Taming The Las Vegas Playboy

Chapter 12 - Fair Game

What a start of the day!

Wirata was sitting very still even her eyes didn't blink.

"Wirata, Mr. Mackenzie is waiting for you in his office right now."

Mr.Lee said after putting the telephone down.

"Yes, Mr.Lee, ah, would you like anything before I go?"

Wirata asked the manager in case he could extend her time a little.

"No, thank you. You should go now before he gives me another call." He reminded her kind voice but with serious gesture in his eyes.

"Yes, sir."

Wirata walked to the elevator, her heart was racing up and she tried to breathe in and out deeply to make it slow down. She stepped in, pressed a button, the floor number that she never came up there before. The elevator stopped at the top floor of the building. When the door opened Wirata saw a door room not far from where she was stepping out.

There were two men standing right there like they were waiting and Wirata remembered one of them straight away. He's the one who chased after her four years ago!

"Miss. This way, please."

He said politely and led her to the front of the door, gave it a knock-knock softly like he's afraid of the person inside.

"Come in!

The authoritative voice gave permission. Wirata pulled the air into her lunge to calm herself down, tried to manage not to let any sign of panicking out. The tall bodyguard pushed open the door and waited for Wirata to step inside the room. But they didn't enter the room. Wirata guessed they would stand outside to guard their boss as it's their job.

Stefan was sitting on his big comfortable black leather chair, watching the slender figure wearing a long-sleeved white shirt, buttoned it up to the neck, long dark brown skirt with a black belt, a pair of black low-heeled shoes. The shiny silky long straight black hair was tied at the back.

He looked up to her face, nice oval shape with light honey skin, no touch of cosmetics, Her lips were not too thin but not thick either, nice pair of lips, made for a man's fantasy. Stefan pushed that thought out of his head immediately. He didn't mean to remember anything about those lips, about him kissing her, twice. He swore!

"Have a seat."

Said coolly and calmly as CEO supposed to be, and gave a small nod gesture to the chair in front of the big desk.

"Thank you."

Wirata replied and sat down, was glad inside her mind that at least sitting down like this, it helped her to control herself better. Her heart was still beating rapidly, but outside, her face was smooth and emotionless, she would never let the man on the other side of the desk knew that she's scared of him and his room. Wirata stared right into his eyes, told herself not to break eye contact.

The room fell into silence for a moment. Tall and powerful as she remembered Stefan Mackenzie, the face that Wirata unwillingly accepted its attractiveness, had a hint of stubble like maybe he'd slept too long to spare the time to shave that morning. Wirata couldn't guess the mood he was in, who could...?

"You probably have received the letter. That is your desk, from now on, you work here in this room."

The powerful voice said with a nod toward the corner of the room. Wirata froze right after hearing.


The only word came straight out.

Stefan's brow arched.

"Problems?" Short, but full of meaning, also lifted a corner of his mouth.

Wirata was shocked by the 'WORK HERE IN THIS ROOM!' phrase. But a second right after seeing his smirk, as if he's seeing something he expected and wanted to see. Her shocked face, that's what he wanted to see!

That awareness made Wirata gathered herself back immediately, tried to calm down from the inside. Told herself that he's not the boss, but he's the bad evil mafia who dared to kiss her four years ago. Wirata tried to reinstall her brave feeling against her fear, which it somehow was working. So she sat still and kept her cool.

"No. But may I know the reasons? Mr. Lee is not satisfied with my work?"

The smooth and confident voice asked after a long pause. Stefan looked into her huge black almond-shaped eyes which were looking at him. This must be her motto, head's up and not breaking eye contact, to scare the opposite side, whoever it would be, and at this moment it was him. But Stefan Mackenzie scared of no one.

He knew she was a strange and strong type as his brain still remembered how fast and hard her knee and fist were. Stefan lifted his hand to rub his chin absently.

"No reasons. It's the order. Everybody who is working here has to do what I say."

He said with authority in his voice, watching and waiting for her reaction. She'd grown taller a little more than years ago, a slim pretty girl turned out to be quite a beauty. But it's none of his business, she's Sam's girlfriend, and he's doing something for his brother...like...moving her to work here, so that she would be in his eyes most of the time, not be able to flirt too much with other men because he would make sure of that.

