Taming The Villainesses

Episode 258.2

Episode 258.2

(EP-258.2) Like the Wind #3

258 – Like The Fleeting Wind #3

Elga fell silent. Her brows were furrowed and her face twisted, as if she was itching to strangle me right then and there.

However, after calmly thinking through things from various angles, I realized that this moment was not necessarily a crisis.

If Elga intended to harm me, she would have called the guards to capture me like prey rather than talking to me like this. Or, she would have killed me herself.

The fact that she hadn’t done so meant there was still room for dialogue.

It seemed there’s also confusion in Elga. And that confusion could likely be an ally for me.

In fact, it wasn’t as if I hadn’t prepared for unexpected situations like this.

Even though it’s a bit cowardly, I think I’ll try using the method I had planned for in advance.

I stood up, and straightened my shoulders and chest. 

Confidence was crucial.

“Actually, you know it well, don’t you? Elga-nim, you’re no longer in a position to back out. The one inside your belly will also inherit this red mana or something.”

“What, what!?”

“Right now, inside Elga-nim, there’s a little Angmar.”


Elga screamed. There was no other way to describe it but a scream. It made me wonder if it was really that devastating.

But from Elga’s perspective, it made sense.

To find out she had been manipulated by the very descendant of Angmar she sought to eliminate, and to top it off, now carrying his child—Could there be anything more terrifying for Elga?

* * *

Sometimes, there are things that are better left unknown. There are many times when it’s better to just live without knowing. For example, when she learned the truth about how babies were made.

Little Elganes, who thought babies were brought by lions, was shocked by the truth and didn’t speak to her parents for several days.

‘You said lions bring babies!’ 

The betrayal of a lie.

It would have been better not to have known─that’s what she thought. The same goes for now. The sense of betrayal and shock was many times worse than that moment.

“Elga-nim will give birth to a little Angmar. And your name will also become Elganes Von Angmar.”


Elga seemed to be on the verge of collapsing from the horrific truth. She wanted to believe it wasn’t reality, but it was all too vivid.

“I’m giving birth to an Angmar…! That can’t be…!”

“But it’s the truth. Elga-nim, you’ve already crossed an irreparable river. Think about it. If Elga-nim reveals the truth to everyone now…”

The irritating half-fairy fell silent. But Elga wasn’t an idiot, she understood very well what would happen next. The impregnable fortress of authority of the Lioness would crumble.

━Look, there goes the traitor.

━Hiding Angmar’s spawn wasn’t enough, now they’re even giving birth to one? Ugh, tsk-tsk.


Elga shook her head violently, then composed herself and glared at the half-fairy.

“How could you do this to me!”

Suddenly, Elga remembered that this half-fairy was seeking revenge for his fallen family. Indeed, he was telling the truth.

This was revenge itself.

Such a productive yet horrifying revenge. Elga couldn’t understand it. So many things were incomprehensible.

Her heart oscillated desperately between heaven and hell, filled with the urge to scream into the distance.

All her unresolved emotions finally surged up, and she burst out into tears.

That’s right.

Elga started to cry.

When a person cannot suppress their anger, they often end up shedding tears. Especially for someone like Elganes, with a sensitive, girlish emotional nature.

Inexpressible emotions. There was something clearly lodged in her heart, but explaining it was difficult and even more so to articulate.

“How could you do this to me…!”



The half-fairy, who had seemed so self-assured, also appeared taken aback by the tears flowing freely. 

He glanced around and took out a handkerchief, and wiped the tears from Elga’s eyes. Then, he whispered softly.

“Elga-nim, the time we spent together was sincere.”


“Yes. Regardless of anything else. The time I spent with Elga-nim was truly enjoyable.”

“…What are you saying in this situation!”

It might be a trick, but the half-fairy’s sweet words slightly improved Elga’s mood. The half-fairy seemed to ease the feelings that even she couldn’t describe.

The half-fairy continued.

“For being the first to discover this fact, Elga-nim gets an extra 10 points for honesty.”

Elga was stunned.

“What!? Is that important now!?”

Her sunken heart surged back like a swarm of bees. If Elga had a bee-like stinger, she would have jammed it into the half-fairy’s neck and die herself.

However, the half-fairy remained calm.

“This situation makes it important. Elga-nim, the times cannot be reversed. The era of Angmar must return. It would be better for Elga-nim as well.”

“Why would that be better for me?”

“If I fail, Elga-nim will also become a traitor who supported the rebellion. But if I succeed in seizing the throne, Elga-nim will become a meritorious subject who helped me.”


It seemed like a valid point. However, it also felt like she’s become a pawn in the half-fairy’s board, which stirred a sense of irritation in Elga, as she growled in anger.

“You will not die easily, I assure you.”

It was half-serious, half-joking.

With his red hair glimmering under the moonlight, the half-fairy softly replied.

“Indeed, Elga-nim and I are on the same page.”

That too was likely meant as a half-joke.

His figure was as ethereal as if he didn’t belong to this world, as fleeting as the wind slipping through her fingers─.

Elga could only swallow the words she wanted to say.

Then, suddenly, she felt angry. 

“Stop showing off!”



The half-fairy clutched his head, hunched over, after that smack. Seeing his stupid look, everything she had been taking seriously suddenly seemed ridiculous.

“So, what are you going to do? You clueless bastard. Have you thought about what to do? If you don’t explain properly, I’m really going to grind you up…!” 


The half-fairy, tears welling up in his eyes, raised one finger.

“I knew you’d ask something like that, so I’ve already made a plan. Would you like to hear it?” 


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