Tamed A Blackened Slave Man

Chapter 68: Will You Marry Me?

Chapter 68: Will You Marry Me?


Just as I was about to instinctively invite him into the room, I closed my mouth.

Who knows what he might try to do this late at night.

Had he not locked my hand onto his thigh right in front of Father just this evening?

No. Its too late.

In response to my decided answer, I heard a deep sigh from Cassadin.

Then I will say it here. You dont need to open the door.

Will you listen to me?

I could practically hear the desperation in his voice. After hearing that, I got up from my bed and responded.


Once I granted my permission, Cassadins voice began to softly echo from behind the bedroom door.

I wanted to say thank you.

The pitch of his voice was so low that it reminded me of the morning mist that faded away by sunrise.

Before she passed away, my mother had said something to me.

Slipping out of bed, I cautiously approached the bedroom door, clutching my chest with both hands. Rather than opening the doors, I leaned against them and continued to listen discreetly.

It was to survive using whatever means necessary and to forget everything and live happily.

Cassadins voice resonated with a sorrowful longing for his mother.

I failed to uphold my mothers final will. How could I find happiness after losing everything I had? I believed that my only remaining obligation was to seek revenge. But then I met you.

I no longer concern myself with such matters. If it means that I can stay with you forever.

Hearing the absolute sincerity in his voice, I closed my eyes and listened intently for his next words.

When everything is over

His voice trailed off, and he released a soft sigh that I wouldnt have been able to catch had I not been listening intently.

Then, his next words prompted me to slowly reopen my eyes.

When that moment arrives, will you marry me?


These were words I couldnt have imagined coming from Cassadin, who once had lost faith in all humanity.

It was a sincere proposal, but upon hearing this confession, it suddenly filled me with sorrow.

After coming back to the past, I hadnt given a single thought to the idea of marrying someone and settling down with a new family.

My primary focus was to live a peaceful life with my father, while ensuring Damian paid for all the sins he had committed.

That had been my ultimate objective.

Just as youve torn my heart and feelings into shreds, I shall do the same to you.

Right after returning from the past, I firmly believed that the vow I made just before drawing my last breath had resonated in the heavens.

As a result, I prioritized my vow over personal happiness. I had believed that was the best course of action for the person who had brought me here.

I was prepared to do anything for the sake of revenge, and that was why I had tried to use Cassadin.

But what if that hadnt been the reason all along? What if my return was just a coincidence?

The uncertainty threatened to overwhelm me. I could feel my heart begin to pound.

If Cassadin discovered I had returned to the past, would he still love me as he does now?

In the future that I had witnessed, you served as the Commander of the Imperial Knights. You were the closest aide to the Crown Prince. Moreover, you claimed victory over Damian in the first Swordsmanship Competition you participated in.

I was merely engaged to Damian in name. My entire tenure with him was marred by manipulation, and I ultimately lost my life at his own hands.

Fortunately, I was then sent back to the past, to the time when I made you my younger brother. It was all merely a means to get closer to you.

So even after knowing all this, would you still love me as you do now?

Unlike Cassadin, who now prioritizes me over his revenge, it is I who have been continuously consumed by my vengeance ever since I returned.

Then I slid down to the floor, covering my face with my hands.

I couldnt bring myself to raise my head due to the guilt I had felt. Cassadins pure honesty filled me with immense sadness.

When I continued to remain silent, Cassadin spoke further.

I didnt say that expecting an answer. I just

His serene voice was reminiscent of an autumn forest.

had to tell you that.

With those final words, Cassadin turned to leave. As his footsteps grew fainter, I heard the door of the neighboring room open, followed by silence.

When everything is over, will you marry me?

How could you be so strong, Cassadin? How could you prioritize me over seeking vengeance on the man who stole everything from you?

Are you truly content with that?

What was I supposed to do with such a gentle-hearted child?

And what did I want to do with myself?

It was me who remained stuck in the past. Therefore, it was also me who needed to break away from this foolish cycle.

