Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 174 - One Hundred And Seventy-four: Lets Get Married

Chapter 174 - One Hundred And Seventy-four: Lets Get Married

Eden's point of view

But that simple sentence made my heart skip a beat.

Wait a minute, what the hell was going on here? I was supposed to be the one taking the approach in seducing her, not she enticing...well me?

"What's wrong with your hands, why can't you eat with it ?" I tactically refused.

Maya pouted but then the intentional clearing of the throat from granny left me confused, why was she pushing me into feeding her granddaughter?

I was the one supposed to take them by surprise not the opposite, why was my plan backfiring on me?

"Each time I try to lift my hands, it keeps affecting my chest which in turn hurts me" Maya lied through her teeth.

Don't get me wrong, I would not have hesitated in feeding her but my senses were tingling, meaning:? I was being used here.

"Eden, since you're her friend why don't you help her out, or do you want her to starve" Grandma was in support.

I couldn't help but feel like this woman was matchmaking us together.

Yes, Maya and I would be together if granny successfully coerces her into dating me but I want the success to be as a result of my effort and not because we were forced together. Besides, doing it my way would cause Maya to fall for me faster.

"Sure" I agreed to feed her, knowing there was no way I would refuse doing the woman the favour - I respected old people.

"Grandma, don't worry, I'll feed Maya by myself " Isabella who has been quiet all this while, offered her services willingly.

But as soon as she tried to rise from the couch, grandma held her back.

"You little child, if you feed Maya, who would feed you?" she asked the girl without knowing Isabella was smart and had seen through her plans.

I laughed inwardly, it was apparent the girl still had hopes of Maya and her father getting back together - she needs to wake up from her dream real fast.

As far as Adam was still alive and had said no to Maya being together with his son Niklaus, his decision would remain the same.

Even if my dear cousin flees with Maya to a place where no one would find them, Adam would scour the earth just to locate them and when he does, Maya would be a goner- that was just how much investment he has placed on his son.

Also, Niklaus would not think of departing: he has Isabella and would want to give her a better and stable life that doesn't involve running away from her grandfather in fear of being captured back home.

Surprisingly, Isabella didn't argue with the old woman, pretending to be the doll she has been since I arrived, though I could feel her evil glare on me.

"Are you feeding me or not?" Maya complained, rousing me from my reverie.

I took the food bowl that was resting on her lap and began to feed her. A gesture that drew a smile from her mouth. Maybe, I was making progress in making her fall for me - not bad, I guess.

All was going well until the girl couldn't take in the spoonful I gave her resulting in some of the rice falling on her body.

"Does your mouth leak?" I scolded, clearing away the mess from her body.

By the time I was done and glanced up, I discovered that a grain was resting beside her lips.

I shook my head in disbelief, "You're such a pig"

Maya rolled her eyes and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand but she still didn't locate the grain.

Sighing, I gestured to her, "Come, let me help you"

Maya came closer while I lifted my hand towards her face. I took away the rice but my thumb mistakenly brushed across her lower lips causing electricity to course through my body.

I froze, my breath went still as we stared at each other's eyes. Time seemed to stop and I realized for the first time how beautiful her eyes were - they sparkled.

Maya pulled away, destroying the moment yet bringing me back to my senses. I cleared my throat awkwardly, why was the room suddenly hot?

Feeling two pairs of eyes staring at us intently, I assumed my cool demeanor and fed Maya who thankfully appeared unbothered by whatever spell was cast on us seconds ago.

I was grateful when Maya was full, indicating I stopped feeding her. For unknown reasons, I was unsettled and kept feeling butterflies in my belly as if something huge was going to happen tonight- something that would change my world.

"You're such a fine man" Granny took over from me with the flattering, why were my skills slipping tonight?

I was supposed to be the one in control, be the one charming the ladies and not the lady - plus the granny - bewitching me.

"Thank you, mother" I accepted the praises, hoping to turn the situation in my favor.

"He's so humble too" Grandma cooed," Such a shame, this granddaughter of mine doesn't know how to pick a fruit"

Maya, who was taking a glass of water at that time, choked on her drink. She glowered at her, "Seriously, granny?"

Granny continued gushing her grievances, "Tsk, tsk, such a shame" she shook her head, "My training all those years has been a waste. Now, you want me to die without a grandchild"

"Alright, Isabella, I think this is the point where you should be leaving," said Maya who obviously wasn't comfortable with where the discussion was heading.

"Why?" The brat cocked a brow, "I think it's getting interesting."

"Children your age are preparing for bed by now," I told her.

