System Mania!

Chapter 16: Shattering the skull

Chapter 16: Shattering the skull

Korig's face twisted into a mixture of shock, horror, and realization as he stared at Lily's lifeless body before him.

The pieces of the puzzle that had eluded him for so long had finally fallen into place, revealing a truth more chilling than anything he had ever imagined.

His mind raced to connect the dots, the Lich's actions and manipulations converging into a horrifying realization.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Korig's heart pounded with a mixture of disbelief and dread.

The widening grin on the Lich's skeletal face seemed to mock him, a venomous taunt that triggered a revelation like a bolt of lightning.

"Of course," the Lich's voice echoed in Korig's mind, dripping with malevolence.

"There you go, Korig."

The puzzle pieces fell into place with sickening clarity.

Memories replayed like a twisted film, the Skull necklace, the Wand, Lily's safety.

All of it had been a charade, a cruel game orchestrated by the Lich.

Tears welled in Korig's eyes as his vision blurred.

Horror, grief, and anger twisted his features as he stared at the lifeless form of Lily, who had remained oblivious to the storm raging within him from the beginning itself.

She was caught in her own world of fear and confusion, her eyes had went wide with trepidation.

But now they were closed... forever.

"It was you," Korig's voice trembled with a mix of anger and pain.

"All along, you used her!"

The Lich's laughter filled the air, a haunting sound that reveled in the turmoil it had sown.

"Oh, the chaos is delicious, Korig."

"Your anguish, your despair, it's a symphony that pleases me greatly."

Korig's hands clenched into fists, his rage boiling over.

"You sick monster! You enjoyed every moment of this, didn't you?!"

The Lich's grin widened impossibly, its skeletal features contorted into an expression of wicked satisfaction.

"Oh, but of course. The world is a canvas, and your suffering paints the most exquisite picture."

Korig's voice trembled with a mixture of fury and sorrow.

"You used her as a pawn."

"All those lives, all that pain..."

"It was just a sick game to you!"

The Lich's laughter echoed once more, a chilling reminder of its sadistic enjoyment.

"And what a splendid game it was, Korig."

"Your determination, your desperation, it all fed the flames of chaos."

Rage coursed through Korig's veins, his fists shaking with a barely contained fury.

"You won't get away with this." V/\Issα»‹T n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).π˜€π‘œ/𝓂 for the b/est novel reading experi/en/ce

"I will destroy you!!"

"NO matter what it takes!"

The Lich's gaze met his, its malevolent eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Ah, the fire in your eyes, the defiance in your words, it's a sight to behold."

"But remember, Korig, the cost of victory is always steep."

Korig's voice was a growl, his resolve unshaken.

"I don't care. You will pay for what you've done, even if it costs me everything."

The Lich's grin persisted, a macabre symbol of its twisted victory.

"Oh, how delightful. The tragedy of it all..."

"It brings me such joy."

With each word, Korig's anger burned brighter, his determination solidifying into an unbreakable resolve.

The Lich had pushed him to the brink, and now there was no turning back.


He began to walk.

As Korig's footsteps echoed through the parking lot, the weight of the moment pressed heavily upon him.

Each step seemed to carry the burden of a world shattered by the Lich's twisted game.

The Lich itself knelt before him, its malevolent presence now diminished as the destruction of Lily, its phylactery, took its toll.

The air crackled with tension, the silence broken only by Korig's determined footsteps.

His grip on the crowbar tightened, the steel cool against his palm, a physical extension of his resolve.

His heart pulsed with a mix of anger, sorrow, and a burning desire for justice.

The Lich's skeletal form seemed to wither, its once imposing aura reduced to a mere shadow of its former self.

But its grin, that wicked expression of sadistic pleasure, remained unchanged.

The Lich reveled in the chaos, even as its own power waned.

Korig's steps faltered for a moment, doubt and pain warring within him.

The enormity of the decision he was about to make weighed heavily on his shoulders.

The death of Lily, his friends, the people he had sworn to protect, it was a sacrifice that had torn his heart asunder.

But the memory of Lily's gentle smile, her understanding gaze as she fell, fueled his resolve.

This was the only way to defeat the Lich, to break the cycle of chaos and suffering it had inflicted upon their world.

As Korig stood before the weakened Lich, its malevolent eyes met his, its grin a grotesque mockery of victory.

The pressure in the air was palpable, a suffocating reminder of the choices that led them to this moment.

"You thought you could protect them, didn't you?" the Lich's voice was a whisper, a mockery of the power it once wielded.

"You thought you could really protect her."

Korig's voice was cold and unwavering.

"You used her. You twisted her existence to further your own sick desires."

The Lich's laughter was a mere echo of its former self.

"And what of it? Is that not the nature of this world?"

"Survival at any cost."

Korig's anger surged, his grip on the crowbar tightening until his knuckles turned white.

"Your survival came at the cost of innocent lives, of torment and suffering."

"I won't let it continue."

The Lich's grin stretched impossibly wide, the image grotesque in its grotesquery.

"Ah, defiance in the face of despair. It's a sight to savor."

The pressure around Korig intensified, a heavy weight that seemed to come from the very fabric of the transformed parking lot.

Every step forward felt like a struggle against an invisible force, a force that sought to bend him to the Lich's will.

But Korig's resolve was unbreakable, his anger a fire that burned hotter than any pressure the Lich could exert.

He raised the crowbar high, every muscle in his body tense with anticipation.

"You may have taken everything from me," Korig's voice was a fierce growl, his eyes blazing with determination.

"But I will end this, right here, right now!"

The Lich's skeletal form seemed to quiver, its aura flickering like a dying ember.

"And what then, Korig?"

"Do you believe that by defeating me, you will undo the pain, the suffering?"

Korig's heart pounded, his every instinct screaming for justice.

"No, but it's a step towards ending the cycle you've begun."

"It's a step towards a world free from your darkness."

As Korig's crowbar descended, a burst of energy surged through him.

The pressure around him shattered, the very air crackling with the release of his pent up rage.

The Lich's grin faltered, its malevolent gaze wide with shock as the crowbar struck true.

The impact sent a shockwave through the transformed parking lot, a ripple of power that seemed to echo the weight of Korig's determination.

The Lich's form shattered, dissipating like mist in the wind.

And in its place, there was only a chilling silence.

The pressure was gone, the world around Korig returning to a semblance of normalcy.

But the scars of their ordeal remained, etched into his heart and soul.

Korig's breath was ragged, his grip on the crowbar slowly loosening.

He stared at the spot where the Lich once stood, his chest heaving with a mixture of exhaustion and relief.

The malevolent aura in the parking lot seemed to fade, the desolation giving way to the reality of the world around him.

He was alone, surrounded by the wreckage of their battle, the remnants of a twisted game that had cost him so much.



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