It appears that you are favored by the heavens.

Suddenly, the words uttered by Notius echoed in my mind.

The claims of the man renowned for always being right had been incorrect.

I wasnt worthy of Cassadins love, let alone the heavens.

Oh dear God, why have you brought me back here?

I called out to the God who had never acknowledged me before.

And of course, there was no answer.

As the dawn of the next day broke, the Emperor, true to his word, sent a carriage to the Serkia Familys mansion.

As soon as they arrived at the palace, they could sense the stares of numerous imperial knights directed at them. These were primarily stares of disapproval aimed at Cassadin.

The Seville Empire was renowned for its rigid hierarchical system.

Seeing as Cassadin had abruptly risen from his initial status of a slave to a Marquess, it was plausible that the knights were still skeptical about this entire situation, even after observing it firsthand.

All sorts of negative emotions, such as jealousy and disdain, directed towards Cassadin, were evident in their gazes. However, due to the Emperors support, the knights couldnt publicly express their objections towards Cassadin.

Come, follow me. His Majesty is waiting.

The Emperors aide, whom Aren remembered seeing on several occasions, then guided them to where the Emperor was waiting. Aren and her father, followed by Cassadin, trailed behind the Emperors aide into the heart of the palace.

They had been walking down a long corridor for some time when they finally reached a large golden door, flanked by two roaring lion statues and stopped there.

Your Majesty, we have arrived.

In response to the aides announcement, a deep, raspy voice called from beyond the door.


With the Emperors consent, the massive doors began to part. Upon fully opening, the seated figure of the Emperor on his throne emerged. He was surrounded by numerous individuals armed with swords, who were seemingly positioned there to protect him.

Upon spotting Cassadin, the Emperor made a significant smile and subtly signaled with his eyes toward Aren and Earl Zigen. The gesture was a clear indicator for them to withdraw.

In an effort to avoid arousing the Emperors suspicion, both obediently retreated further into the distance.

The Emperor then gestured towards Cassadin, who was now alone.

Come closer.

As Cassadin approached the Emperor, his eyes, lined with wrinkles, curled into a long arch.

Silver hair, I see. It is quite different compared to that black hair.

As if he were an elderly lion basking nonchalantly in the sunlight, the Emperor continued with his leisurely smile.

Yesterday, you assured me that you could fulfill my desires tenfold.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Cassadins unequivocal response made the Emperor burst into a hearty laughter.

So, can you do anything I ask of you?

That word, anything, unsettled Cassadin somewhat. Yet, if it were for the sake of keeping Aren safe, he would undoubtedly do whatever it took, as long as it didnt bring her harm.

Such was the depth of Cassadins devotion toward Aren.

If that is what Your Majesty desires.

Seeming to be satisfied with Cassadins answer, the Emperor rose from his throne.

As soon as he rose, the Emperors aide produced an item resembling a rolled piece of paper and presented it to the Emperor.

Unfurling the paper handed to him by his aide, the Emperor proceeded to speak.

In recognition of your remarkable actions during the Fighting Competition, I hereby award you the title of Marquess.

Cassadin bowed deeply, then he knelt on one knee. The aide then subsequently retrieved another item from his jacket. It was a medal bearing the emblem of a silver hawk.

As his aide presented him with the medal, the Emperor approached the kneeling Cassadin.

The surname I thou hast is Deus. Thy emblem a hawk. May thou be a hawk that soars high up to the heavens with those wings.

With that, the Emperor affixed the emblem to Cassadins left chest.

I am grateful, Your Majesty.

It was at this point, while the Emperor was appraising Cassadin with satisfaction, that the formerly silent hallway beyond the throne room began to fill with a sudden commotion.

Your Highness! You simply cannot do that!

Your Highness? The Emperors eyes narrowed at those words. Then, with a deafening bang, the colossal doors to the throne room burst open with violent force.

