Taming The Villainesses

Episode 271.1

Episode 271.1

(EP-271.1) #3

271 – Reconciliation #3

Reinhardt asked me. 

What would remain of me if not for the titles the Queen? There was only one answer.

“The truth.”

“The truth? How unabashedly you speak of it. Amusing.”


I am quite perceptive. 

If I weren’t, I would have already stumbled and fallen somewhere along the way. You could say my intuition was sharp.

From what I can tell, everything that has transpired was undoubtedly part of Reinhardt’s plan and design.

He had his people capture me and used the excuse of a strange illness to stick that swab up my nose.

It was a message—a challenge or perhaps a warning.

Something like, ‘I know who you really are. And I can kill you anytime I want.’ 

It seems that Elga, for some reason and through some process, had revealed my identity to Reinhardt.

Perhaps information was leaked during the process of examining the red magic. Elga wasn’t really good at being sneaky, so it wouldn’t be surprising if she was discovered somewhere along the way.

「You have calmly judged the situation!

You have gained experience points through the talent 《Calm Thinking》.

All job experience +5」 

It had been a while since Calm Thinking was triggered.

And it served as a sign that my thoughts were correct. Who would have thought that being exposed by Elga would snowball into something so big?

It was my fault for underestimating Elga’s proactive attitude and suspicions.

I have no one to blame but myself.

At that moment, Reinhardt spoke.

“There is much to be said. But neither of us enjoys long discussions, so let’s keep it brief. Step aside.”

“Step aside, you say?”

“Let go of everything and head to a quiet land in the West. I’ll grant you one of the territories I manage, and you can live a normal life there.”


There was something tempting about his offer. Despite his reputation as the Iron-Blooded Chancellor, Reinhardt’s demeanor was surprisingly kind and compassionate.

That’s likely why, even after discovering my identity, he staged that bizarre capture. If he had wanted to, he could have disposed of me in secret.

Of course, there’s also Queen Aira’s wrath. But it seemed that Reinhardt want to at least show me some mercy.

“You won’t have to worry about making a living. Depending on how you manage things, you could even live quite comfortably. It would be better for you.”

“That’s quite an assertion.”

“In a fertile and prosperous land, you could have children, cultivate fields with your own hands, and close your eyes in peace, surrounded by your offspring. Such a life suits a half-fairy, no?”

At his explanation, an image of a peaceful life floated through my mind. I saw myself wearing a straw hat under the blazing sun, with my children waving at me.

Returning home, there would be cool drinks waiting, and worry-free wives, warmly welcoming me back….

It was a life that seemed joyful and complete on its own, perhaps even close to the happy ending I longed for.

But deep within me, there was a part that rejected this vision. The ending was appealing, but the process wasn’t to my taste.

“Do you really think I would choose that?”

“It would be better if you did. I heard about your plan from my daughter. Reuniting your family through a method that’s more like a child’s fantasy.”

He heard my plan from Elga? For a moment, I felt embarrassed, as if someone had found a diary full of my private thoughts.

But the man’s next words hardened my heart.

“Don’t you know better than anyone that the world doesn’t turn so peacefully? Angmar’s vengeance isn’t like that. It’s bloodier, more ruthless.”

Bloodier, ruthless…

Something seemed to stir in my mind, but I shook my head.

“Isn’t it enough if I simply choose not to act that way?”

“Your opinion doesn’t matter. The world doesn’t operate as peacefully as a child’s imagination. In the face of great waves of fate, an individual’s will is like a leaf caught in the tide.”


Reinhardt, firmly dismissing my words, stood up from his chair. Soon after, he turned his back to me and gazed at the moon rising outside the window as he spoke.

“After the Demon King’s death, Opal Bellhawk began to pursue eternal life. Draco researched the method of becoming an immortal lich and the half-soul forbidden art, ruining even his daughter’s life.”


“My father and the Lioness expanded our military forces even further, increasing our number of troops. And lastly, the witches of Tarantera…”

He started to say something but then abruptly clamped his lips shut. As I tried to understand what he was about to speak, he continued.

“The Demon King is alive.”

I couldn’t help but laugh from deep within my gut.

“…Lord Reinhardt, do you seriously believe Opal’s nonsense? I never imagined you were such a sentimental person.”

“It’s not nonsense. The Demon King is alive. That’s why we fear his revenge. That’s why we’ve sought power, even through the most forbidden means.”


“So, once again, I ask you. You can even call it a plea. Stop poking the hornet’s nest. That path only leads to ruin.”

There was a certain sincerity in Reinhardt’s voice. He was genuinely asking me to quit everything and simply live a peaceful life.


I couldn’t stop now.

“Lord Reinhardt, I truly appreciate your offer, but I want to understand the meaning of my life.”

If there’s an effect, there’s a cause. 

I’ve always wanted to know why I’m going through these things.

Should I say that there’s always been this strange feeling? That my being in this position was no mere coincidence.

You could call it childish, like the fantasies of a child.

But this was the very concept and foundation that has driven and sustained me this far. Now that it feels like the end was finally in sight, there’s no way I can stop here.

So I said to Reinhardt.

“At the end of this path, I feel like I might finally understand that meaning. The answer to so many questions.”

“The meaning of life…”

Reinhardt suddenly burst into laughter. It didn’t seem like he was mocking me, but rather, he was reacting as if he had heard something amusing or nostalgic.

“There was a time when I said those exact words to someone. But in the end, he didn’t listen to me. He gave the same answer you just did.”

He finally turned around and grabbed the sword on the desk.

“If it were that Aleister, perhaps… But in the end, trying to persuade someone like this doesn’t suit me. A lion has its ways.”



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