System Change

Chapter 303: Void Travel

Chapter 303: Void Travel

Silvi willed the giant tear in the void closed behind her. She had no idea the skill was going to be so big. She could only hope that in the brief time it was open, it hadnt caused any harm to her precious kitchen. Then again, if her kitchen was damaged, it would make for the perfect excuse to get the upgrades she had been wanting. Especially if the reason for the damage was because she was saving the little sparky fellow.

Lately, she felt like she needed to find more, and better, ingredients to cook with. She was spending hours each week researching foods at the Crown Restaurant, and experimenting with her own different dishes, making some amazingly delicious food, but at the same time, making some dishes that just well, they were still okay, and it wasnt in her nature to let the food go to waste so she sent those to the academy with mount. Let no one say that she wasnt a thoughtful bunny.

Also, in the previous months, she had taken to listening in on the conversations Malorie had with others in the dining room that was connected to her kitchen. Silvi had missed all the loud chatter she had gotten to experience back when she was learning at the restaurant back in Torith. So, when she wasnt cooking anything super taxing, she would listen in to keep herself entertained.

Mostly, though, it was dull stuff about invading countries, people dying, and the kingdom losing cities. That was just a bunch of stuff she didnt care about. Still, she listened. She learned a lot of things that way without having to be part of the conversation. It was the best of both worlds.

She learned things like the kind of food people enjoyed the most, the type of materials Malorie was buying and how much of them were ingredients for her, and even how the restaurant owner liked to take her coffee. That was the really important stuff. Which is why when she heard about the delivery of foods created from Void Beast ingredients, her ears perked up and she began listening intensely.

Unfortunately, the important conversation about the food hadnt lasted very long, and soon shifted to less important things like the crown prince, little sparky, being ambushed. So, she started to tune out the rest of the conversation, but then she heard the king was in a panic because of it. And if the king was in a panic because of it, then didnt that mean that he would be willing to give ample rewards to someone or somebunny who saved the day?

So for the good of her belly uh, the kingdom it was up to Silvi to take action. Shed never used the Void Travel skill shed received from Derek, but based on the description, it seemed to be just the thing she needed.

So, she had willed the skill forward and waited. Then, a giant tear formed in front of her, a rip in the void of a size so unexpectedly big that it made her pause for a moment. The skill also came with a weird feeling, too, but she hadnt cared, and just jumped it. Then, she closed it behind her because of the description saying that only she and Derek should go inside. She was a thoughtful bunny and didnt want to accidentally hurt the wonderful, beautiful, delicious lady or the others.

Now she sat back, surrounded by nothingness, trying to figure out what to do. After a few seconds, she thought of that other, confusing skill that Derek had given her, Void Sense. It had taken her forever to figure out how to control that skill and make all the wavy ripples disappear. Maybe thats why he gave me that skill.

So, she pushed the intensity at which Void Sense worked up. The results were perfect. She felt that if she concentrated hard enough, she could feel many of the places she had been before, and when she concentrated harder, she got the sense that she may even be able to feel the locations of people she had met.

Silvi also sensed a weird sensation all around her. She could guess that the feeling was the altered flow of time caused by the void that she inherited from Derek. That hadnt happened before. Maybe it was from the skill as well. Brushing those thoughts off, she focused harder, as hard as she would have if she was working on an extra difficult recipe.

Silvi felt a bright, surging aura off in the distance, one she immediately recognized as Dereks own. And, if she could feel Derek, then surely she could sense the locations of others she had met. And she had met the little sparky prince a few times at the Crown Restaurant in the past year. He would occasionally be seated on one of the lower floors while Silvi went to the much better floors to research the more delicious meals and beg negotiate for more recipes.

Her awesome negotiation skills had gotten the restaurant owner to make an exception for her to use Dereks membership as her own. She was his bonded soul companion, after all. Unfortunately, Malorie had put a limit on the number of times she could go research at the restaurant in a month. But she didnt need to think about that right now; she needed to find her meal ticket.

So, she thought deeply about the man, trying to remember what his aura felt like. There was a reason she called him little sparky. She could feel the electricity coming off of him. Soon, she latched onto the subtle, familiar aura and twitched her nose. It had to be him.

His sparky aura wasnt the only one she found, she found another one close by that was about the same, but that was in an area she had been before when she occasionally went to the capital, and she hadnt been to the city of Clayton. There was another aura by Derek, a more potent one. But she could only feel it because of how close it was to Dereks own. That had to be big sparky, the stronger prince.

