Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 139 - One Hundred And Thirty-nine : So Much For Trusting Isabella

Chapter 139 - One Hundred And Thirty-nine : So Much For Trusting Isabella

Nik's POV

"The deep blue necklace and earring set is suitable for both youngsters and matured people though it comes in other color variations but this..."

I was in a meeting with my workers but stopped paying attention thirty minutes ago, why? My stomach was acting up, which was odd.

Strange, I haven't even taken anything into my stomach since morning unless….

My eyes flew open at once, so far the only thing I consumed was the coffee my daughter Isabelle prepared for me.

You've got to be kidding me, don't tell me Isabella really put something in the drink to upset my stomach; wasn't the specially prepared coffee a peace offering?

Ugh, a painful pang hit me.

I felt the urge to vomit, not to mention the cramps on my stomach made things worse.

For support, I grabbed the desk so hard I would have crushed it -? if that was possible - fighting off the painful groan from escaping my mouth while beads of sweat decorated my forehead.

Damn you Isabella, this is not funny.

"Sir Niklaus are you okay, you look sick? " Asked one of my executives sitting beside me who noticed something was wrong with me.

But his question attracted the others who pinned me with their curious gazes.

"He's right." said another, who turned around to get a good glance at me "You look pale and sweating profusely " He observed correctly.

I would have barked and ordered them to mind their own business, then focus on the meeting but I felt the urge to have a bowel movement.

"Meeting adjourned " I sprang up-to my feet without warning, surprising everyone by dismissing the meeting that barely began.

With huge yet careful strides, I skedaddled out of the office eliciting shocked gasps from everyone who thought I was kidding when I ended the meeting abruptly .

They all knew I never joke with my meetings which was why they always came prepared; an unfruitful meeting results in a firing spree.

Moreover, this was the first time in history I dismissed a meeting because of my personal reason, so? the full-fledged gossipers resumed their speculation as soon as I left.

If only they knew my daughter put something in my drink that waged war with my intestines - if only they knew.

In the hallway, I sprinted to my office and didn't even spare a look at the workers who greeted me on the way or my surprised secretary who stood to her feet puzzled - the CEO was running with his hand pressed against his butt.

Inside my office, I turned the doorknob and ran into my bathroom; lifted up the toilet lid effortlessly, zipped and pulled down my pants as I began to stress my rectal area.

I thought I was going to die. No doubt, I was experiencing an upset stomach brought about by Isabella's crude prank and diarrhoea was just one of the many symptoms.

Great, just when I decided to trust my dear daughter, she wasn't going scot-free for this one!

I spent two hours in the toilet before I was able to move a muscle without sprinting back to the toilet whenever the urge to defecate overwhelms me.

Face scrunched up,I walked carefully back to my office, movement as slow as a tortoise while my hand was pressed on the side of my bare stomach.

I had managed to take a bath in order to wash off the sweat accumulated during the intensive excrement but it didn't aid my sore rectal area, that comes with diarrhea.

The crooked smile on Judy's face irked me to the extent I glared at him and snatched my shirt from him; he brought a change of clothes to me. I had called him during my joyful ride in the toilet - note the sarcasm.

Judy handed an over-the-counter loperamide hydrochloride

which I gulped down with a glass of water without wasting time, the drug would help control the diarrhea.

"Isabella really did a number on you today" Judy snickered but I had no time nor energy to quibble with him.

So I ignored him and lay down on the bed he had ordered into my office, with my face hidden in the crook of my arm - that was the end of work? for today.

It would have been better resting at home but that little devil didn't go to school today because of the chickenpox, she was home; I didn't want to see her face at the moment.

"Since you don't feel nauseous anymore, you should eat something. Doctor Sam said you should take a clear liquid diet for the first twenty-four to thirty-six hours "

I yawned in both hunger and exhaustion," Fine, just order something for me "

My head moved to the side, watching Judy wrinkle his nose as if he smelt something unpleasant in the air.

Yeah, that's right, I farted, so what? This was my office and as far as I know, everyone had freedom to express themselves which I just did.

Judy didn't say anything, instead his stoic expression returned while he fanned his hand towards his face.

"Order your men to conduct a search in Isabella's room, they should be thorough and remove any weird item; kid's toy or not? Get rid of it as far as it looks suspicious " I commanded Judy.

First, it was mixing fenugreek seeds with my coffee beans; secondly, glueing my butt to the chair; thirdly, putting excessive laxative into my coffee drink; the next could be catching my balls in a trap.

What amazes me the most was how and where she gets those stuffs from? which was why my men had to comb through her room meticulously.

My daughter was smart; if she really took after me, then she would hide them in a place that was easy to spot yet ignored.

Isabella was becoming a terror day after day. I get the fact she's mad at me because of what I did to Maya and our failed agreement, but this was getting out of hand.

If I hadn't hurried out of the meeting room in time, I would've defecated in my pants and get labeled as the "poop CEO" by those gossipmongers

"Alright, " Judy answered.

He was about to leave but remembered something,"That's right, Tina came earlier as you expected."

"Not surprising" I mumbled uninterestedly.

I was at home sipping the coffee the little devil made for me when Christina called. As usual, I ignored and silenced her call before heading to the company.

Having known Christina has a knack for pestering me, I had ordered them strictly not to let her into my office once she arrived and just as I thought, she did come.

Since Christina was so enthusiastic about the engagement, she should take-up the preparation - I wasn't interested one bit, she could do whatever she wanted - while I provide the finance.

"She was quite furious " Judy informed me.

I snorted, "Tina has always had quite a temper but that's none of my business - I just pity anyone who is on the receiving end of her aggression."

"For how long would you stall time? "

I sat upright, "Excuse me? "

"It's obvious you don't want to marry her which is why you're being so cold and unresponsive to her, but for how long do you think this tactics would work?" Judy questioned me seriously with our gazes locked.

I worked my jaw, "You're so interested in my private life lately "

"I'm not trying to pry nor be a busybody but am concerned over you - "

"Your concerns are appreciated but that's all, thank you " I interrupted him.

Judy bit the inside of his mouth and just when I thought he would leave, he went ahead to add, "Maya changed you and she deserves an applause for that. You're much better now than the previous Niklaus who was an asshole. I pray you don't deviate from this path else all her sacrifices would be in vain "

"If? you're done - "

"Have a nice day " He dismissed himself and left while I watched with a dumbfounded expression.

Judy was becoming fearless because he knew notwithstanding my countless threat, I would do nothing to him ; he's my most trusted henchman so I couldn't do without him at the moment.

I sighed and laid back on my bed just as my phone rang, alerting me of a incoming message. I couldn't identify? the sender but opened the video? sent to me which sure looked interesting thanks to it's thumbnail.

For the two minutes or so duration the video lasted, I forgot to breathe. Suddenly, I burst into a boisterous laughter - one that shook my body and brought hot tears to my eyes.

It was interesting, she had given up that easily?

Since Tina was back to sleeping with Fernando, it only meant one thing:? she has given up on veering for my love and attention; she now wanted my power, nothing else.

Though Christina was the heiress to the family business but rumours of her illegitimate brother being more suitable for the position was rousing and now, she was desperate to keep her seat.

I rewatched the video with a smirk, seems the Oldman's favoured daughter-in-law is losing her value.

Fine, let's watch how this plays out.


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