Taming The Villainesses

Episode 252.1

Episode 252.1

(EP-252.1) Caged #7

252 – Caged Bird #7

The lab on the third basement floor was endless. 

It felt vast, as if they had expanded all the space under the extensive garden.

D, C, B—.

As we moved deeper inside, the level designations changed. Naturally, the higher the level, the more secretive and tightly secured the area was.

“These are…”

Entering Sector B, Mirna continued to be amazed as we moved further in. Reflected in her eyes were large tanks filled with a blue solution, with people floating inside.

Bubble, bubble.

With oxygen masks on their mouths and hoses and IVs inserted into their bodies, their bodies convulsed intermittently. They were of all different genders, races, and ages.

“These people are alive. They’re different from the previous specimens. I can sense very potent magic.”

Mirna’s words reminded me of the specimens from earlier, the so-called ‘logs’. 

Those were just corpses kept alive just to be alive. In contrast, the specimens in Sector B met our gaze while blinking their eyes.


Some even hit the glass with their palms.

It was chilling.

Mirna asked.

“What are they planning to do with so many specimens?”

At that question, Stella Bellhawk, who had been pushing the cart, paused for a moment and looked around. Then she reluctantly answered.

“They’re making soldiers. Probably. This third-floor laboratory is both an armory and a barracks. When we get to Sector A, you’ll understand what I mean.”

After walking for a while, we finally reached the entrance to Sector A.

There, a few soldiers in black protective suits stood as if conducting a checkpoint, verifying the comings and goings of people.

━Stop right there. The Special Containment and Protection Research Building is a Class A classified area. We’ll have to check your IDs.

Their demeanor was polite, but the two swords at their waists looked merciless. If even one thing thing went wrong here, the soldiers stationed all around would sound the alarm.

What would happen then?

Both Mirna and I were VIPs from the court.

But I doubt they would leave us alive after learning so many secrets. 

At best, we’d be reported as missing.

If we were really unlucky, we might end up as one of the specimens in the tanks.

Thump, thump-. 

The sound of my pounding heart seemed to grow louder, so I activated《Calm Thinking》. 

One of the soldiers in the black protective suits looked at the IDs we handed over and made a curious sound.

“Hmm? It seems this ID expired last month.”

It was Mirna’s ID.

I couldn’t predict what trouble an expired ID might cause, but it was clear it would complicate things.

Stella hadn’t handled this properly.

While Mirna, Stella, and I remained in tense silence, the soldier spoke.

“But a new one can be issued, Dr. Delton R.”

Though Mirna and I didn’t exchange words, we both felt a wave of relief inside. Surprisingly, the process seemed rather flexible.

But what came next was a problem.

“Please follow me to the clean room, remove your protective suit, and we’ll issue you a new ID within five minutes.”

Remove the protective suit?

That would reveal our identity.

Mirna’s shoulders trembled, clearly flustered. How could we get out of this situation? I couldn’t think of anything, so I remained silent, but the soldiers urged us on.

“Come this way.”

If we continued to hesitate, they would grow suspicious and eventually discover us.

But following them and removing the protective suit was a death sentence.

Just as the thought of using a mind control spell came to my mind, I decided to speak up— thinking there’s nothing to lose.

“Soldier, what kind of work are you doing? Can’t you see we’re busy? Just let us in and deal with the ID later.”

At my words, I could see the soldiers’ and Mirna and Stella’s eyes turn to me. The first to respond was the soldier holding my ID.

“You are… Senior Researcher Adams.”

“Yes. Time is of the essence here, and you’re holding us up. Open the door already.”


The soldiers exchanged glances rather than answering me directly. One of them then said with a respectful demeanor.

“Mr. Adams, but the protocol…”

“If there’s a delay because of this protocol, will you take responsibility? Do you want to be held accountable? Do I really have to argue about an ID when I’m already this busy?”

I sensed the soldiers’ growing confusion. Demanding they open the door so bluntly would naturally throw them off.

I knew from experience that while following protocol is important, there are times when you just have to let things slide.

Especially when someone who seems very high-ranking comes in and raises their voice, the soldiers guarding the door wouldn’t know what to do. 

I could instinctively feel that my newly acquired talent《Charisma》was working effectively. The hierarchy between a soldier and a senior researcher created a gap to exploit.

“Open it.”

And so, the door to the Sector A laboratory finally opened.

“We apologize.”

The soldiers’ apologies were a bonus.


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