Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: The Question of Electrical Power Inside the store that was crammed with numerous exhibited electrical appliances, Kazura was viewing the refrigerators that were lined up in front of him . The home-use refrigerators placed in front of him were of various models from small sizes for personal use to large sizes for a large family . 「If I have this thing, then...... Ah, but I need an electric generator if want to use this......」 While reading the specification list that attached to the refrigerator, Kazura thought back about his diet in Isteria .

During his trip in Isteria, Kazura almost obtained his entire nutrition from canned food and so his diet were nutritiously unbalanced and heavily inclined towards calorie . Although the taste of the luxurious feast that Nelson provided was satisfactory, but even if the taste was good he didn’t feel any sense of satisfaction since it couldn’t abate his hunger, so when he ate it, the taste felt was somewhat complicated . But since for some reason Lieze proactively held conversations with Kazura when they were eating, it was quite enjoyable . Even during his stay in Grisea Village, any of his real nutrition mostly come from the no-wash rice[1] and canned food he ate, so it couldn’t be said that this diet is good for his body . Even so, there wasn’t any particular unusual change in his body until now . It might be because he sometimes he ate a lot at a Family Restaurant when he returned to Japan and he was only stayed several days at most in another world . However, if this unhealthy diet continued into the future, then this unbalanced diet might damage his body . 「I wonder if by any chance when I was eating the food from that world, I ended up using more calorie to digest that food than the calorie that I absorbed......」(Kazura) When he was starting to have hypoglycemia at Leveson’s mansion a few days ago, he had just eaten a large amount of food . If thinking along this line, then when Kazura ate the food of that world, he would just waste calorie no matter how much food he ate, so it might be better for his body to not eat anything from the start . On the other hand, for people who want to lose weight, to be able losing weight while eating deliciously, it was a dream-like food . If he made use of crops from that world and make a zero calorie food even when eaten such as diet potato chip, it could revolutionize snack industry . At any rate, he needs to considerably be careful regarding the food . It was fortunate that until now a trip to Japan was just 15 minutes away by walking from Grisea Village . However, he predicted he would stay for a quite a time in Isteria and it would take a 10 hours journey to Japan even if he rode a carriage . Just in case of a hypothetical situation where he couldn’t leave Isteria for whatever reason, he wanted to take a large amount of food as much as possible . In addition, if he could, he didn’t want only ate canned food or retort pouch food . If only he could store the food that he brought in a refrigerator or freezer then it might be achievable...... 「Do you looking for a refrigerator, Sir?」(Store Clerk) While Kazura was mulling over this, he was seen by a store employee who then greeted him . 「Ah no, I am just looking for now......」(Kazura) 「Is that so? Then, this refrigerator is the newest model that is just released recently, not only it has high capacity but it also has low yearly electrical consumption rate . In addition, its cooling power is also amazing . 」(Store Clerk) It was unknown whether or not the store employee heard Kazura’s reply, but he began explaining the products of his own accord . 「Even if you pack large quantity of food, they will be completely cooled up evenly, so I greatly recommend this product! And yet it has low electrical consumption . Currently, this is the highly recommended products of this store . 」(Store Clerk) 「Umm, if I use an electric generator to power electronic appliance, how many hour will a refrigerator need to be powered to be usable? I also intend to choose an electric generator . 」(Kazura) The store employee began to speak blabberingly of his own, but Kazura decided he might as well asked about an electric generator . Since the store employee was talking then at least he could speak information that Kazura wanted . 「Let see...... Certainly, there is a model that only need to be continuously operated for 18 hours . I think this store also sold that model . 」(Store Clerk) 「18 hours? ...... How fuel will it be needed for this?」(Kazura) 「Umm, since the fuel is gasoline, then it will about 20 liters[2]...... Umm, do you also searching for an electric generator?」(Store Clerk) If it needs only to be continuously powered for 18 hours then there would be no problem to use other electrical appliance . However, it would require 20 liters of gasoline as the fuel, if he needs to obtain sufficient amount of gasoline for several months usage, then it would be a considerable amount . Although it wasn’t something impossible as long as he purchased it in a small amount from various gas stations, store it in a drum can and brought it over to another world . By the way in Japan, there is a law that requires someone who stores gasoline above a certain amount to report it to the municipality government . Of course, there is no such law that exists in Isteria . 「(It will be a hard work to stock up a large amount of gasoline . Then, is it possible to isolate a room in Nelson-san’s mansion to place the refrigerator? Maybe I need to make a small hut for the gasoline outside the mansion...... If the gasoline inside the drum catch fire from somewhere then Nelson-san’s mansion would end in blaze . )」(Kazura) 「Sir?」(Store Clerk) 「Ah, I’m sorry . This refrigerator, please . 」(Kazura) 「Thank you very much! What about the electric generator?」(Store Clerk) 「Please get me a generator with the biggest power output and the longest continuous operation time . 」(Kazura) 「Certainly! In addition, do you also want have computers, televisions, and washers!?」(Store Clerk) 「No need . 」(Kazura) 「I am sorry!」(Store Clerk) 「Ah, perhaps a notebook . The one with spreadsheet program . 」[3] (Kazura) 「With pleasure!」(Store Clerk) This and that happened and Kazura purchased several things which he didn’t plan before and after he requested the store to deliver the goods tomorrow, he left the store behind . ✦✧✦ The next morning . Kazura who had filled his stomach with a tremendous amount of food at the breakfast buffet in the business hotel, head towards the HomeCenter he always visited to finish the rest of his plan .

