Taming The Villainesses

Episode 255.2

Episode 255.2

(EP-255.2) Caged #10

255 – Caged Bird #10

Now, Opal had to bear all the problems alone. It was good that he had overwhelming capital and technology. He also had the fortune to defy death.

He asked. 

“I fear death?”

It was a laughable question.

“In my long life, I have never once feared my own death!”

The blonde-haired commander frowned, as if she couldn’t understand him.

“Then what exactly are you doing?”

“But I’m afraid of death.”


“The things that will happen in this world after my death. Everything you will have to endure once I am gone. That is why I’m afraid of my death. It is beyond your capabilities.”


They were out of their depth.

They struggled to even those who was but a fragment of their genius and was clinging to life by misguided methods.

They were woefully inadequate.

“You are completely insane. You don’t even know what you’re saying right now.”

Their attitude was one of incomprehension.

But Opal himself had never asked for understanding. He merely wished to escape this place and shatter the shell of the world to awaken everyone.


Something targeted the back of Opal’s neck.


Opal’s talent《Super Sense》alerted him to the danger. Turning his head, he saw the half-fairy who had been quietly chanting all this time.

A peculiar being.

When that guy first arrived at the mansion, Opal was reminded of the wall that had tormented him for a long time. So he met him once in the hallway.

But he was a trivial character.

Not even worth killing.

Perhaps the ominous feeling he had sensed emanated from the remains of the man named Orobis Angmar who was behind him. So he cut the remains instead of the fairy.

‘I just thought I was mistaken.’

However, it was clear that whatever the half-fairy was preparing was something ominous. Had Super Sense ever screamed like this recently?

‘It must be stopped.’

That magic.

No, there was a palpable sense of malice emanating from the half-fairy’s very presence.

And it seemed that this malice was of the same kind of nightmare that had continued to haunt Opal and his allies, even after the war had ended.

No way…!

Opal extended his arm.

This time, he was prepared to sever the half-fairy’s neck, channeling his murderous intent into a sword. His body was already battered.

Yet he had no doubt that his life existed solely for this moment.


It was then something flew and pierced his broken body. Turning his head, he saw his younger sister watching him from the darkness.

The magic engineered heart attached to his chest. To think she would aim and shoot precisely at it.

“Yes, you have always had the edge in archery. But—”

─You cannot block my ultimate blade.

Finally, Opal unleashed the intangible sword.

In his mind’s eye, the blade would slice through the half-fairy’s thin neck and scatter blood.

Hwichong—. The half-fairy’s body trembled violently.


He did not fall.


Then the half-fairy shouted.

“Everyone, get away!”

* * *

Since the appearance of the daily list, I had steadily accumulated Little Demon King experience points, approaching almost the 6th rank.

It occurred to me that it might be a good idea to create an attack magic fitting for the 6th rank.

Thus, I created the annihilation incineration spell “Mopet Plasma.”

A sphere of magic that had been compressed to the extreme. It was an intense magic that annihilated everything it touched when released at full power. The downside was that the incantation took a long time.

It was a great magic that couldn’t be used against regular people, but my opponent was Opal Bellhawk. I didn’t have the luxury to worry about magic ethics or such things.

The problem was that Opal seemed to have noticed my chanting and countered with that “Mind Sword” of his. I felt a stinging pain in my throat, but I clenched my teeth.

After all, it was not a real wound. It was all just imagination!

「Talent 《Charisma》 shakes off the opposing force!」

Good, whatever it was, I was still alive.

“Everyone, get away!”

Finally, the magic was released from the tip of my wand.


Its shape and size were about as small as a honey candy.

But its destructive power was not to be underestimated.

The only drawback was its slow speed, but that was no issue for hitting the already exhausted Opal.

Pajik, pajik, fijik-!

The plasma lightning emanating from the sphere mercilessly lashed at Opal’s body.

Pajik, pajijik-!


In the end, he couldn’t even scream and was charred standing up.


At the same time, my secret lightning candy fizzled out, dwindling to a small bubble. Everything became silent, as if the situation was over. Soon, people began to talk.

━T-That’s incredible power.

━It’s like Archmage Isabelle’s magic… I have no idea what kind of spell it was.

It felt like it was all over.

Just as I was about to breathe a sigh of relief. 

“I can’t die in a place like this─.”

The scorched fairy muttered. His astonishing vitality sent chills and tremors through everyone.

As a result, people took a step back. Perhaps because they were crushed by his superhuman will and power.

“I— I can’t die here. It’s not over yet. We haven’t resolved anything. I have to settle this….”

━Ugh, aaah-!

There were soldiers who were overwhelmed by the atmosphere and fled. However, Elga, who should have been rallying them, simply gripped her halberd with a tense expression.

“… A true monster.”


But regardless of Opal’s will, his body had already reached its limit.

With each slow step he took towards the gate, his scorched body crumbled, and he collapsed, his knees giving way. Eventually, he fell and hit the ground face-first.

However, what he said next was quite surprising to me as well.

“You asked if I fear death. No, I do not fear death. But you should be afraid. Our failure… now, there’s no way to make up for it…”

His voice was as faint as a dying ember.

“It’s impossible for you. You’re insufficient. You…”

To him, I asked what I had been curious about for a long time.

“What do you mean you failed?”

“We failed…. We had no c…hoice but to… compromise. We co…uldn’t kill… Demon King Solomon is still… Vald, Isabelle, the enemy forces at the rear…, the Demon King’s army is endless in the fortress… This way, a shortcut…. All toward the throne….”

Vald and Isabelle were his old companions. 

It seems he was seeing visions from the past.

Finally, he scattered into black ash.

And no one spoke.





「Final Goal Progress: ¼」

Edited by: faker


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