Taming The Villainesses

Episode 274.2

Episode 274.2

(EP-274.2) Confession #2

274 – Reconciliation and Confession #2

“To say ‘you could say that’ is quite vague. But I heard that Sir Theo was raised in the Church’s orphanage…?”

“Well, that’s probably because both my parents passed away, and I was practically abandoned in the world. There’s no lie in that statement. I think…”

Now, I’m not even sure myself.

I can’t be certain whether this half-fairy was raised in an orphanage or not. All I know was the information that he was found in the Witch’s Forest in a log state. So, I decided to gloss over this part for now.

“Anyway, that’s not the important part. The point is that if my identity were to be revealed, it would be quite troublesome.”


* * *

Mirna Draco.

She had dressed up quite elaborately today.

It was because Theo Gospel, the man she held in her heart, had invited her to a high-end establishment in Angmar. He mentioned having something important to discuss—a confession, perhaps?

At this point, what else could there be to confess between the half-fairy and herself? She couldn’t be sure, but a confession always has the power to make one’s heart race, whether for good or bad.

So, Mirna had made time in her busy schedule to attend. Although she was a bit disappointed that the annoying Lady Lioness was present too.

The key point was that she had noticed the half-fairy was struggling to say something big.

“If my identity were to be revealed…, it would cause all sorts of major issues and chaos. So, I hope that Lady Mirna could keep it a secret…”

She knew he was always cautious, but the fact that he was giving such repeated warnings and requests suggested that this was no ordinary matter.

A man who seemed somewhat unsettled.

Mirna decided to organize the situation based on what she had heard so far.

“So, in other words, Sir Theo is the last remaining descendant of a fallen noble family.”

“Exactly, you got it right.”

“That, well, I always knew Sir Theo was an extraordinary person.”

The half-fairy was a man of great etiquette and grace.

Though he occasionally showed the childlike tendencies of fairies. Setting that aside, he was a man who could enjoy elegant conversations and sophistication just as much as any noble.

If he had blue blood flowing through him, then everything that had happened until now made perfect sense.

Additionally, the fact that he was originally a noble heir wasn’t bad news for Mirna either. Nobles marrying nobles was highly desirable in the long-standing traditions of Angmar.

‘Of course, his rank might be a bit lower than mine…’

Compared to the Draco family, once known as the Dragon Kings, which noble house wouldn’t seem lesser in rank? With that thought, Mirna reconciled with herself.

“But you say this fact must remain hidden. Why is that?”


As the half-fairy hesitated, the wise and intelligent Mirna was able to come up with an answer. There were many reasons for a family’s downfall.

“Are debt collectors chasing after Sir Theo to collect the debts of your family?”

“That could be one way to look at it. In any case, Lady Mirna, the truth is that many people may despise me. My family bears certain karma.”

“Hmm, I see. Is this why Sir Theo seeks the help of me and Lady Lioness?”

“That’s right.”

“Are you trying to borrow the powerful Draco family to eliminate your enemies, and revitalize your house?”

“You’re quick to understand, and indeed, very wise.”

Mirna felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that her assumptions were correct. However, at the same time, she couldn’t help but feel a bit sad, thinking that the half-fairy approached her for power and influence.

As if sensing her feelings, the half-fairy spoke up first.

“Of course, that reason played a part. But even without it, I believe anyone who met Lady Mirna would naturally come to admire you.”

“Th, Wh-What a shameless thing to say…! And with Lady Lioness right here too…!”

Mirna’s face flushed bright red. She buried her face into the soft, fluffy Yingying that was in her arms and began to stammer.

“Did you perhaps call me here just to say such embarrassing things? To declare our relationship in front of Lady Lioness…?”


“There’s a bit of that, but actually, what I really to say is…”

As the half-fairy was about to say something, the eldest daughter of the Liones family, who had been listening with her arms crossed, suddenly frowned deeply.

“I can’t stand this anymore. So are you going to say it or not? At this rate, we’ll be here all day without getting anywhere.”

Lioness’ were known for being short-fused

According to rumors, they’re so impatient that they can’t even wait for meat to cook, so they’ve taken to eating it raw.

Mirna looked at Lady Lioness—gradually feeling a bit prickly, her softened mood turning sharp. Then finally, as if having made up his mind, the half-fairy let out a deep sigh.

He acknowledged the blonde woman, saying, “Elga-nim is right. I wasn’t being manly,” and then bit his lips.

But when he spoke again, what came out of his mouth was surprising.

“You’re probably already aware that Solomon had a son. And that son had a son as well…, and if that son were a peculiar half-fairy….”


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