Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 89 - Eighty-nine : The Punishment

Chapter 89 - Eighty-nine : The Punishment

Maya's Pov

With my heart pounding in my throat, I looked up, but it was a mistake.

Though Niklaus tried to keep his expression neutral but I knew he was fuming inside, judging from the way his jaw was clenched tightly and his nails digging into my waist.

"Niklaus , I can explain.. " I tried to say to him but I found out my voice was unusually breathy and shaky, not to talk of his stopping gaze.

I lost whatever I was going to say when I met his eyes , he looked like he was really ready to murder someone.

Suddenly his face lit up with a smile that didn't look halfway near the word called " sincere " .

uh oh, I don't like this.

"So " he began " You were having a good time with my cousin " he bent and in the guise of whispering into my ears, he kissed my neck.

My breath hitched and I looked up, but remained speechless. His scorching gaze made me think of a scenario : A situation where a wife was caught by her husband, sleeping with his cousin - that was how judgy his gaze was.

"Niklaus, nothing happened "I finally managed to speak.

"Really, you seem to know Eden more than I do? " his lips twisted into a humourless grin.

My mouth quirked, he didn't believe me.

"I really - " I didn't get to finish what I wanted to say cause he spun me around suddenly and I misstepped, slipped and almost fell, had he not caught me.

Thanks to the distraction, I forgot we were still on the dance floor. But I couldn't help but feel he did this on purpose, was he punishing me intentionally?

Because of the fall, I instinctively hung my hands around his neck for support while my back was lowered a few metres away from the ground.

Niklaus had his arms wrapped around my waist while the other gripped my raised thigh.

I can't tell if people knew I almost fell but the look I got from a few looked impressed, as if we just did some random improvise.

Niklaus slowly drew me back to my feet but made sure his hands ran down my thigh that was exposed through the slit.

"Niklaus " I gasped, looking over my shoulder frantically " There are people watching "

Thankfully, It was reliving that the part of the dance floor we were walzing was a lot dimmer than the rest - thanks to the romantic light bulbs - alongside the fact that Niklaus had pulled that shenanigan subtly.

"I guess you didn't think of that when you were with Eden " he growled into my ears and pulled me flush against his body, and let his hands curve down my sides slowly.

I guess I was stupid, forgetting the fact that Niklaus was extremely jealous and possessive.

He continued " Where did he touch you? "

My eyes widened while I gulped and he caught that action - I was definitely dead meat, Niklaus wouldn't let me off easily tonight.

"Just as I thought " He chuckled, but I felt the hairs on my body stand on edge ; now was a really good time for that ejector seat to appear.

"Since you won't talk I would get the truth out of your mouth myself, let's go "

I was definitely hearing wrong

"G-go where? " I choked, confused and a bit scared if I might say.

The last time this kind of scene happened, I ended up in an interrogation room . Who knows where he's taking me this time?

I continued " Niklaus, Please - "

"Shhh " he pressed his hand against my lips and made sure to stroke it in the process as I shivered.

"Be a good girl and follow me " he said, but it sounded more like an order and my feet instinctively obeyed.

As he began to pull me away, I looked over my shoulder and my eyes met Eden's.

He was now dancing with another lady and though he was resting his head on her shoulder and swaying to the music, but his eyes were fixed on me with a burning intensity and a scowl.

My brows knitted together, why was he angry? I should be the angry one here after all, he lured me into this mess in the first place.

And now I had to find a way to placate Niklaus tonight - which would have been a lot easier if only I knew what was going on in his head at the moment

My stomach was in knots when we stepped into the elevator, I still had no idea where Niklaus was taking me and he wasn't talking to me - I suddenly wished I had a gauge to show me how angry he was.

Once the elevator opened and we walked out, Niklaus stomped down the hallway and I trailed behind him.

He stopped at a door, swiped his card at the sensor and ordered,

"Go in "

Reluctantly, I obeyed but let out a quizzical look the moment I walked into a suite.

All of a sudden,Niklaus was all over me before the door was even closed. His mouth crashed on mine with a ferocity that knocked the breath out of me.

I hardly comprehended what was going on when he pushed me against the wall drawing a startled gasp.

Of all our kisses, Niklaus has never been sweet nor gentle, instead passionate and consuming but this time he was hard and demanding.

"We are alone now " he bent and whispered into my ears, his heated breath tickling me.

"So you can tell me where and how he touched you, I want to kiss away his prints on you "

" Oh " I swallowed.

My breath hitched while my body shivered with anticipation, what was the probability I was going to leave here without Niklaus having his wicked way with me? Probably null .

"Niklaus you're the CEO, you're highly needed at the party … "

I let out a sharp gasp the moment he bit my earlobe. He then glanced up "I saw him do that, am I right? " he asked, intentionally intercepting my plans of distracting him.

"The night is still young, we can make it long or short , what do you say Maya? " He asked, looking into my eyes with his intense gaze while my heart raced.

Niklaus didn't call me 'Tigress' but my name, which could only mean one thing ; He was down to business .


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