System Of The Undead

Chapter 33: Motive?

Chapter 33: Motive?

The day advanced and everyone remained in the motel because this was currently the best place to stay, at least for a couple of days more.

Sam and Clementine returned to their room because they needed some time alone but this wasn't to do anything sexual.

"Sam, what are we going to do?" Clementine asked her partner but Sam was thinking hard.

Things had gotten complicated but it wasn't anything they couldn't handle.

"We need weapons. We barely have any ammunition and if it is as she said then these are people that have no problem taking a life. What we can do is limited..." Sam responded.

"I thought the plan was to rendezvous with the others at the base? We can bring them along." Clementine responded but Sam was skeptical that they would allow civilians in and even if they did, they didn't know what they would do to them as they weren't sure how this virus spread.

The zombies were a lot more dangerous than they had anticipated but the base had a lot more men and firepower.

"We cannot return and leave them or they will die, Clementine. We're soldiers, our priority is still protecting civilian life..." Sam responded sternly.

"I know that but we cannot do this without any support, we need backup. I think we can bring reinforcement from the base," Clementine suggested.

"Think Clementine, why would they sacrifice men to help three people? The many will always trump the few. Have you forgotten what General X made us do?" Sam asked and Clementine's mouth immediately clamped shut.

Sam brought her back to reality, if the possibility of sacrificing a hundred to save a thousand presented itself, the logical choice will be to save that thousand.

And there was no way that the others wouldn't have heard about this checkpoint being bypassed, this would only make them more cautious because it showed that whatever these creatures were, they had the power to overrun them.

"I'm afraid we're on our own..." Sam said to which Clementine fell back into the bed with a thump, she looked frustrated but who could blame her?

They just found out that criminals were coming after them and Sam was big on loyalty, he knew that he couldn't abandon them even though that would be the most logical situation in this case.

"Guns, huh? Is there a police station nearby?" Clementine asked to which Sam nodded.

He knew this area quite well as opposed to Clementine who just relocated, she was relatively new.

"There is one, we can retrieve the weapons ourselves," Sam responded, he had no intentions of involving the others. He wanted Clementine and himself to go because he knew they were best equipped for this mission.

This wasn't a raid and he didn't even know if there was any police officer still alive but if they were, something told him that they wouldn't be willing to give them these weapons.

Weapons were the most valuable thing in this new world and even in the old but more so now than before.


Rachel and everyone else were together, they had eaten a bit too much and their stomach was stuffed. They couldn't move an inch.

Rachel's eyes caught a glimpse of the broken bed and couldn't help but wonder if it broke when they were having sex.

She glanced at Jason but saw that he was already staring at her, the man quickly looked away the moment their eyes met but Rachel didn't think too much of this.

"What do you guys think of Clementine and Sam?" Rachel asked the all-important question.

"They're a good addition! I like them!" Bella was upbeat but from what she had said, she only stayed because of her own security so her opinion mattered little for it is normal to like people you expect to protect you.

Rachel didn't say this but her silence was enough as her eyes settled on Jason.

"Jason?" Rachel called out and the man looked her right into her green eyes, it drew him in but he couldn't afford to be lost in them because everyone was watching.

"I think it would be stupid for us to trust them, we need to be ready at any moment. Don't let down your guard," Jason muttered and this response surprised Rachel.

"What? Why?" Rachel blurted out because she felt the exact opposite but Jason was about to reveal why his intelligence was on the high side.

"The bodies..." Jason muttered and the ladies raised their brows because they had no idea what he was talking about.

"What bodies?" Rachel responded but Jason had to articulate his thought process so he had to recollect what he had seen.

Jason wasn't oblivious to his surroundings, he could analyze things due to his calm state of mind and this allowed him to see things that he would have otherwise missed.

Jason saw the state of the corpses and any corpse that was there without a head wound meant that it was the military that killed them while they were still humans.

They might have been caught in the crossfire, then again or not but Jason couldn't be sure, there was no way of telling this and this was why he wanted them to be cautious.

However, the fact that they saved them made him doubt this hypothesis but not rule it out.

Jason couldn't tell their true intention because things went to shit just as fast as they came in so if they did have an ulterior motive, they didn't have time to act on it.

Jason went into detail explaining this and Rachel couldn't believe how observant he was and she found herself intrigued by Jason.

"J-!" Rachel was interrupted by Bella, who had jumped on Jason.

"You're so fucking smart! I knew there was something special about you other than your good looks!" Bella openly complimented him and Jason was flustered by this.

"T-Thanks," Jason blushed with a bright smile but Rachel found herself irritated by this sight as she averted her eyes.

"Lillian, we should go get some rest," Rachel said; grabbing Lillian by the hand as they left the room with Bella's giggling being the last thing she heard right before the door clamped shut.


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