Taking advantage of the beauty being poor, fooling her into being my girlfriend

Chapter 540 - 540 Xiu’er, is that you?

Chapter 540: Chapter 540 Xiu’er, is that you?

Jiang Xiaoyan made some sense.

If it were a good place, it wouldn’t be their turn to buy it.

Jiang Xu thought momentarily and said, “Let’s not rush this as selling it will probably be difficult.

I’ll take a look at the world map tonight and study it carefully before making a decision.”

“Alright then,” Jiang Xiaoyan didn’t insist further and then her eyes twinkled, “how about you join me for a movie tonight?

There’s this really good movie that came out recently. You haven’t watched one with me since the time in Jiang City.”

As she said this, her tone was filled with a hint of grievance.

“Hmm…” Jiang Xu pondered briefly and then took out his phone, “I’ll ask Nuonuo. If she agrees, I’ll accompany you.”

Jiang Xiaoyan was quite irked, “Are you even a man? Such a trivial matter and you need to ask her.

If it’s like this even before you’re married, after the wedding you’ll be under her thumb completely…”

“She agreed,” said Jiang Xu.

Jiang Xiaoyan quickly changed her tune, “Nuonuo is a virtuous and great girl; if you dare to bully her, you’ll have me to answer to.”

Jiang Xu, “Showoff, I’ll peel an apple for you with a Fangtian halberd.”

Now whenever Jiang Xu went out, he also wore a mask to avoid being recognized.

The movie tickets were purchased by Jiang Xiaoyan.

Jiang Xu bought some drinks and snacks.

They chose seats in the farthest corner at the back.

“What movie is it?” Jiang Xu asked.

“An animation,” she replied.

Jiang Xu was speechless for a moment.

Such an adult, yet still watching cartoons, how childish.

Oh, it s the Dragon Ball movie? Never mind then.

When the movie started, the theater was packed.

Jiang Xu could hear the sound of a couple smooching in front of him.

Then, on the left side, there were also couples, unabashedly kissing.

Jiang Xiaoyan said with a giggle, “Should we join in? Otherwise, we’ll seem odd one out.”

Jiang Xu ignored her and focused on the movie.

Kakarot was still cool.

Especially during his first transformation into Super Saiyan, it made every other anime seem pale in comparison.

Jiang Xiaoyan also quietly watched the movie, occasionally munching on snacks.

After the movie ended, more than half of the audience had left.

Many of them were couples who had indulged enough in the theater and moved on to ‘complete the second half elsewhere.

After leaving the cinema, Jiang Xu sent a message to An Nuonuo to let her know he was on his way home.

Jiang Xiaoyan, upon seeing this, didn’t say much and waved her hand, “It’s fine,

I can go back on my own. You don’t need to take me.”

Jiang Xu, “Oh, okay.”

Jiang Xiaoyan got angry, “You must take me home today, or else I’ll spend the night at your place!”

??? Jiang Xu, “What? You said yourself you didn’t need me to take you.”

Jiang Xiaoyan, “When a girl says no, it means yes. Don’t you understand such a simple thing?”

Fine, fine, fine,” Jiang Xu didn’t want to argue with her, ‘TH take you home.” Knowing the nature of this crazy woman, if he didn’t take her home, who knows what sort of trouble she might stir up.

Jiang Xiaoyan wore a victorious smile.

She hopped and skipped ahead, humming a cheerful tune.

“Have you visited your dad recently?” Jiang Xu asked casually.

“Yeah, I asked him for fifty billion.”

“He gave it to you?”

“He did. I’ve saved up five hundred billion in cash,” she answered.

Jiang Xu gritted his teeth.

Being a second-generation rich kid must be nice.

After dropping Jiang Xiaoyan off at her door, Jiang Xu ignored her insinuating glances that he should go in to ‘do something’ or ‘take a seat.’

Once home, he checked in with An Nuonuo for peace of mind.

Then, he began to look over the world map.

He meticulously researched information about those three countries.

While looking, he took various notes.

The three small countries specialized in wheat and some tropical fruits.

There were many mountains and relatively fewer plains.

The downside was underdeveloped transportation, but the upside was a natural barrier against foreign enemies.

Besides, the people of these countries were not ferocious; most were quite gentle.

Jiang Xu found that some world-class magnates were also interested in buying.

But after conducting site visits, they gave up.

There wasn’t much value in development or investment.

Unless one was willing to invest hundreds of billions into transportation and shipping endeavors.

But with that kind of money, wouldn’t I earn more by investing in something else?

For this reason, the auction had always failed to secure a sale.

After a thorough understanding, Jiang Xu actually thought the place was rather good.

It was off the radar, which suited clandestine development.

Moreover, Jiang Xu’s goal wasn’t to grow huge and strong; he simply wanted to secure a fallback for himself and his descendants.

After careful consideration, Jiang Xu decided to buy it.

But not now.

One reason was that he believed the price could still go down.

Another was the big question of how to maintain firm control once bought on a whim.

He needed to send some people there first.

The first person Jiang Xu thought of was Liu Dahai.

Start a company there, establish a foothold, gather more intelligence, and then plan the next step.

The next day, Jiang Xu called Liu Dahai over.

He told him what could be disclosed.

Then he patted his shoulder, “You’re the person I trust most. Once this matter is settled, I will personally give you a hundred million as a bonus.”

Liu Dahai’s breathing quickened.

Initially, when he heard Jiang Xu wanted him to go to a place he had never even heard of, he was somewhat resistant.

But now, even if he were asked to go to a country at war, he wouldn’t have a problem.

A hundred million.

With this deal, he could retire right away.

Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, he could change girlfriends every day if he wanted.

After giving Liu Dahai detailed instructions, Jiang Xu let him go to prepare.

This time the trip was under the guise of investment.

Various procedures were needed.

However, considering Jiang Xu’s current clout, it wouldn’t take too long.

Moreover, it was a small investment, totaling no more than five million.

Such small investments usually cleared quickly.

Sure enough, two days later, all the procedures were complete.

Liu Dahai took thirty people with him.

Their cover was posing as fruit wholesalers.

Meanwhile, Jiang Xu arrived at the high-speed train station.

An Nuonuo was returning today.

Even dressed very modestly,

the moment she stepped off the high-speed train, she still attracted many curious glances.

An Nuonuo spotted Jiang Xu at first glance.

Though it had been only a few days since they last saw each other, her longing had spread like wildfire.

She ran over and clung tightly to his arm, resting her head against him.

Jiang Xu smiled.

The two of them went home together.

They didn’t even stop for a meal, busy with other matters first.

When I was young in the countryside, I thought there were only single-lane roads.

But after growing up and coming to the big city, I realized there were dual carriageways and even three-lane roads.

It s just that, each lane feels different.

Jiang Xu believed in only one thing.

That is, in the face of absolute power, all skill is in vain….


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