wonder, as if they were thinking, “Why is he acting like this all of a sudden?”


Well, at least I made them quiet.

Anyway, taking advantage of the brief silence I barely managed to create and the gazes focused on me, I opened my mouth again.

“What’s important now is how we move forward. At this point, we’re all in the same boat, so we need to respect each other a bit more.”

We need to have a constructive conversation.

We don’t have much time to waste.

As if she understood this, Elga reluctantly clicked her tongue and sharply turned her head away.

Mirna also seemed displeased as she smacked her lips, but, being a lady who knows how to control her emotions, she sighed and nodded.

“I showed an embarrassing side of myself.”

“I understand. I would have done the same.”

“So, Sir Theo, I’m not sure what brought this change of heart, but the fact that you’re suddenly bringing this up to me means you must have something you want from me.”


In fact, what I’m going to say next.

Compared to the 「Angmar Family Revival Plan」, everything that has happened so far was nothing more than a speed bump, a precursor, or a warning.

Even so, knowing all this, I still feel a chill in my bones, and my lips were drying up as I think about how to explain it to Mirna!


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