When he was looking over the outdoor corner which sells lime, Kazura was approached by the employee who noticed him . He was the Store Manager who had greeted Kazura several times before . 「This is unexpected to see Shino-sama . Are you in search for anything today?」(Manager) 「It’s been a while . I want to make mortar myself, so I am searching for lime . Which one should I use?」(Kazura) 「In that case, it will be better to use this slaked lime[4] . How much do you need?」(Manager) 「Hmm...... How many lime do you have in stock?」(Kazura) When Kazura asked such question to the Manager, the Manager had a hint of nervousness ran over his expression . Perhaps he was thinking if Kazura would make a large amount of purchase again . 「We have 2 ton!」(Manager) 「Then everything, please . 」(Kazura) 「Certainly!」(Manager) While his ear heard the same energetic response like the one he had last night, Kazura write down the delivery address at the documents that the Manager took out from his pocket . Just like last time, he rented the HomeCenter truck to deliver it, although he could load and transported it by himself, but as expected he didn’t have the willpower to transport the 2 tons good by himself . Although he must transport the good by himself when it had been delivered to the mansion, but this couldn’t be helped . 「Also, do you sell jerrycans for gasoline?」[5](Kazura) 「We have them inside the store . Do you need me to guide you there?」(Manager) 「Ah, no need since I can go myself . 」(Kazura) After being pointed out about the location by the Manager, Kazura entered the HomeCenter . Inside the store there were a large number of goods being displayed, from daily necessities to tools . Every single type of tools and utensils were cramped side-by-side . After he walked for a while, he quickly found the gasoline jerrycans . 「Hm, perhaps two 20 L jerrycans of gasoline will be enough . Also, I must buy a drum can . 」(Kazura) Where is the place that sells drum cans? Kazura was looking around the surrounding . Then he found a place where the same electric generator model that he purchased yesterday was placed . 「Ah it’s the same model with the one from yesterday . 」(Kazura) He casually approached the electric generator and then see the specification list that was placed on it . Then, next to that specification list were a label that was written with the words『Low Noise Specification ~ Long Period Power Generation』 .

