Talent Swallowing Hero

Chapter 107 Project: Talent Awakening Serum

“Of course, it is impossible for a 10-year-old kid to survive in the wilderness.”

Leo stood up from the chair, walked closer to Liam, and continued, “Unless he was sold to a merchant caravan who enslaved that boy before selling to Manticores.”


Liam was shocked when he heard Leo’s brief story.

“You must have asked your subordinates to kill me; however, you must have been not paying them well. So, they decided to make some quick bucks by selling a talentless boy.”

‘Those idiots.’

Liam could not help but curse the servants who were supposed to kill the boy.

‘If he was enslaved, then does he have a master?’

‘Wait a second. Didn’t he say he was sold to manticores? They were not the type to take revenge for a human.’

‘Does that mean he escaped from them?’

‘No…it is impossible for a slave to escape from the slave master.’

Once he learned how that talentless boy survived and returned to take revenge, Liam’s head was filled with thousands of questions.

Even though the answer to all those questions is standing in front of him right now, Liam didn’t know a talentless boy turned into a genius with three rare talents. Moreover, from the looks of it, he has the battle prowess equivalent to rank 9.-.

‘I need to find out his secret, and if I can use it, I might become a Supreme Hero.’

Even though Liam knew that Leo might kill him at any time, he racked his brain to devise an idea to survive his current ordeal.

“W-what do you want to do now?”

Lian already knew what Leo planned to do to him and his Ambermane family; however, he still asked, hoping to make a deal with him.

It was a plan that he came up with after racking his brain.

“Do you need to ask that?”

Leo mocked Liam and said, “You already know what I want.”

“If you promise me that you will not kill me, I will say everything I know.”

Liam knew Leo would not kill him until he heard the truth behind the death of his adoptive parents.

Hence, he tried to strike a deal with Leo.


Leo remained silent and acted like he was hesitating before nodding his head.

“Okay. I promise.”

Clenching his fists, Leo agreed to Liam’s deal.

‘Looks like he is still a young man who lacks experience.’

Liam was happy when Leo agreed to his deal and concluded that Leo was still an inexperienced young man trying to take revenge for his adoptive parents.

‘Good. For now, I need to escape from here.’

With that thought, Liam started explaining the events from the past.

“Maybe because of your parents’ talents or their continuous research on the talents, mutated beasts, and the monster, your adoptive parents, became one of the few brilliant researchers in this world.”

“All the brilliant researchers and scientists in this world are funded by the ‘Union of the City Leaders’.”

“With the help of those brilliant….”

“Come to the point directly. I know about the ‘Union of the City leaders’ and the little pet projects they carry out in the name of advancing the human race.”

Leo interrupted Liam’s words and asked him to tell him about his adoptive parents.

Leo sensed that Liam was trying to delay the time.

Nevertheless, he was not worried that someone would come to his rescue because the two supreme heroes of this city were busy with their things.

City leader Theodore was planning their upcoming expedition into the otherworldly portal. In contrast, Mr. White was busy selling the ‘Fragment of the God stone’ to the branch leaders of their organization.

Of course, Leo didn’t know what things they were busy with. He only knew they were busy with some important matters and currently unavailable.

‘Unless it is a monster or mutated beast invasion, they will not come out that easily.’

Leo silently thought and waited for Liam to finish his words.

“O-okay. I didn’t expect young hero Leo to know about the ‘Union of the City leaders’.”

Liam nodded and continued, “Your adoptive parents found a way to awaken the talent in the talentless human. It was a serum that can help awaken a talent, so they named it ‘Talent Awakening Serum’.”

“Your parents were praised by all the city leaders from the union and given even more resources for them to create that ‘Talent Awakening Serum’. After countless failures, they finally made the first ‘Talent Awakening Serum’.”

“What? My parents created the ‘Talent Awakening Serum’?”

Leo was shocked after hearing Liam’s words because he always felt his adoptive parents were ordinary.

“When everyone thought the things for the human race were going better, a few city leaders pulled back their funds and ordered your parents and all the researchers and scientists in their group to halt their project for some unknown reason.”

“However, those batch of scientists and researchers was into the mass-producing that serum that can make the entire human race a lot stronger against the monsters and the mutated beasts.”

“Since you know about the ‘Union of the City leaders’, I don’t think I have to tell what happened afterwards, right?”

Liam didn’t explain thoroughly; however, he knew Leo was intelligent enough to guess what happened next.

‘Why did the city leaders not want that awakening serum to be mass-produced?’

Leo knew what happened afterwards; however, he didn’t understand why the city leaders would oppose mass-producing the talent awakening serum?

The city leaders were already supreme heroes and had a lot of resources to increase their forces’ strength.

Therefore, they did not need to worry that someone might use those serums to create their faction to replace their position as the city leader.

‘Moreover, even without the talent awakening serum, if someone wanted to replace the city leader, they would always do that in secret because there were only a few humans who were unlucky not to awaken any talent.’

No matter how much he thought, Leo could not find the answer to his question.

‘It looks like something else that made the city leaders uneasy about the talent awakening serum, or was it my parents who were capable of coming off with such a miraculous serum?’

‘No…if that is the case, then the talent awakening serum would be mass-produced and sold in batches in every city or at least in the supreme markets. Therefore, it has something to do with the serum.’

Leo concluded that something about the serum made the city leaders uneasy.

“Why the city leaders didn’t want the talent awakening serum to be mass-produced?”

Even though Leo knew Liam might not know the answer to his question, he still asked to try his luck.

“I am only following the orders of the city leader Theodore. So, I don’t know many things.”

As expected, Liam shook his head and informed, “If you want to know more answers, you should ask Gregor or the city leader.”

“Sure. Thanks for telling me everything you knew.”‘

Leo nodded and thanked Liam.

“It’s nothing. I hope…”


“You can go and join with your brother and sons.”

Before Liam could finish his words, Leo slashed his throat at an incredible speed.


Gifts = Bonus Chapters.


nando11, thanks for the INSPIRATION CAPSULE.


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