Everyone in the room was now in a state of shock, their gazes transfixed on the disruptor of the ceremony. This unexpected interloper was none other than the Crown Prince himself, Leon.

His golden eyes, identical to those of the Emperor, scanned the room as though inspecting it. When his gaze met Cassadins, who had remained kneeling, Leons eyes widened in surprise.

What is all of this?

Leon inquired in a horrified tone. Suddenly seething, the Emperor rebuked Leon for his unexpected arrival.

Leon! What is the meaning of this?

That is what I am asking. Why have you undertaken this without even informing me?

Casting a glance at Cassadin as if his presence were absurd, Leon then strode towards the Emperor. Unable to risk restraining the Emperors only son by force, they stood rooted in anxiety and confusion.

Its fine, the Marquess title and all.

Now standing before the Emperor, Leon cast a cold glare down at Cassadin, who was still kneeling on the ground.

But why him, of all people?

How are you aware of this man?

Of course I am aware of him. He is

Just as he was about to utter those final words, his gaze met Arens, who was stationed far away. Upon making eye contact with Leon, she shook her head sideways.

Only after witnessing Arens reaction did Leon come to a realization.

Even with the knowledge of everything, she had accepted him. She did not hesitate to accept that man, even after he had revealed to her his incredible longing for possession.

At that moment, Leon suddenly felt disheartened. At this juncture, was Aren not more of a saint than a healer?

When Leon stopped speaking, the Emperor urgently grasped Leons clothes and inquired once more.

He is?

Leons mouth opened and closed several times before he finally decided to hold back his words.

Its not a significant matter. I simply recall seeing his face at the imperial banquet hall.

Is that really all?

With a subtle nod, Leon then smiled at the Emperor as if he had not intended to stir up any trouble.

May I have a word with Aren for a moment? Can I take her aside?

The Emperors eyebrows furrowed. It clearly showed he was not pleased to hear that. But regardless of how the Emperor felt, Leon crookedly bowed his head at the Emperor and continued.

Then I will take that as a yes.

Without wasting another moment or giving the Emperor a second glance, Leon proceeded towards Aren, who was at the other end of the room. There was likely no other man in the entire empire bold enough to act in such a way.

The Emperor sighed and massaged his temples as Cassadin rose from his kneeling position.

The aide that had been standing next to the Emperor was about to say something to Cassadin about standing up before the Emperor ordered him to, but then Cassadin bowed his head before he could as he spoke.

Place your command, Your Majesty.

The Emperors gaze that had been staring at Leon disapprovingly then turned to Cassadin.

Your Majesty is the one and only sun of this empire.

Though this short statement didnt seem to hold much meaning, it had held the meaning asking the Emperor whether he was just going to stand there and watch his sons rampant behavior. Not even the Emperors aide had understood this, and was tilting his head in confusion.

The Emperor was impressed by Cassadins eloquent speaking ability. Managing not to anger the Emperor, whilst honoring him even as he spoke his mind, was a feat that made the Emperor question whether Cassadin really had been a slave.

If such an intelligent man became his hunting dog, then he would be more reliable than no other. So he just needed to test this mans loyalty right here and now.

The aide who was standing next to the Emperor moved to reprimand Cassadin for standing without the Emperors permission, but Cassadin preemptively bowed his head and spoke.

Command me as you wish, Your Majesty.

Previously focused on Leon with a disapproving glare, the Emperors gaze shifted to Cassadin.

Your Majesty is the one and only sun of this empire.

Although this brief remark appeared to lack substantial significance, it subtly questioned the Emperor about his stance on his sons unchecked behavior. Not even the Emperors aide had understood this and was tilting his head in confusion.

The Emperor was taken aback by Cassadins eloquent speech. The ability to respectfully express his thoughts without angering the Emperor made him question whether Cassadin had truly been a slave.

If such an intelligent man became his hunting dog, then he would be more reliable than no other. So he just needed to test this mans loyalty right here and now.

I command the Marquess to arrest the Crown Prince immediately.


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