Taming The Villainesses

Episode 266.2

Episode 266.2

(EP-266.2) Song #3

266 – Cicada’s Song #3

Reinhardt ignited up like a flame as he understood. However, rather than getting angry, he soon calmed down and sighed. 

“…So, you have made your choice. I once felt the same. But, Elganes, youth and love are fleeting. When you’re left alone, as I am, all that remains is practicality.”

“I won’t end up like that.”

As a half-fairy, his life would be long. Even if she passed away first, she believed the man would never leave her. But Reinhardt shook his head.

“No, you will. The man you’re trying to hide… his life is already nearing its end. Even if I don’t use my hands, he won’t last much longer.”

“W-what do you mean…?”

Elga trembled at the shocking revelation. Reinhardt sighed deeply, saying, “Didn’t you know?” before adding an explanation. 

“The average person has less than 10% red mana. The Angmar family average is 30%. But how much did the sample you brought have?”

Recalling the test results filled with complex figures, Elga murmured. 


“That’s right. Even Solomon himself was said to have only 50% red mana in his body. Any more than that, a mortal body cannot withstand the increasing mana and begins to break down. But 80%…”

Reinhardt stopped himself from saying more.

━80%. It’s amazing he’s survived this long. But eventually, it’s just a matter of time.

He wanted to say that, but instead, he just sighed. It was the least amount of mercy he could show his daughter for making such a foolish choice. After all, he was still her father.

Mem, mem, mem-.

The cicadas’ song buzzed loudly in Reinhardt’s ears. But he was a patient man.

The cicadas’ song was temporary.

Soon, they would lose their strength, fall to the ground, and become nothing but dust. There was no need to take any action.

* * *

On a charming teahouse with a terrace adorned with palm trees.

Elga looked even more beautiful than the last time I saw her.

Her proud blonde hair shimmered brighter as if sprinkled with gold dust, and her face was painted with light makeup.

She wore a red dress that clung to her body, accentuating her ample chest in a very seductive way. Who did she doll up like this for?

Could it be for me? It must be.

A stunning beauty who draws everyone’s attention. The thought of sitting at a table with such a flower, drinking tea, made me feel a swell of pride.


However, Elga looked uncomfortable. As I wondered why, I remembered that we had a big fight not too long ago.

I didn’t know why Elga called me here. 

But I came to apologize for what happened, to make amends for everything up until now, and to express my true feelings to her. To speak honestly without overthinking it.

Like a man.

‘Elga-nim, I’m really sorry for lying. But my feelings for you are genuine. Once everything is resolved, I promise to make you happy without any more tears. Please forgive me.’

I practiced this countless times.

It might come out a bit differently when I actually say it, but I’ll do my best.

Uhum—Clearing my throat, I opened my mouth.


But no sound came out.

That’s strange.

Why can’t I speak…?

As I struggled with my confusion, Elga opened her mouth. Her red-painted lips moved, but I couldn’t hear her voice either.


What was she saying?

Soon, Elga started crying. She burst into tears.

As she cried suddenly, I reached for my handkerchief when…. 


A noose suddenly flew from somewhere and wrapped around my arm and neck. The sensation of being choked hit me instantly, and all I could do was struggle.

━Urk, geeek-!

I opened my mouth, trying to scream silently.

Elga, you’ve sold me out after all─!



Then I felt pain explode across my face and shuddered. As I came to my senses, I saw red eyes staring at me.

“You’re calling out Lady Lioness’ name even in your sleep. How terrible. You need a good scolding to wake up, don’t you? But what did Lady Lioness sell?”


A dream?

Was it just a dream?

It was only then that I realized what I had seen was a dream and that I was still inside the dungeon.

F*ck, a dream.

It was a really vivid and shit†y dream. Before, I used to have recurring dreams of being dragged to the guillotine with Aira.

Now that the guillotine ending seems to be getting further away, was I starting to dream of being dragged out after being betrayed by Elga? In any case, it was extremely ominous.


I rubbed my neck and stood up. Mirna clicked her tongue at me.

“My goodness, you’re sweating so much. Anyone would think you’d fallen into a river.”

“You’re right. I should wash up.”

“Anyway, we’re getting out of the dungeon today. Let’s get the spring water quick. If we’re serious, it won’t take long.”

Mirna said confidently.

In fact, once she really got into the swing of things and began to familiarize herself with the dungeon’s strategy, the dungeon itself was very easy to explore.

━Lizard’s tail!


Trap-Crabs were no match for Mirna in ‘serious-mode’.

Thus, Mirna completed the request and purchased the ‘black paulownia staff that’s been struck by lightning several times’ at a discounted price.

“It’s a fine piece of wood. Smells nice too. And I made a connection with it by obtaining it after completing the request. It’ll make a splendid tool.”

“Hm, you seem to know your stuff. The connection with one’s tools is important.” 

As Mirna smiled with satisfaction, the shopkeeper witch suddenly exclaimed, “Ah,” as if she remembered something.

“There’s a letter for you. Let’s see, I kept it here somewhere. People sent letters. Here it is, a letter with the lion’s seal.”


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