Taming The Villainesses

Episode 257.1

Episode 257.1

(EP-257.1) Like the Wind #2

257 – Like The Fleeting Wind #2

Under the escort of Elga and the soldiers, I made my way to the third floor underground laboratory of the mansion.

For a moment, the memory of the battle fought here sent a chill down my spine. Elga walked briskly and led us to the machine throne where Opal had been sitting.

“Why are we here?”

Despite having secured the area, the place still felt eerie. Various mechanical devices were still humming and whirring.

It’s creepy.

Then Elga said.

“I couldn’t make sense of it, so I thought maybe you could. Have you seen this before?”


She pointed to a thick tank.

Inside the bubbling blue liquid was a small human figure. A boy who appeared to be around 10-12 years old. With the pointed ears, he was probably an elf.

He looked strangely familiar.

But despite my good memory, I couldn’t recall where I had seen such a boy before.

“I think this is my first time seeing him.”

I had no idea something like this was here.

Back then, I was solely focused on fighting Opal, so I had no capacity to notice my surroundings.

“For this to remain intact while everything else is destroyed… it must be very important. The magic circle inscribed around it also seems unusual.” 

Elga remarked.

I looked into the tank again. As she said, it was strange that this tank remained unscathed amidst all the chaos.

At that moment, Narmi, who had followed us, spoke up.

“This magic circle… I think I’ve seen it somewhere before…”

“Do you know what it is?”

“I think I might remember… Maybe my sister knows. But she’s been unconscious since yesterday, so it might take a while for her to wake up, hehe.”

I see.

“Let’s make sure not to damage it and move it carefully. If we consult the researchers at the Angmar Palace, we might get some answers.”

“Alright, everyone, come help move this!”

At Elga’s command, the Lioness’ soldiers began dismantling most of the items in the Bellhawk family’s laboratory.

After roughly finishing the work, Elga clicked her tongue as she looked at the loads being placed on the carts.

“To think they were hiding this many technologies. Those elf bastards were up to no good behind the scenes. I have no idea what half of these devices are.”

It was just as Elgar said.

The technological advancements developed in Bellhawk’s basement were far beyond what we had imagined. Now that the laboratory had been uncovered, their technologies would gradually be revealed to the world.

Perhaps commercially available technologies, like air conditioning. 

“Opal, what was he trying to achieve with all this?”

As the situation was wrapping up, Elga voiced her doubts about everything that had happened. Then, as if recalling something, she murmured softly and added. 

“Theo, you might have heard it too. Didn’t it sound like Opal was trying to say that the Demon King is still alive?”

It seemed Elga had heard of it.

After ensuring there was no one around, I spoke softly.

“You need to be careful with your words, Elga-nim. This isn’t something to speak of lightly. You know this better than anyone.”

“I know, but it really sounded that way. Otherwise, I can’t understand why he would have gone to such extremes to amass such technology and military strength.”

Elga’s words made sense.

* * *

“So that’s what happened.”

Aira, having been briefed on most of the incident, nodded with a lazy expression while lounging on the throne. Even, yawning from time to time as she listened.

“So, what’s the conclusion?”

“The conclusion is that we’ve captured most of the Bellhawk family members. Our forces are also reaching out to branches and affiliates across the land. We’re working to identify all those involved.”

“Alright. But if you completely uproot a part of the family, the fallout could be significant and difficult to manage. Do you have a plan for that?”

At Aira’s question, I summarized the current situation.

“For now, Professor Stella… I mean, Stella Von Bellhawk is taking charge of the family and overseeing command.”

Stella was working with the family members who weren’t involved in the incident to clearly draw the line and responsibility for this case.

Those involved won’t escape punishment, but the elves unrelated to this incident will fall under Stella’s wing.

If the Bellhawk under Opal was the old season, the family would now enter a new season led by Stella Bellhawk. That was exactly what Stella was aiming for, so things turned out well.

However, Aira seemed slightly displeased.

“Still, the Bellhawk family needs a proper punishment, don’t they?”

“I knew Aira-nim would say that, so we plan to impose a massive restitution. Around one million gold—”

Before I could finish, Aira’s eyes widened.

It was rare for Aira to be surprised, happening maybe once or twice a year. So I decided to save that expression in my memory.

“One million gold? Isn’t that enough to build several fortresses? With that amount, we could host the martial festival.”

“That’s correct.”

“Indeed, Theo, everything goes smoothly when left to you.”

Aira smiled contentedly.

Ultimately, the Bellhawk family’s bizarre ambition was crushed and Aira’s financial concerns was resolved all in one stroke, making this a relatively clean conclusion.

However, Elga, who was leaning against a pillar and listening to the conversation, clicked her tongue.

“With the country in this state, do you think holding a tournament or whatever is a good idea? Things are already chaotic.”

She had a point.

The hero Opal was dead.

Only those involved knew the truth. But there are no perfect secrets. Even with strict precautions, the rumor would gradually spread throughout the country like smoke.

The kingdom might collectively become somber.

A festival in such a situation…

But Aira merely chuckled.

“That’s exactly why we need a festival. A grand and magnificent celebration to show everyone that the kingdom’s status and influence remain intact. It shows that everything is fine.”

Is that right?

While I was deep in thought, Elga tossed something she had been holding to Aira. Aira caught it with telekinesis and furrowed her brows slightly.

“This is?”

“I thought Opal might not have been the only problem, so I looked into it. It’s the list of the Lioness family’s budget use from the year Solomon was subjugated to this year.”


Aira lazily read the scroll she had unfurled. Then, after growing tired of it, she handed it to me nearby.

I carefully accepted it and read through the contents. As I my brain heated looking at the complex numbers, Elga added an explanation.

“Look at the military expenses. From the year of the Demon King’s subjugation to the death of my grandfather, Vald Lioness, the military budget increased astronomically every year.”

“Um, that’s right.”


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