Taming The Villainesses

Episode 254.2

Episode 254.2

(EP-254.2) Caged #9

254 – Caged Bird #9

Though the researchers and elf soldiers had been conducting inhumane and unethical experiments, seeing them die like this was a bit pitiful. 

“This way!”

Stella ran ahead, and I followed her towards the surface. As we ascended from the second basement to the first floor, the scene was already chaotic.


━W-what are these things? Where did they come from!?

━Don’t get bitten! If you do, you’ll turn into one of them!

The experimental subjects that had escaped the labs were attacking Bellhawk’s servants, causing a pandemonium. Amidst the chaos, Stella never lost track of Opal’s trail.

“There, over there!”

Stella pointed to a black horse galloping swiftly under the moonlight. Riding it, with his silver hair streaming behind him, was Opal.

“He’s trying to escape the mansion! Let’s go after him!”

Stella and I headed for the stables to pursue Opal, but we found only horses writhing on the ground in convulsions.

He must have anticipated our pursuit and cut down all the horses.

「You have calmly judged the situation!

You have gained experience points through the talent 《Calm Thinking》.

All job experience +5」 

Damn, he’s thorough!

“What do we do!? If we stay here, we’ll lose Opal completely!”

Stella stamped her foot in frustration. I was just as frantic.

“By now, his filter or oxygen tank must be depleted, right? How is he still moving so fast?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he’s just enduring it through sheer willpower….”

Even a rotten fish is still a fish. 

There’s no other way.

“Professor Stella, grab onto my waist!”


“Hurry! There’s no time to explain!”

At my urgent prompting, Stella grabbed my waist. I quickly cast a spell that darkened the night sky.

Flap, flap, flutter—


Stella Bellhawk trembled as if in shock. Indeed, it was birds. A huge flock of birds appeared and filled the sky.


They soon grasped my shoulders and back, flapping their wings vigorously. My body lifted off the ground, and Stella shouted in astonishment.

“We’re flying!”

“It’s my first time carrying two people, so be careful not to bite your tongue!”

“Flying through the sky using birds….”

Stella said in disbelief.

It was Stella who first flew in the sky using a bird in the illusion of the Demon Monk Vassago. To be precise, it’s better to call it the episode boss Head Hunter.

So, I wondered if I could try it too, since I also have the magic to tame birds. I secretly practiced once or twice, but I always failed.

Flap, flap-!

But now, my body was smoothly rising into the air. They say that extreme concentration is exhibited in moments of crisis. I guess that was true for me too.

Fortunately, the Bellhawk family raises a lot of birds. It’s lucky there were so many birds around.


Finally, with the momentum gained from flapping wings, we soared higher than the trees filling the garden and soared into the sky.

The moon was high in the sky on a clear, cloudless night. Flying under the pouring starlight, I found myself getting a bit sentimental despite the situation.

Stella seemed to feel the same way, as her eyes were busy admiring the star-filled sky and the horizon-like night view below.

“This is the view of free birds.”


“Now I clearly understand. My plan was far too short-sighted and narrow…. I never imagined Opal would run away like this….”

“Why are you suddenly being so pessimistic? Everyone makes mistakes.”

Part of my response was to boost Stella’s morale, but I was also being sincere.

Even with my knowledge that could predict the future, I always faced unforeseen difficulties. For ordinary humans without such knowledge, it’s even more natural to wander and hesitate.

“You can tell me about your reflection later. For now, do what you can, Professor Stella. Which way did Opal go?”

My night vision was poor.

So, flying this high in the sky, everything looked as small as ants.

But Stella, being an elf, had good eyesight and would surely be able to spot Opal from this small place.

“What I can do….”

Holding tightly onto my waist, Stella firmly resolved herself and scanned the vast Belhawk family garden far below.

Honestly, it didn’t seem easy to find someone under this dim moonlight. But I had a vague confidence that Stella could do it.

After all, she once had the potential to become the ruthless Head Hunter, capable of targeting prey’s neck precisely in the dark.

“Professor Stella can do it. Before Opal reaches the city and causes a big problem, we must end this here in the Bellhawk garden.”

In this situation, I had confidence that my secret card could take down even him. We couldn’t waste the opportunity we had worked so hard to create.

“There, over there, he’s over there!”

At that moment, Stella pointed to a corner of the air.

It was near the entrance of the garden. I couldn’t see Opal or his horse, but there was no way Stella was lying.

Already at the garden entrance? Are we too late?

As I drew in a breath with such thoughts, I noticed flames lined up in front of the garden. They seemed to be torches.

And between those torches, I saw soldiers in golden armor with red capes, known by everyone for their might in Angmar.

I shouted with uncontrollable joy.

“The reinforcements from Lioness have arrived!”


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