Taking advantage of the beauty being poor, fooling her into being my girlfriend

Chapter 533 - 533 This Family Can No Longer Accommodate Me

Chapter 533: Chapter 533 This Family Can No Longer Accommodate Me

It took over two hours to clean the house properly.

Both of them were exhausted.

After taking a shower, they went to bed.

The next day.

An Nuonuo went to find Zhang Yuanyuan.

Whereas Jiang Xu went to the headquarters of Nuomimi Novel.

Ever since the company went public, he hadn’t visited again.

Lin Nan had been taking care of everything.

Upon seeing Jiang Xu, Lin Nan was so shocked she said, “I can’t believe what

I’m seeing, you actually came.”

“Haha,” Jiang Xu laughed heartily, “That’s because I’m totally reassured with

Sister Lin in charge here, there’s no need for me to come.”

Lin Nan was in a great mood, “Seeing as you’re so sweet-talking, I’ll let you off the hook this time.”

Jiang Xu took a tour of the company.

The number of employees here had surpassed five hundred.

Nuomimi Novel had also become the leading giant in the domestic novel industry.

Over twenty thousand contracted authors updated their works on the site every month.

After a general tour of the company, Jiang Xu followed Lin Nan to her office, “How’s the audiobook app coming along?”

Three months earlier, he had mentioned this to Lin Nan.

“It’s ready,” Lin Nan crossed her legs and smiled, “We’ve tested it over a hundred times, there’re no issues, and we plan to launch it next Monday.” “Mhm,” Jiang Xu nodded, “Nuomi Audiobooks is also a core product, manage it well, and strive to go public as soon as possible.”

Once Nuomi Audiobooks went public, the next steps would be ‘Haoting Music’ and ‘Nuomi Video’.

Jiang Xu had done the math.

If all these went public, his net worth would easily break through a hundred billion.

After spending over an hour there, Jiang Xu left.

There have been significant changes in Jiang City now.

The roads are wide, and both the pedestrian and vehicle traffic are enormous.

All kinds of international first-tier brand stores and supermarkets are everywhere.

Jiang Xu walked around casually.

Many places from his memories were now completely unrecognizable.

The torrent of the times gives no one a chance to resist, engulfing everyone and surging forward.

At noon, he went with An Nuonuo to his parents’ house.

“Mrs. Chen, congratulations,” Jiang Xu said with a feigned smile.

“Who are you being sarcastic with here?” Jiang Shan gave his head a smack.

Jiang Xu:

Alright, his status in this family was clearly getting lower and lower.

Jiang Xu saw that Mrs. Chen’s complexion was rosy and she seemed to have gained weight, so he felt reassured.

Since she had only been pregnant for a short while, it wasn’t apparent on the outside.

“Nuonuo, have you had any special reactions recently?”

As soon as Chen Yue saw An Nuonuo, she pulled her over and gently rubbed her stomach with one hand.

The implication of her action was self-evident.

An Nuonuo, head bowed, said somewhat guiltily, “Nothing…”

She felt as if she had let Jiang Xu waste so much effort on her.

Chen Yue was a bit disappointed, but didn’t show it.

She comforted her, saying the grandchild might not have “called out” yet, and once he did, he could be reincarnated into their family.

An Nuonuo didn’t know how to respond for a moment.

Dinner was prepared by An Nuonuo.

It was a lavish feast, complete with color, aroma, and flavor.

At the dining table, Chen Yuegao gave Jiang Shan a look.

Jiang Shan got the message.

He stood up, went to his bedroom, and brought out a bottle of deep-colored wine.

He poured a large cup for Jiang Xu, “Come on, let’s have a drink, just the two of us today.”

“What’s this wine?” Jiang Xu sniffed it, the aroma was strong.

“Cough cough, it’s aged wine a friend gave me, tastes very good,” Jiang Shan said.

Jiang Xu took a sip.

The taste wasn’t to his liking, and the alcohol content looked very high.

But having just one drink with dad was no problem.

After a hearty meal and drink, Chen Yue started shooing people away.

“Mom, why are you chasing us off so early?” Jiang Xu asked, puzzled.

Chen Yue replied, “I want to enjoy some alone time with your father, and you all are in the way.”


That reason was overwhelmingly strong, leaving Jiang Xu with no grounds for objection.

So he took An Nuonuo back to their secret base.

The summer night was pleasantly cool.

A large park had recently been built nearby.

It had even improved the air quality quite a bit.

“Brother Xu~”” Holding hands, An Nuonuo suddenly said, “Have you ever thought about names for our future kids?”

They didn’t have any yet, but that didn’t stop her from daydreaming about their life together.

“Of course, I have,” Jiang Xu laughed. “If it’s a girl, we’ll name her Jiang

Shuirou, I hope she can be as gentle as water, just like her mother.”

“Jiang Shuirou, that’s a beautiful name.” An Nuonuo’s eyes sparkled a bit more. “And for a boy?”

“If it’s a boy, we’ll name him Jiang Baichuan,” Jiang Xu looked up at the sky. “I hope he has a mind as vast and inclusive as the seas that embrace all rivers.”

An Nuonuo liked the names for both the boy and the girl.

When they got home, Jiang Xu tugged at his clothes. “Weird, why is it so hot?” “Hot? The air conditioning is on,” An Nuonuo said, puzzled. “I’ll go turn it down a bit.”

She had just turned around when Jiang Xu hugged her.

The hot breath from his nose sprayed on her neck.

In an instant, An Nuonuo’s body went weak, nearly collapsing to the floor.

Jiang Xu forced a smile. “The wine I drank earlier must have been spiked, definitely intended to get you pregnant sooner.”

At that moment, Chen Yue asked Jiang Shan, “Does that Ten-Complete Great

Replenishing Wine really work as well as the legends say?”

Jiang Shan patted his chest in assurance, “Of course, have you forgotten how you got pregnant? You were practically begging for mercy back then.”

“Oh please,” Chen Yue chuckled. “Three minutes, and you think you performed miracles? Can’t you see I was just sparing your feelings?”

Jiang Shan’s face reddened, and he became angrily embarrassed, “Go brush your teeth; I need to prove my capabilities!”

“That wine is really something.” At ten forty in the evening.

Jiang Xu came out of the restroom, unable to help but exclaim in astonishment.

How should I put it?

It was like a BUFF of sorts.

Boosting strength, health, attack speed, endurance…

If Jiang Shan knew, he surely would question life itself.

Why didn’t I get the same effects when I drank it?

It must be fake, definitely a counterfeit!

After resting briefly, Jiang Xu continued.

He felt the effects of the alcohol hadn’t fully worn off yet.

It couldn’t go to waste.

The next day, he didn’t wake up until the sun was high in the sky.

Jiang Xu picked up his phone to find several missed calls, all from Fu Yanjie.

Several messages were on WeChat too, urging him to call back as soon as he saw them.

Jiang Xu abruptly sat up straight.

It was rare for Fu Yanjie to seem so urgent—could something big have happened?

He quickly called back.

The call was answered instantly.

“Jiang Xu, get over to my place now, it’s an emergency!” Fu Yanjie blurted out.

Without waiting for Jiang Xu to ask any questions, he hung up.

An Nuonuo was still asleep.

Well, she was exhausted and needed more time to rest.

Jiang Xu quickly got dressed, washed up a bit, and then drove to Fu Yanjie’s house.


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