System Mania!

Chapter 13: What has the world come to?

Chapter 13: What has the world come to?

The reality of what had just happened hit Lily like a physical blow, the weight of loss and despair crashing down upon her.

Tears blurred her vision as she let out a heart wrenching cry, a scream that echoed with grief and disbelief.

The horror of the scene was etched into her mind, an image she knew would haunt her for the rest of her life.

Korig's own cry of anguish joined hers, a soul piercing wail that reverberated through the parking lot.

His attempts to break free from the clutches of the relentless zombies became fueled by a raw, primal fury.

His crowbar swung with an unstoppable force, his movements a symphony of rage and despair.

The Lich's malevolent grin seemed to widen, a silent triumph that mocked their efforts.

As Korig's rage fueled onslaught continued, the zombies fell before him like twisted dominos.

Each swing of his crowbar was a release of pent up anguish, a defiance against the forces that had taken away their friend.

The numbers on his bonus objective dwindled, a grim testament to his determination and the toll his fury had taken.

The world around him blurred, his vision tunneling as his singular focus remained on reaching Lily and protecting her from the horrors that still surrounded them.

But then, just as he was about to reach her, the Lich's influence manifested once more.

More zombies were summoned, a twisted mockery of life that the creature commanded with a sinister power.

It commanded them to charge, to attack with reckless abandon.

Time seemed to slow as the zombies rushed forward, their decayed forms closing in on Lily from one side while Korig fought to reach her from the other.

The sense of impending doom was palpable, a suffocating weight that threatened to snuff out their hope. DiiScôver 𝒏𝒆w stori𝒆s on no/𝒗/e()/lbin(.)c/o/m

But the zombies evaded Lily and went straight for Korig as if they were not attracted by the woman who was on the ground.

But Korig's fury was unrelenting, his resolve unyielding.

With each swing of his crowbar, he took down the zombies one by one, his strikes fueled by a determination to protect Lily at all costs.

The numbers on his bonus objective dwindled further, to a mere fraction of what they once were.

He stood alone amidst the chaos, surrounded by fallen foes and a world that had been reduced to a battleground of despair.

And then, as if by some unseen force, everything stopped.

The horde of zombies that had once surged forward now remained still, their movement arrested as if frozen in time.

Korig's breath came in ragged gasps as he walked toward Lily, his crowbar at the ready, his gaze never leaving the Lich that stood before them.

The creature's malevolent grin seemed to taunt him, a twisted satisfaction that grated against his very soul.

He positioned himself between Lily and the Lich, a shield against the darkness that sought to consume them.

His grip on the crowbar tightened, knuckles white, as he prepared for the final confrontation.

The Lich's eyes locked onto Korig's, its gaze penetrating and unnerving.

And then, as if echoing from the depths of his mind, the distorted voice returned.

But this time, it was different.

This time, it spoke a single word: "Hello."

A chill ran down Korig's spine, his heart skipping a beat as the realization hit him.

The voice, the source of his doubts and unease, it was the Lich itself.

The malevolent creature had been manipulating his thoughts, weaving its influence into his very consciousness.

The Lich's smile widened, a grotesque grin that seemed to sear into Korig's mind.

The truth of their situation was laid bare before him, a chilling revelation that cut through the chaos and despair.


Korig's breath was ragged, his heart still pounding from the intense battle that had unfolded.

His grip on the crowbar tightened as he faced the Lich, his eyes locked onto the creature's eerie grin.

"Why?" Korig's voice broke through the tense silence, his question simple yet laden with the weight of everything they had endured.

The Lich's smile remained, an enigmatic expression that seemed to dance on the edge of madness.

And then, slowly, its voice reached Korig's ears, a distorted echo that seemed to reverberate within his mind.

"Hello, Korig," the Lich's voice greeted, each syllable dripping with an unsettling familiarity.

Korig's surprise at hearing his own name from the creature's lips was palpable, a mix of confusion and dread.

"Why?" Korig repeated, his voice steadier now, a resolve burning in his eyes.

"Why are you doing all of this? What happened to the world?"

The Lich's gaze remained fixed on Korig, its grin unwavering.

It seemed to relish in the tension of the moment, drawing out the anticipation like a conductor orchestrating a sinister symphony.

"Why?" the Lich echoed, its voice dripping with amusement.

"Because the world was already broken, Korig."

"Humanity's insatiable greed, its penchant for destruction, it laid the groundwork for chaos."

"I simply hastened its descent."

Korig's eyes narrowed, a mixture of anger and disbelief coursing through him.

The Lich's words were laced with a bitter truth, a reflection of the darker aspects of human nature that had led to this apocalyptic nightmare.

"But why involve us?" Korig pressed, his voice unwavering.

"Why manipulate us, make us play this twisted game?"

The Lich's smile widened, as though it delighted in the opportunity to unveil its motivations.

"Because, Korig, you're all just pawns in a grander scheme," the Lich replied.

"A game that transcends life and death."

"I reveled in your struggles, your determination. It was a fitting entertainment as the world crumbled."

Korig's hands tightened on the crowbar, his knuckles turning white as he absorbed the Lich's words.

Anger surged within him, a fiery resolve that burned away his fear.

"And what's the endgame?" Korig's voice was unyielding, his gaze unwavering.

"What do you gain from all of this?"

The Lich's laughter was chilling, a haunting melody that seemed to weave through the air.

"Ah, Korig, you must learn about the world yourself," the Lich's voice whispered, carrying an almost mocking tone.

"You must unravel its mysteries, its truths, its secrets."

"But first, you must leave this place."

Korig's brow furrowed, a mixture of confusion and determination knitting his features.

"Leave? How?"

The Lich's grin remained, a sinister curve that seemed to stretch beyond the limits of its skeletal face.

"Defeat me," the Lich's voice resonated within Korig's mind, its words ringing like a challenge.

"Prove your strength, your resilience. Only then will the path forward reveal itself."

Korig felt a surge of determination, a fire that burned within him despite the chaos that surrounded them.

He exchanged a quick glance with Lily.

"Fine," Korig's voice was a low growl, his resolve solidified.

"We'll defeat you, and then we'll find the truth about this world."

"We? hmmm"

The Lich's laughter echoed through the air, a maddening sound that seemed to vibrate within Korig's very bones.

"Defeat me, if you can, Korig," the Lich's voice taunted, its words a challenge that set the stage for the final confrontation.

With a shared nod between him and Lily, Korig raised his crowbar, his grip unyielding.

The battle was far from over, and the truth about the world they now inhabited still eluded them.

As the tension built, Korig's heart raced, a mixture of anticipation and determination guiding his every move.

The battle against the Lich was no longer just a fight for survival, it was a quest for understanding, for answers, and for the chance to reclaim the world that had been torn apart.

And with a battle cry that echoed through the parking lot, Korig charged forward, his crowbar raised, ready to face the Lich head on.



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