Taming The Las Vegas Playboy

Chapter 16 - No Secrets In This World

Stefan was pleased to see her face had gone pale with a shock. a corner of his mouth jerked up with a smirk. He looked at her hands, she was wearing yellow rubber gloves, saw earphones in her ears, that's the reason why she didn't hear him. he pulled them off for her so that she could hear him talk.

"Caught a liar, red-handed."

The low husky voice said. He stepped to stand behind her, his body touched her back. Wirata knew what he was trying to do. This lustful evil brother of Sam's, he couldn't think of anything else apart from taking advantage of a woman!

Wirata turned around with angry eyes. It such a sudden turn, forgot to think that the nose of the thug was waiting around there.

Her cheek touched his nose as he expected. Stefan smiled a little, pleased with his instincts of guessing her reaction. He pressed his nose on her blushing cheek, inhale the nice fragrant smell from it, put his hands on the edge of the sink to lock her body in his arms. She froze because he was so close, and also because of the word 'LIAR'.

"A liar? Who? What do you mean? What are you doing here? Are you crazy?! Why are you here? Let go of me!"

Wirata snapped at him with an angry voice and shot him with a string of questions. Her huge eyes widened. She tossed her head back to escape him. His dark dangerous face was so close, she could feel the heat from his tall, big and strong body, her heart was rapping, faster and faster.

"You're a liar. You told people to lie to me that you're not here."

He gave her a knowing look, watching her sweet pretty face, there was some sweat on her nose.

Wirata listened to him accusing her. She couldn't believe her own luck.

What happened? Why this menace haunted her nonstop. It was her Friday night ... it's supposed to be happy hours, and near ready for a long nice sleep. She didn't have time to argue with him nonstop like this!

"What do you want from me, really really want from me huh, Stefan?"

Wirata asked angrily, counting one to a hundred and tried to grid her teeth with patience. She pushed him off but the strong figure didn't move an inch!

Stefan laughed in his throat. felt satisfied to see her huge eyes very close like this. It showed shock but didn't show that she frightened. She was tougher than he thought, he never forgot how hard her fist was. And he's careful and watching her closely right now, if she pulled out her fist, he would make sure he was faster than the last time.

"Do you really want to know, what I really really want from you?"

He repeated her words, whispered into her ears, his hot breath blew on it and made her hair stood up.

Wirata grid her teeth, counting up to... one... still..., because she struggled to think straight with his body covered hers like a big bear like this.

"In case you forgot, this is beyond the company working hours. You have no power to interfere with me after work like this." Wirata said fiercely.

"What do you want Stefan? And don't forget that I am your brother's girlfriend."

She dug out the effective protection, which really worked like magic. The tall figure broke away immediately and stepped away for one meter.

Stefan felt edgy with himself that he forgot again, he seemed not to be able to keep his hands to himself when he was close to her.

"I want to eat, that's the reason people come to a restaurant, isn't it?"

He said, put his hands in his pockets, the safest place.

"So, go out and do what people who come to the restaurant do."

Wirata shot back. That reminded Stefan that she had got a smart mouth. He looked at her lips, remembered how sweet they were.

"I want your service." The bossyboots said. Wirata shook her head.

"There are waiters who are serving out there. I am sure that the manager will not make our guests wait for the service. You can go now." She banished him.

"No. I want you to serve me, not others. Come with me, or tonight I'll make sure you won't be able to rest peacefully."

Stefan threatened in a cool voice, but the listener couldn't keep her cool anymore. She threw the nearest thing she could grab at him, which was a fork! But Stefan was fast enough, so the fork missed his head for two inches.

He stepped in and snatched her body, pulled her to him, wrapped his arms around her waist. But before he could do anything he thought of doing, the door banged open.

"Uh, Wine? Is everything okay?"

A senior staff exclaimed when seeing that Wirata wasn't alone in here, but there was a tall, elegant figure of the VIP guest holding her in his arms!

Stefan let go of her, he didn't want to make a scene with third person witnessing like this.

"You come and do the dishes for her. Let's go, Wirata."

The authoritative voice ordered the woman and grabbed Wirata's hand, pulled her out of the room with him.

"You are crazy! Damn you ... Stefan!, let go of my hand now."

Wirata ordered with a very unhappy tone, tried to flick her hand off his. Stefan stopped and turned to look at her, he pulled the rubber gloves off her hands and the apron as well, threw them onto a table at the corner.