「......Aw, I’ll be had . I completely forget about the noise from the generator . 」(Kazura) Since the generator uses internal combustion engine to generate electricity, the sound produced from it is quite loud . When he bought the generator at the electronic store last night he was only thinking about the refrigerator and didn’t think about the noise at all . It’s different from when using it in Japan, but if he uses the generator who will give out a loud noise in a quiet place such as Nelson’s mansion, then perhaps there would be people gathering questioning the source of the noise . Though the generator that he had purchased was a low noise specification, he was wondering how loud the noise it made when it was activated . When he looked at the specification list, there was a description that mention,『Noise Level 55~85 dBA』 . 「Are you looking for an electric generator?」(Store Clerk) When Kazura was looking at the specification of the electric generator, an employee addressed him . It was the same pattern with the last night pattern in the electronic store . 「No, but I want to know how loud the sound from this generator . Can this be run as a test?」(Kazura) 「Of course . Please wait a minute . 」(Store Clerk) When Kazura asked, the employee leaned over in front of the generator and switch it on . Then immediately there were intermittent noises from the generator . It was relatively noisy . 「This is when running on full power and this is when it is used at ¼ load . 」(Store Clerk) When the employee pressed the switch to cut the generator load, it became fairly quieter . In this case, if the generator was placed surrounded by walls or placed inside a bit deep hole, the sound might not be that loud . It’s just that he had a hunch that using an enclosed generator was a bit dangerous . 「I see...... I understand . Thank you very much . 」(Kazura) 「Yes, please tell me anything if you need something . 」(Store Clerk) Kazura saw the employee leave and stood thinking at that place for a while . Although the portable generator that could be brought to everywhere is a convenient tool, to use it in Isteria would have a problem with fuel and noise . Although it might be good to bring them to Isteria, just in case they will be necessary, Kazura was thinking about other ways so he can use the refrigerator and other electronic appliances . 「Other way of power generation is......」(Kazura) After he thought for a moment, he took out his cellphone from his pocket and made a call at the engineering firm where he had bought the waterwheel before . After several ring, the amiable voice of the engineering firm’s directors could be heard from the phone .

「Hello, this is Shino who had purchased a waterwheel one month ago......」(Kazura) 「Oh, so this is Shino-san! It’s been a while! How is the waterwheel that you have bought that time?」(Director) 「It is running splendidly . The pumped water amount is also so great, so it is really helpful . 」(Kazura) 「Then that’s good . That is an excellent masterpiece . Then what is the business for this occasion?」(Director) 「I want to buy another waterwheel, but it is a bit special waterwheel...... I am searching for a waterwheel for electricity generation, do you have something like it?」(Kazura) 「Ah a waterwheel generator . There is a waterwheel generator that is almost similar in model with the waterwheel you bought before, but it didn’t generate that much amount of electricity...... if you don’t mind about the model, then there is a hydro generator that generates electricity from turbine rotation using the inclinations and water current ......」(Director) 「Oh, there is such thing like that?」(Kazura) 「Yes, there is . However, our company only made waterwheel generator of the undershot waterwheel similar to the one you had bought before . If you intend to buy that hydro generator, then our company can serve as a proxy agent to stock the hydro generator from the manufacturer . Will this be alright to you?」(Director) 「Then, I will leave this in your hand . Is there any catalog for those? If there is, I want to go there and check it right now . 」(Kazura) 「Yes we do . Then we will prepare the catalog while waiting for your arrival . 」(Director) 「Thank you very much . I will look forward to it . 」(Kazura) Ending the call, Kazura made a small jump inside his heart for the information he got from the engineering firm . Although he didn’t know when the hydro generator that the engineering firm’s Director mentioned will be delivered, but if he had the hydro generator then he could have a pleasant life in Isteria . Since the generator and the electronics were goods produced by a technology that was on a different level from the other world’s technology capability, even if they try to mimic and build it, they were certainly wouldn’t be able to make it functioning . [6]These were completely on a different level from waterwheel and the water-powered sawmill, which can be reproduced from trial and error as long as someone knows about its structure . These were also different than bringing a low technology equipment, as it would have limited effect on the other world, or perhaps he had no doubt that the effect will be less than he expected . However as this is certainly something that can be considered as over-technology[7], so it is best for it to not be seen too much by the public . Although for the people who recognized him as Greysior, they would less likely make a useless clamor . 「Then perhaps I should prepare one drum can . It might be useful for many things if I can use the generator . 」(Kazura) While he was muttering this, Kazura moved his feet towards the corner that he considered is selling the drum can . At that time, a ringtone came from his cellphone . 「Hm? Who is it...... not good, it’s the Gunmaa Ranch delivery . Perhaps the compost already arrived . 」(Kazura) When Kazura saw the caller ID, he quickly answered the phone, and just like what he thought, it was from the Gunmaa Ranch asking where to put the compost that they had brought . For now, Kazura asked them to pile them up in the garden via the phone, after he ended the call, another call arrived . 「Ugh, now it is the Electricity Store . I never asked them to deliver in the morning...... Or rather, it is important for them to deliver before the day is over . 」(Kazura) While dealing with the call, Kazura called out to a nearby employee and conveyed that he wanted to purchase the drum can . Then while holding the gasoline jerrycans in both of his hand and put his cellphone sandwiched between his cheek and shoulder, Kazura stridently walked towards the cash register .


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