Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 172 - One Hundred And Seventy-two: The New Family Head

Chapter 172 - One Hundred And Seventy-two: The New Family Head

Niklaus' point of view

I was sorry yet was not sorry.

I didn't hit women but Tina made me break that tradition today. Women were delicate beings and meant to be protected not abused but some just bring the punishment on themselves.

I was just so angry and lost it; my hand moved of its own volition and swapped her across the face. I was embarrassed not because I hit her cause she deserved it - I wasn't going to sit down and watch Maya get abused mentally and emotionally-? but the kids were watching.

That was not a good example to set, especially to Isabella who was quick on picking all my negative traits. Moreover, I was trying to be a good father to her so I didn't want to be known as the father who wouldn't hesitate to hit women when angered.

But the thought of Maya made me angrier - the thought of her already giving up on me. This was selfish but I didn't want her to date anyone else until I'm done dealing with Tina.

Heck, who was I kidding here? Even if I dealt with Tina, there was still my father Adam who for reasons known to him was blunt in showing his dislike for Maya- not to talk of Sakuzi.

God! Why was everyone against me and Maya? What did we do to deserve this? At this rate, it'll take me years to sort this out before thinking of settling down with her.

These were the thoughts that surged in my head as I threw blows at the punching bag before me.

Knowing I'll just end up transferring my aggression on innocent workers if I return to the office, I came back home to blow off steam in my gym.

My jabs grew fiercer and harder as I thought over my losses this past month.

Lately, aside from my improved relationship with my daughter - which Maya made possible- I couldn't find a reason to smile.

I had all the resources and money I could ever wish for but still had no happiness. I could get anything I wanted, go to any place I desired, fakers and bootlickers surrounded me, people cowered at my sight yet I couldn't find peace - I was not fulfilled.

Something was still missing from my life.

The sudden ringing of my phone interrupted the flow of my thoughts - yeah, I finally recovered it from my mischievous daughter.

"Hello" I picked up and listened to the message from the other line.

"Thank you" I ended the call and returned the phone to the pocket of my pants sewn at the side

Taking off the boxing gloves, I wiped away the sweat on my forehead and left the gym, proceeding to the direction of my room for a quick bath.

I was just notified that the old man was back and I needed to have a down to earth discussion with him. After I met him in Maya's room earlier, I was unsettled and had a feeling he was responsible for her sudden change in character.

My father must have threatened or said something that made Maya have a change of heart towards me. We've broken up? Yes, but we were still on talking terms and not the cold and dismissive attitude she used on me earlier.

Once done with the showers, I didn't put much thought into dressing up since I practically look good in anything. so I dressed up in jeans and a casual shirt and found my way out of the house.

Isabella was still not home but I was not bothered since she was with Maya. I knew she was in safe hands and good company unlike my ex-wife Kay.

Micheal drove me to Adam's place, the drive was so quiet it felt like a graveyard.

He had put on the radio earlier but I was against it, I needed to think so I preferred absolute tranquility - nothing to distract my mind from its train of thoughts.

By the time we arrived at my destination, I noticed the old man had made twice as much the security at his place. It appears Gerald's unpredicted attack has made everyone security conscious.

Gerard was dead, murdered by the one and only Sakuzi who didn't hesitate to use that opportunity to get rid of his enemy - our enemy since everyone in the mafia world was so grateful he was gone, no one liked him.

The foolish man was so obsessed with having revenge on us that he wasn't smart enough to put on his guard.

Since Sakuzi had the ledger, Gerard believed both were in the same boat and wouldn't harm him. So he focused on hurting us who had subdued him for so long that he forgot that Sakuzi was a patient lion.

But Sakuzi was smart, he knew if? Gerard could rise against us just because the ledger moved out of our possession, what's the assurance Gerard wouldn't turn against him in the future once he loses the ledger too.

It was better destroying the enemy now he was still a paper tiger than when he grew actual claws.

So he took out the conceited Gerard who had set out with few of his men that day with no clue that danger was around the corner; he came to hunt a prey and was hunted instead.