The big hand dragged Wirata out into the VIP room. Wilaiwan, who was behind the counter, frowned upon when seeing the tall VIP guest dragging her beloved daughter's arm like that. The concerned mother rushed to the VIP room right that minutes.

"Ben, James, see?"

The loud voice of the boss said to the bodyguards as if he was so happy and having fun dragging Miss pretty Wirata. Ben and James lifted their eyes up from their plates. Stefan sat down on his seat but his hand still refused to release the lady's hand.

"I want to drink WINE." The boss announced. Wirata's face was flushed.

"The best wine in this restaurant."

The voice commanded again. Two bodyguards eyed each other. Never saw the boss behaved like a naughty mischievous boy who liked teasing a small pretty girl like this before. They didn't know where the brutal mafia who feared the whole city disappeared at this moment.

"Is everything alright?"

Mother's smooth voice rose up behind. Wirata quickly turned to her. Her mother's eyes were fixing on the man that was still holding Wirata's hand tightly.

"Ah ... this is Mr. Stefan Mackenzie, my boss. Mam."

Wirata had to introduce Stefan to her mother with no choice. To Wirata's surprise, she saw the crazy man stood up and bowed his head to greet her mother politely. Her mother then gave him a friendly smile.

"Oh! Hello, nice to meet you. Please let us know if you want anything. Wine, take good care of your boss, will you, sweetheart?" Mother changed her tone back to her kind personality.

"Yes, sure, mam."

Wirata replied with a forced smile on her face, didn't want her mother to worry about her. Mother patted her shoulder gently and sent a smile to Stefan.

Stefan saw the mother snapped a look at the join hands, and that made him let go of the soft hand unwillingly for the sake of being well-mannered, which he didn't usually care to give to many people.

Mother went back to the counter. Wirata sighed with relief. Stefan sat down again, and a couple of waitresses came with plates of food. Obviously, it's his men who ordered it for him. Stefan looked up at Wirata, she's standing with an unhappy face. When the food came to the table, she helped the others to arrange it.


Stefan spoke.


"I mean where is my BEST WINE?" The boss's voice raised. Wirata blushed again, but she tried to hold all the feelings of wanting to throw something HEAVY at the smirking face of the mad evil man. She told Wimon to bring what he asked for.

The mobile phone was screaming somewhere and Wirata knew from the ringtone that it was hers. It's supposed to be in her back pocket and clearly, the sound was not from her backside. The sound continued ringing and it was from...

"Are you looking for this?" Stefan said and pulled the phone from his pocket! Her eyes widened with anger when she saw it in his hand! How could that happen??? How could he have her phone???

Wirata reached out to it, but he moved his hand which holding the phone away. Then the ringing had stopped.

"Give it to me now!"

Wirata's angry voice ordered, she stepped closer to him and tried to chase his hand, came to realize that he must have picked it from her back pocket when he was standing behind her in the washing room.

Ben and James were observing the strange behaviors of their boss quietly ... The behaviors that they later secretly set up code as... Under Wine's Spell.

Then the phone was ringing again.

"Give it to me now!" Wirata ground her teeth and clenched her fists. But instead of handing it to her, Stefan had a look at the screen, and he pressed the button! He also touched the speaker icon so that he could hear, too. He put the phone on the table in front of him with his hand still on it, pulled Wirata to stand next to him watching her reactions closely.

"Hello! Wine! Help me! Sam's gone crazy right now."

Sophia shouted on the phone. The mention of Sam's name made everybody quiet and put their ears up immediately.

Stefan automatically sat up and listened carefully. What happened to Sam? Why his brother had gone crazy? ...

"What happened?" Wirata asked right back in a worried tone. Sophia's voice sounded like something had gone so wrong and no kidding!

"Sam... Sam kissed me! Yak! Wine, the idiot kissed me, yuck! He kissed me, oh god, can't stand it. Ock!"

The last sound was like she wanted to puke and the phone had gone quiet immediately. Everybody had different expressions on their faces. Wirata's huge eyes widened even bigger with shock for unexpected messages and especially, in front of an unexpected audience! She quickly looked at the man who was staring at her quietly. Wirata quickly stepped back from the table.

Now everybody heard clearly that Sam was kissing Sophia. He's supposed to be her lover! So he couldn't kiss Sophia! Wirata was panicking inside, her heart was beating fast, what should she do in this very very unfortunate situation?!

Ben and James gasped, with their mouth full of food, looking at the boss, his handsome face grinned, his eyes were dark hiding some secrets in there and no one couldn't figure it out what it was!