Stefan repeated the reasons in his mind 'why' he had to do this. That's what big brother was for, wasn't it?

Wirata listened and thought he was so arrogant and full of himself. But what should she do, it's only one month here, and Wirata remembered how happy her mother was when seeing her and knowing that she'd been back home.

"I am not sure if I can work for you, I mean...directly. I haven't really had a secretarial degree, but my specialty is accounting, which your company would get more benefits of hiring me by letting me continue to work for Mr.Lee. That's what I believe."

Wirata responded with a confident tone, in the meantime, her head was thinking hard, trying to find ways to avoid this 'SPECIAL OFFER'.

Stefan narrowed his eyes, he thought he knew what she's thinking.

"I have my own belief, don't need to listen to yours. And I don't want to waste my time anymore. So, please go and move your stuff up here."

"Now?" Wirata raised her tone.


Stefan answered firmly, lifted his brow.

"Unless you're scared."

"Scared of WHAT?"

Wirata shot him right back, her instincts told her to keep cool. It's like he knew how she was uneasy inside, and he's trying to break her 'pretending to be brave' acts.

"Of me. I know you are good at pretending, all this time, you've been trying to avoid facing me."

Stefan poached. He felt fun inside to see her mood changed in her huge eyes.

Wirata clenched her fists on her lap, he didn't see through, she thought she didn't have to keep being polite to him, in fact, he was just a mad and bad mafia, that's it. Oh, and if the worst came, she would just resign, and would go to work for her mother, yes! That was it!

Now her brain seemed to work properly, Wirata just realized that she had let fear control her feelings and clouded her mind unconsciously for too long.

"A person like me never fears anyone! Especially, the bad guy sent from hell like...you!

The angry voice said without fear. Stefan's brow arched when hearing and seeing such a reaction from the person who sat with the smooth and emotionless face a moment ago. Felt more fun and satisfied that he's almost there, the point of breaking her. The sullen face, eyes blazed in anger, here it came... nearly there...

"Well, if you're not afraid, then why are you running away...huh?"

The smooth voice with a smirk and that made Wirata lost her cool completely.

"So full of yourself Mr. Mackenzie! It's not because I am afraid or anything, but it's because I hate mafia! Gangsters who involve in criminals and treat people badly, threaten and hurt the weaker ones and take advantage of the poor and so on!"

Wirata stopped to take a break, breathed in hard for the air, her heart was pounding like crazy and her head was spinning with anger. What she had said, it was her thoughts of him she had kept in her deepest mind all along for four years!

Good for him!

"Oh, and I don't want to breathe in the same air in the same room as you. You might have power over the others, but not me. Oh, and no need to sack me, I quit! Goodbye!"

​Wirata finished what she wanted to say and got up quickly. But before she could spin out of the room, the tall figure moved so fast and snatched her to him, his arms wrapped around her body, pulled her against his chest. Wirata was shocked lifted her head up, and before she could do anything, the dark attractive angry face lowered so close and clashed his mouth on hers.

Wirata froze for a second then started to fight with her strength but he's so big and so strong, his aggressive mouth moved on hers, Wirata opened her mouth to protest, but that second he inserted his tongue in. She tried to bite, but he seemed to read her mind, his big hand squeezed her jaws just in time and his tongue moved on her tongue, sucked and did things that had weakened her knees. Her stomach was like something flying in there.

Wirata tried to hold herself together, and lifted her knee up, wanted to give him a good jab. But Stefan remembered her move, he spun her around, pressed his tall body against hers. Wirata struggled to fight back. Her heart was beating so fast and she could hear it in her own ears, his hot mouth crushing with his tongue playing tricks that made her brain foggy and her lips numbed. Her legs went weaker and weaker. Wirata held her hands tightly on his shirt, her mind commanded her body to fight harder but the body didn't seem to take it.

Stefan was kissing her hard with his edginess and anger. Her smart mouth deserved a punishment like what he was doing to her right now. He tried not to recognize the unforgettable sweet scent of her. Her very soft body seemed to go weak, just like all women who were in his arms. Stefan smirk in satisfaction felt the soft feminine body struggled with composure.


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