Taming The Villainesses

Episode 251.1

Episode 251.1

(EP-251.1) Caged #6

251 – Caged Bird #6

Stella said there was a secret facility for Opal in the basement of this vast mansion. An underground third floor that wasn’t even recorded in the Angmar office.

That place was maintained under strict security all year round and does not allow any outsiders.

Of course, this was because it contains many of the Bellhawk family’s secrets.

“It’s a lab.”

Stella answered briefly about the third basement floor.


Having been exposed to all sorts of media in the 21st century, I immediately understood the nuance of that short word. However, Elga, lacking the imagination, asked Stella.

“What lab?”

“It’s the base where they conducted various experiments to revive Opal. Naturally, it’s a hotbed of crime— a den filled with all sorts of illegal things.”

In my mind, I pictured doctors in white lab coats moving around a place filled with beakers, tanks, and drugs. It felt like a secret society of villains.

Mirna asked

“But can we defeat Opal Bellhawk on our own? What about securing evidence and bringing in the army…?”

“If I could, I would have done it already. Bellhawk’s money is spread all over the world. Information can be leaked anywhere, and then we might lose out this chance.”

Stella Bellhawk’s attitude was firm.

She also seemed reluctant to publicize Opal’s existence. It was as if there was a reason why this matter had to be handled in secret.

This was an important matter that could cost our lives.

I need to ask what it was.

“Is there a reason why Opal’s existence shouldn’t be widely known?”

Stella sighed at my straightforward question.

“My brother was a hero. He died gloriously. His story ended with Solomon. A hope of the people.”

“You don’t want it to be revealed as a lie, is that it?”

“That’s part of it. But it’s not just that. It’s just a hunch, but… I have a feeling my brother shouldn’t stand before the people again. It’s a premonition, but…”

A hunch and a premonition.

Elga clicked her tongue at those vague words.

“You want us to risk our lives for something so uncertain?”

However, I felt I could understand Stella’s feelings.

Opal died as a great hero. If it were revealed that he had committed corruption and broken taboos, it would cause significant turmoil in Angmar.

Civil strife and internal war might break out, and Aira could awaken as the Tyrant Queen…

Thinking that way, it was right for him to remain dead as a hero.

Stella said. 

“This is something I’ve been planning for a very long time. But there was no one I could ask for help. There’s only one chance, and it’s hard to secretly gather skilled people for it.”

The saying “strike while the iron is hot” comes to mind.

Stella seemed extremely excited about the opportunity she had finally grasped. Proceeding with such excitement often leads to mistakes.

So to help calm her down, I asked her. 

“Do you have any plans or methods to defeat Opal? If we just charge in recklessly, our lives could be at risk.”

A fairy swordsman who uses something called ‘Mind Sword.’

He was someone who can’t be contained by the term ‘sword master.’ Even if we manage to subdue him all at once, it would come with considerable sacrifices.

I didn’t want to see Elga and Mirna get hurt. If that happened, my soft fairy heart would break.

Fortunately, it seemed Stella had a long-standing plan.

“Theo-kun, when you met Opal, didn’t you notice anything strange?”

“It was dark, so I couldn’t tell.”

“Opal is extending his life with a magic engineering device. It’s an expensive item with a very complicated and tricky formula. Without it, he can’t move well.”


I then recalled his peculiar breathing. It was deep and labored, like someone using an oxygen mask. So, he had a device attached to his body.

“We’ll sneak in and burn or destroy all the filters and oxygen tanks of the breathing tool. A full filter lasts about an hour. We could hold out for an hour so he can’t replace them.”

Stella calculated that she could restrain him alone for about ten minutes. But with skilled individuals like Mirna and Elga, and myself, we could likely hold out for at least two hours.


I thought it would be best to exclude Elga from participating. After all, Elga was carrying little Eleanor in her belly.

Then Mirna spoke first.

“But, it would be better to leave Lady Lioness out of this operation. In the worst case scenario, if something happens to all of us, the incident might be covered up. It’s better to send at least one person outside.”

Mirna’s words made sense.

It’s better to send out one person.

Elga questioned, “Why does it have to be me?” but quickly closed her mouth when Mirna retorted, “Lady Lioness should know that best.”


Elga also knew that’s it would be best to exclude herself. Because there’s a child in her stomach. Of course, Mirna still thinks it’s some sort of ‘evil spirit’.

“Then I’ll wait an hour and a half. If there’s no news from outside or if there’s a big problem, I’ll bring the soldiers. There won’t be any way to handle it quietly by then.”

* * *

We created a decoy for Elga. If the elves notice Elga suddenly absent, who knows what variables might arise.

So, we made a large pillow and with Mirna’s help, we carefully implanted a single strand of hair into it.

Mirna said. 

“With the spell I’ve cast, we should be able to deceive them for two or three hours unless they unfold the blanket. That should be enough.”

No maid would dare enter the room where Lady Lioness was sleeping and pull away the blanket, so this should suffice.

After finishing the rough preparations, Stella guided Elga somewhere.

“Miss Elga, I’ll show you the secret passage that I have been using for a long time. There’s nowhere else to escape outside the mansion. Just bear with it, even if it’s a bit cramped and stuffy.”

“Ugh, seriously? You want me, the eldest daughter of Lioness, to enter the sewer like a rat?”




T/N: Check out my other novel The Main Character is the Villain where MC is much more of an ass than Theo.

Click on the image or this link: /series/the-main-character-is-the-villain/episode-0/


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