" Uncle, I'm not a child"

"Wait, he's your uncle?" Granny who was left behind in all the happenings asked in shock.

"Second uncle to be precise" the brat clarified.

Maya told her "Granny, it's a long story "

"Which can be cut short" she insisted.

So Maya spent the next thirty or so minutes explaining everything to grandma; how we were related and all.

It made me uncomfortable each time Niklaus' name was called but the change in granny's attitude after the explanation was obvious.

"So you dated his cousin?" Granny pointed to me, but there was a slight irritation in her voice.

"Not really," Maya answered.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire" Isabella pointed out.

"Well, kinda" Maya gave in, thanks to Isabella telling on her.

"And now you're dating him?" Granny's pointing finger didn't leave my direction.

My breath held, waiting for Maya's answer. I didn't say a word, knowing the girl would deny me as expected- Maya was too in love with Niklaus to acknowledge me.

Her gaze met mine briefly before returning to her granny's.

"Yes, I'm dating him"

I glanced up, bewildered beyond words, what the hell was she talking about? The shock was too much since my mouth remained agape while Isabella facepalmed.

Everything was going contrary to what I planned tonight. Maya was supposed to be the one being speechless, not me.

"Is that true, Youngman?" Granny's tone was stern and my name had changed to "Young man"

"H-huh?" I was tongue-tied, everything took me off guard.

My gaze moved to Maya and I saw her signal, she wanted me to concede to her claims. Gosh, this was not what I planned.

"Yes, we're dating"

The deep exhale of relief from Maya

assured me that I did the right thing but my head was scolding me for taking such a risky and useless move- this wasn't the plan!

Grandma's gaze turned fiercer that the former me would have peed in his pants but I have seen more intimidating people- Adam being the first.

"After hearing what your cousin did to my grand-daughter, give me one good reason why I should let you date my precious daughter?"

I said it! Thanks for foolishly landing yourself in trouble, Eden! Good work, give yourself an applause!

"Granny, I -! "

"Hush, this is between him and me " She shunned down Maya who tried to interfere.

I shut my eyes and reopened them, replying "I have no reason"

"What?" Granny was stunned.

"Keep going, this is good" Isabella taunted me.

"You said it, she's your precious granddaughter. So no matter what I say, it would never be enough for you"

She frowned, "So you don't have a valid reason why you're dating my daughter? You're just fooling around with her?"

"Of course not!"

Immediately, I grabbed Maya's hand and intertwined our fingers together confessing, "Honestly, Maya is not the best girl I've seen so far. Firstly, she eats like a pig "

"Hey, I don't eat like a pig!" she defended herself which I smiled at and continued.

"But I love it because she's real and doesn't pretend to be what she isn't just to attract a man's attention"

This time, everywhere was so quiet that a pin dropped will be quite loud.

"Secondly, she has a crappy temper and fights like a man at the slightest provocation "

"Hey, I'm too patient and - "

I silenced her again, but this time by pressing my finger against her soft lips which made my heart beat a million miles per hour.

Pulling away, I pretended to be unaffected and continued my make-believe speech with a hint of truth in it.

"Notwithstanding all her flaws, I love her for who she is - I love the fact she's Maya and I wouldn't wish for anyone else but her. Not even her doppelganger"

I waited for her response but when Granny didn't say a word for a while, I knew I'm doomed - she didn't believe me.

"This is so romantic," Granny said out of nowhere, cleaning invisible tears from her eyes while Isabella sighed, defeated.

I took a breath of relief, that was close.

"Can I please talk to Maya for a while" I requested," We won't be long"

"Sure you two can go" she gave me her consent without hesitation, "You? can get married if you like too, I won't be a hindrance"

Maya sighed as I helped her move the IV stand and we walked out of the room.

It was already late, it should be around seven in the evening but the bulbs shone brightly, illuminating our paths.

We strolled to the garden, I helped her to the walkway bench because of her injury.

Both of us sat in silence, alone with our thoughts until I asked her, "When are you planning to tell her the truth?"

" What truth?" Maya feigned ignorance to my surprise.

"That we're not a couple" I reminded her.

She chuckled, "I was not kidding, Eden"

My expression changed, what in the world was she talking about?

"Let's get married, Eden"

I was flabbergasted, words disappeared from my mouth and I just didn't know how to express how I was feeling.

Just as I was about to laugh at her ridiculous proposal, Maya did the unbelievable.

She drew closer, took my face into her palms, and kissed me without warning.

I froze, my brain refusing to process what was happening. It has been one surprise after the other.

This wasn't supposed to be, my brain ordered me to push her away.

But when my hands came around her instead, I molded her to me and kissed her back.


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