Wirata eyed the phone on the table, while everyone hadn't moved yet, she quickly grabbed it and ready to run, but the big hand reached to grabbed her arm and pulled her to sit on a chair next to him, put his arm around her waist so that she couldn't escape!

"Let me go! I want to call Sam back. How could he do this to Sophia,...Er... I mean, how could he do this to me. He's cheating on me! Your brother's cheating on me!"

Wirata raised her voice but made sure it wasn't too loud, good job the restaurant had Thai traditional music playing in the background.

Her face was pale, hoped the mad boss thought it's because she was shocked by the news that Sam kissed her best friend, not because he truly caught her red-handed, really red-handed this time.

Wirata also was praying that Stefan still didn't get what Sophia said, meaning she's praying he was deaf and couldn't translate the messages to be like...Sam's not her lover!

Stefan looked at his bodyguards, gave silent order that they understood well. Ben and James stood up and walked to stand in front of the VIP room made sure nobody could see. Stefan pulled her chair even closer, their legs touched each other. Wirata tried to swing her hands but he grabbed one of them and her other was holding the phone.

"Don't try to make a scene. Call Sam now." The low voice ordered. His eyes sent a message...something like no more bullshit.

"Turn on the speakers so that I can hear, too." Another order came.

Wirata had no choice, so she pressed the button to give Sam a call.

"This is my personal matters, you shouldn't be listening."

Wirata snapped at him, sent her bad boss a fierce look.

"But Sam is my brother. I want to know what's going on."

The serious voice responded.

The phone was ringing, Wirata put it near her ear, didn't put the speakers on as the crazy boss ordered. She still didn't know how to get out of this bad situation.

A few seconds later Sam picked up. Stefan moved closer and put his ears near the phone. Wirata jerked her head away but he used his hand to hold her head in place, so she couldn't move, his cheek touched her cheek, Wirata was flushing, afraid somebody would see.

"Hi, Wine, what's up?"

Sam greeted. That made Wirata tightened her hand off the phone with worried that Sam would say things that made her situation worse.

"What happened Sam? I just got a call from Sophia. She said you kissed her! Why did you kiss her? Why Sam? Why did you do that?!!!"

Wirata raised her voice, pretended to be VERY ANGRY. Stefan signaled her to turn the speaker on. But Wirata ignored him. She couldn't guess what Sam was going to say next, he didn't know that his brother was sitting right next to her. So she refused to follow the boss's order, in case Sam said something that didn't support the story that they were lovers, then Wirata would be in trouble!

"How could you do this? Why did you kiss Sophia Huh! Since when have you been cheating on me?! When did you cheat on me?!"

The angry and upset tone continued, tried to put on disappointed and upset expression all over her face, thought that the voice and the face should go the same way, as a good actor should be. Her heart was pounding faster.

On the other side of the phone line, Sam was quiet for a moment because of the daze, didn't get what Wirata trying to say. He was standing in front of Sophia's room right now. She ran away and shut the door after he kissed her.

"Hey ... Wait...What do you mean? ... I kissed Sophia because of her smart mouth. She likes to complain too much. And I have enough, you understand? I can't just let her complain about me all the time and do nothing you know. A man has to show his power sometimes. See now, since I put my mouth on hers, she's gone so quiet and so nice and peaceful atmosphere in the flat without her noisy yapping. If I knew that the kiss could stop her complaining like this, I would have kissed her a long time ago.

Sam said it all! Stephan heard it clearly, every word! He turned his face to Wirata, his nose touched her cheek. His strong arm wrapped around her shoulder.

Wirata sat very still, her brain was working very hard right now, her heart was drumming like there was a heavy rock playing in there. Now he definitely heard Sam! What should she do?!

"I can't believe you did this to me, for four years we had been together, Sam, you're an idiot, I am very very upset right now. You're a heartless person. You hurt me."

Wirata gave the last shot, tried to say that THE 4 YEARS together wasn't a lie. Because she couldn't imagine what would happen if Stefan knew that she lied all along all those years. How much trouble he would cause her.

Although she still didn't understand why he had to chase her down. She didn't recall she did anything much to make him angry, well, apart from punching him um... only 3 times, and jabbed him with her knee once, that's all.

This minute when Stefan forgot to be careful and watched her. Wirata moved her elbow up so quick and stabbed hard into his stomach!

"Ouch! For God's sake!"

Stefan cursed and flinched, the sharp pain felt in his abdomen. He dropped his arm from her shoulder. Wirata didn't wait for a second of the opportunity, she ran off through the back door immediately, rushed back to the staff room and locked the door.


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