Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 83 - Eighty-three : The Gala

Chapter 83 - Eighty-three : The Gala

Maya's POV

"Take this " Nik said and handed a pair of glasses to me while I had a confused expression on my face.

I took the glasses from him and examined it carefully " Why do I need this? "

His smirked " You'll know soon enough " he said just as the car pulled up outside the hotel and one of his men opened the door.

The moment Nik stepped out, he reached out a hand and helped me out of the car but I was flabbergasted when what seem like a million camera flashes attacked me.

"What the hell " I gasped and finally understood why celebrities wear glasses to such events ; it was too much.

I gave Niklaus a grateful smile, if not for the eye glasses, I bet my eyes would be shut close throughout this ordeal.

" Mr Niklaus " The paparazzo swarmed towards us like bees to a honey but Niklaus's security team were there to make sure none of them went past the barricade nor do anything stupid all in the name of getting their questions answered.

I immerse myself in the atmosphere to the extent I was quite startled when Niklaus suddenly stopped to pose for pictures and questions .

Everything felt so unreal and nerving cause I was the instant target of news hungry reporters.

"Sir Niklaus , who is your date for the night?" One of the reporters stepped close enough to ask and Niklaus looked towards me .

"Should I or should you? " He threw the ball in my court and I smiled and stepped forward.

"I'm Maya... " I introduced but faltered having realized I couldn't use my surname anymore, I had already been removed from the family registry

"I'm Maya, just Maya " I said, making sure my voice didn't crack at the end while fighting against the tears threatening to pool at my eyes and flashed them a smile instead .

"Maya? " the reporter asked with a trace of surprise on his face and I couldn't help but sympathize with him.

It was obvious he couldn't recognize me and I couldn't blame him, I couldn't recognize myself either with all this makeups and luxurious dress - it was like I was another me.

"Isn't she the nanny working under your roof ?" another reporter took advantage of the momentarily distraction and directed the question at Niklaus this time.

I bite the inside of my mouth, my gaze darting between Niklaus and the reporter but the person in question just stared at the reporter with a cool and collected expression as he replied " Yes, she is. So? "

The reporter pressed on " Does she have any connection with the alleged engagement claim you rejected earlier this week? "

This time, Niklaus let go of my hand and moved towards the reporter and his assistant who brought the camera and microphone closer, almost to his face.

But Niklaus stood calm and poised and replied "If you're that curious, you're free to come and live under my roof " and that being said, he walked back to me and gave me his arm.

I looked at him surprised and then slipped my arm around his with a smile and was about to cover the rest of the red carpet when a question from the crowd of reporters stopped us in our track.

"Is she the latest collection to your infamous harem ? "

My insides clenched but that was nothing compared to the ugly scowl on Niklaus's face. Anger was rippling through him and I felt it through the way his nail was digging into my arms and the way a muscle ticked in his jaw as he fought to keep his composure.

"Let's go " His grim voice came alive and he led me up the stairs to the exclusive ballroom already filling in with guests and familiar faces.

My stomach did a double flip the moment Eden's eyes and mine met and held from across the room .

What was I expecting anyway, that he would be absent? Oh come on, this was a family business and he was obliged to be here.

Even without that, how could he miss a chance to irritate Nik the rest of the night, he'll rather die than do that and I've just realized just how much Niklaus has suffered.

Though his presence was unsettling but that didn't mean I did not take in his appearance. Eden was dressed in a burgundy two piece suit with his hair slicked back and I had to admit he looked pretty good - maybe a tad bit better than good but who cares! shut up Maya.

"Where is your mind? " Niklaus asked breaking my reverie.

" Oh sorry " I smiled sheepishly and he shook his head.

"Just don't land yourself in an unusual situation as you normally do " He pointed out causing me to pout a mean moue.

"I can stand my own, I'm not that clumsy " I defended myself.

With an amused look he pointedly said " Says someone who glugged coffee laced with - "

"Don't say it " I cut him halfway and pressed a finger against his lips, not wanting to hear that embarrassing memory.

How could I have known Izzy had planned such a cruel prank? Suddenly my tongue began to produce more saliva than necessary as if reliving that bitter experience.

Without warning, Niklaus opened his mouth and captured my finger pressed against his lips with his teeth causing my eyes to widen.

" What the - "

"Ahem! " Someone cleared his throat from behind and I withdrew my hands, turning to meet Sir Adam who looked like he hadn't aged a day since the last time we met.

"Nice meeting you again Adam " I greeted him and placed a kiss on both sides of his cheeks .

" Nice meeting you too Maya " he replied and his eyes flickered to Niklaus " And it's obvious Niklaus has been taking very, very good care of you " he said but I couldn't help but feel there was a hidden meaning to those words.

"Of course, why wouldn't I? Else the vultures around would eat her flesh without even leaving her bones behind " Niklaus replied his comment with an edge to his voice.

I looked between the father and son and couldn't help but notice there was a huge tension between the both of them. What the hell is going on?

But before I could say a word, an all too familiar voice rang from behind causing me to stiffen.

"What a pleasure to finally meet you here Niklaus "


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