"You should be at the office at a time like this" Adam said as soon as I stepped into his study - the same room he hit me weeks ago.

It was hard to catch this man since he was in charge of our ammunition company and had to confirm the weapons were in good working condition to prevent accidents from happening - a responsibility bestowed on every family head.

"What about you? The company must be doing so well since you have the time to visit Maya in the hospital" I replied with a sarcastic tone.

My comment caused him to lift his head from the paperwork he was going through.

"I was bored, so I decided to pay Isabella's longest-lasting nanny who I heard had an accident a visit, what's wrong with that?" He said pointedly, hinting that Maya would always remain a nanny in his memory.

I neared his desk, towering over him but he wasn't intimidated; he looked relaxed and stoic.

"I know you did something to her"

"What do you mean by that?"

I growled, "Don't play games with me, father! You said something to Maya that made her turn out that way"

We stared hard into each other's eyes, a stare down that none of us was willing to back out from until he shook his head in disappointment.

"I'm so disappointed in you"

"Unfortunately, I stopped caring about what you thought about me when mom died"

I saw an unknown emotion flicker across his eyes but he was quick to resume his impassive features. My mom has always been a touchy spot between us.

My mom had died when I was pretty young from cancer of the lungs leaving Emily and me behind. Adam has always been a strict man, but his hardness came to light after her death.

Rumors plus the little fact I captured from my childhood revealed that Adam had loved my mother with all his heart even though her attention was on someone else - she loved another person who I had no clue about.

Yet, Adam did everything possible to marry her hoping that once they were husband and wife, she would eventually love him back but that didn't happen.

Yes, they lived as husband and wife, he treated her and they even performed their conjugal rights blissfully yet he never owned that heart.

Mother tried to hide it but Adam still found out she craved for the one she loved. He continuously lavished gifts and did everything to keep her mind off him but none of it seemed to work.

They argued sometimes but she didn't speak back, only kept silent and allowed him to vent his feelings until he found out that she was not affected by it.

Slowly Mother withered away until she escaped this reality through death when she could have fought hard for them - for her kids.

After her death, the once loving father they knew disappeared forever. Love became a fairytale he despised to hear.

"My decision is final" he dismissed, going back to his work.

"Why Tina? With or without her, the company would do well. In fact, she's the one gaining from us "

"And Maya didn't gain from you?" He challenged

I licked my lower lips, my blood aching with the need to describe what a blessing Maya was to me.

"Maya is different and to be frank, she did me a lot of -"

"You need a proper woman from a respectable home, who has the power to back you up when you're down" Adam cut me off before I could finish.

"I don't need her backup"

"And you need Maya's?" His intent gaze bore into mine," Tell me what she can offer you? Sex? Power? Money? Which of those can't Tina give you?"

"My heart! Maya has my heart! " I yelled.

I watched his heart narrow into slits, "You useless son!"

Adams's face distorted into anger and he stood abruptly, picked up the golf club that was always beside his desk, and tried to hit me with it again.

But I took the club from his grip and flung it halfway across the room much to his surprise.

He punched me in the nose without warning and while I was recovering, pulled out the gun from one of the drawers, hitting me on the head with its butt.

But I pulled out my gun from the waistband of my jeans and pointed it at him, pulled the trigger, and fired.

The bullet escaped through the space between his neck and hit the glass display case where he kept all of his awards, the glass shattering to pieces.

"I'm no longer that ten years old you push around the way you want !" I said in an outburst.

I purposely missed but the threat was obvious - the next time would be a perfect shot. I was only going easy on him because he was my father but my patience was slowly thinning.

"I fulfilled my promise by staying away from Maya, but touch a strand on her again and I wouldn't hesitate to fight you head-on" I warned him straightforwardly.

He chuckled, "You're going to fight me? With what?"

" I'm the new family head"

"You were chosen and have not been inaugurated, so I remain the one in power" Adam pointed out.

And he was right, I was just chosen for the new family head role but my father's regime was not over and still required two years before he should step down and hand it over to me.

"So perhaps, before you declare a war, know your capability," My father said triumphantly.

Father underestimated me, it was? time to reinforce.


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