Talent Swallowing Hero

Chapter 35 Rank 7 Mutated Beast

‘Why does this beast have this?’

On the rank 7 Earth Griffin, Leo saw a palm-sized circular drawing filled with mysterious symbols, and it was glowing in red.

The moment his eyes fell on that drawing, Leo was shocked because he knew it.

“Brother Leo, what is that drawing?”

Julia also noticed the drawing on the unconscious Griffin and asked Leo about it.

“It’s a slave seal.”

“Slave seal?”

Julia raised her brows as she replied, “Someone who is capable of placing a slave seal on a rank 7 beast must be very powerful. But, if they have such strength, why can’t they try taming it?”

In this world, other than the heroes with ‘Taming’ talents, some heroes tamed the mutated beasts by other methods.

So, when she thought about it, Julia could not help but feel pity for Griffin.

“Taming a mutated beast is not hard; however, it is a time-taking process and why would the powerful waste their time on taming them when they could directly use the slave seals to control them?”

Suddenly, Julia felt Leo was colder than his usual self when he said those words.-.

‘Looks like Brother Leo hates ‘Slave seals’ too.’

Julia didn’t say anything as she silently thought and looked closely at the glowing slave seal.

Whether it was a mutated beast or a human, no one likes to be a slave to another. Even humans were against placing slave seals on the mutated beasts. Of course, some like to enslave people and those who want to make money from selling enslaved people to them.

She had never seen a slave seal in her life. So, she asked, “Does all slave seals glow like that?”


Leo shook his head as he looked at the rank 5 Earth Griffin that brought them here and said, “You want me to save it from the curse?”


Griffin hurriedly nodded its head with a screech.

“Brother Leo, what are you talking about?”

Julia’s ears perked up when she heard Leo’s question to Griffin and asked him about the curse.

They talked about the ‘slave seal’ a moment ago, and suddenly, Leo asked about the curse.

So, she was confused and asked him with a worried face.

Even though she didn’t like mutated beasts, Julia was worried about the unconscious Griffin after seeing the little gryphlings and the stubborn Griffin that wanted to protect its partner.


Leo sighed as he finally understood why the rank 5 Griffin risked its life to get the fragment of the God stone and why it was so stubborn to follow him in such a sorry state.

“Didn’t you ask me whether all slave seals will glow like this?”

After taking a deep breath, Leo replied, “A slave seal only glows when a slave kills its master.”

“What? Slaves can kill their masters?”

Julia was shocked because, according to what she learned, enslaved people could never harm their masters, and even if they think about harming their masters, the slave seal gets activated and kill them.

“It’s possible as long as the slave learns how to control his thoughts.”

Leo nodded his head as he explained, “A slave can kill his or her master after fooling the slave seal with their thoughts; however, once a slave kills his master, the slave will be cursed.”


Suddenly, Julia felt that despite spending most of her life studying, she still didn’t know many things in this world.

“The curse….it will not kill the slave right away; in..instead, it will give him an unbearable pain that only wants the slave to die; however, he will not even have the energy to kill himself.”

Leo’s tone was shaky as he continued, “Eventually, the slave will experience that unbearable pain before dying slowly.”

“What? Are you telling me that this rank 7 Griffin is experiencing such unbearable pain right now?”

Julia was shocked as she looked at the unconscious Griffin with a worried look.

“Brother Leo, you are so powerful. You must know a way to save it from the curse?”

After witnessing Leo take care of so many mountain fiends on the Bandit Mountain, Julia knew Leo was powerful.

Moreover, he seemed knowledgeable. So, Julia asked Leo whether he knew how to save it.

“Sigh…there is no way to break the curse.”

Leo sighed as he felt pity for the unconscious Griffin.


Hearing his words, Griffin released a loud screech as though she disagreed with Leo’s words.

“Even the fragment of a god stone will not help your partner; instead, it will only make things worse.”

Leo shook his head as he explained why Griffin should not feed the ‘Fragment of God stone’ to the unconscious Griffin because the more powerful the enslaved person was, the more powerful the curse would become.

“Then what do you suggest we should do?”

Julia’s eyes held back the incoming tears as she asked Leo what they should do.

“If we have the blood of the slave master, then I could have temporarily supprressed its pain.”

Leo shook his head as he suggested, “Right now, we could only put it out of its misery by killing it.”

“What? We have to kill it? How can…”

Julia was shocked at Leo’s suggestion and wanted to say something more; however, after seeing the look on Leo’s face, Julia could not say anything.

Because, right now, Leo looked like he was angry at himself for not being able to save the unconscious Griffin.




However, the rank 5 Griffin and the two gryphlings didn’t agree with Leo.

“In the end, it is your decision whether to continue to live in an endless pain or die peacefully.”

Leo didn’t want to force Griffin to kill its partner as he knew it would be very hard. Moreover, since it was the rank 5 Griffin’s decision, it had nothing to do with him.


After hearing Leo’s words, the rank 5 Griffin fell into a dilemma as it really didn’t know what to do.

“Who said I want to die peacefully?”

As the rank 5 Griffin was pondering about it, a female voice resounded in the cave as the rank 7 Griffin opened its eyes and glared at Leo.


Finally, book got contracted and gift feature is unlocked.


50 Power Stones:- One Bonus Chapter.

100 Power Stones:- Three Bonus Chapters.


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