It had been a long time since she had faced real combat, and she hoped she wasnt rusty. She needed to keep herself sharp, just like one of her knives. So, with her destination in mind, she looked at her status sheet to make sure she was prepared.


Personal Information







Silvi Hunt


N/A (Bonded)

N/A (Bonded)

Mythical Void Battle Chef

Gluttonous Void Bunny





















Active Void Shift Lv. 17, Advanced Cooking Lv. 8, Advanced Mage Hand Lv. 6, Advanced Telekinesis Lv. 5, Battle Chef Knife Mastery Lv. 4, Charge Lv. 12, Chop Lv. 5, Cleaning Lv. 15, Cook What You Kill Lv. 1, Cooking Lv. 19, Julienne Lv. 3, Mince Lv. 3, Void Creation (Cooking) Lv. N/A, Void Lightning Bolt Lv. 6, Mage Hand Lv. 16, Meditation Lv. 17, Telekinesis Lv. 15, Telepathy Lv. 3

Shared Skills from Companion: Void Sense Lv. 10, Void Travel Lv. N/A

Skills Shared to Companion: Active Void Shift Lv. 10, Void Lightning Bolt Lv. 6

Available Skills to Share:

Active Void Shift Lv. 10, Battle Chef Knife Mastery Lv. 4, Chop Lv. 5, Cook What You Kill Lv. 1, Julienne Lv. 3, Mince Lv. 3, Void Lightning Bolt Lv. 6

Silvis eyes brightened when they fell on her intelligence stat. When she first used her skills after the stat increase, she had unfortunately spoiled multiple dishes. Her mana consuming skills, especially her Telekinesis and Mage Hand skills, had become hard to control. She had to spend a lot of time on beginner level dishes to get her control back. She couldnt wait until Derek put some more points into wisdom.

Now she had to battle with it. She knew it should make her skills stronger. She just hoped her battle skills wouldnt be as hard to control as the fine movements from her other skills were. With all that in mind, Silvi dismissed her stats and hopped forward to the familiar aura.


Traveling through the void was hard and scary. Without the skill Derek gave her, Silvi wasnt sure if she would have ever made it to the right spot. One small hop seemed to cover an uncountable distance. She would have to be very careful with the Void Travel skill if she chose to use it to go ingredient hunting in the future. She would have to make sure Derek didnt take the Void Sense skill away from her. It was too dark inside the void without it. She couldnt imagine how hard it would be to cook in such darkness. She wondered if a fire would even burn in such a place.

Finally, she arrived close to where she felt the weak prince. Kay. What now? Do I use the skill again? That was the only thing she could think to do, so she positioned herself where she was almost right on top of the prince and used the skill. Sure enough, she was correct yet again, just like always. The void began to open up and the extremely too big tear in it opened wider and wider.

As the void opened, the outside finally became visible. She took a good look at what was going on. There were a bunch of people, and the ground looked slick, like ice. Her heart raced when she looked to her right and saw a person with very pointy ears standing beside a human with a very pointy nose. Thats a real elf. It has to be, she thought.

She knew the restaurant owner woman was kind of an elf, but her ears werent as pointy as the one before her now. Its pretty skinny, though. I dont think Id be able to make many burgers out of it. But she continued looking on, analyzing the situation like Derek would have. Theres more than one! She almost squealed with joy. They would be perfect for her Cook What You Kill skill.

Silvi also noticed that all eyes were on her. Everyone was staring wide-eyed, looking at her greatness. So, she took a hop forward and exited the void. Then, she canceled the skill and the void soon closed behind her.

What is that? the pointy nose guy, and the elf said at the same time.

Silvi tilted her head and saw her new cloak laying against her pristine fur. Its a new cloak, she said through her communication crystals. Its not as light as my old one, but I was told by the mania I was told that it would be able to take a lot more abuse. Its growing on me. She almost told them about the maniac. She was glad she caught herself. They werent supposed to talk about her to other people at least she thought. She wasnt sure anymore.

She was in an exceptionally good mood after encountering a rare ingredient, so she decided to be nice and tell them about her new cloak.

Did I am I seeing things? the pointy nose man asked the elf.

Do you see a talking rabbit that appeared out of a Portal-like rip in space? the elf asked back.

I guess Im not seeing things the pointy nose man said.

But, Silvis happy mood only went so far. Her paws were starting to get cold from the ice. So, she tilted her head again, this time to look at the kneeling prince. Little Spark uhem Crown Prince Edward. Im here to save you.

You Youre Dereks pet companion? the sparky one stammered. Silvi was a kind bunny, so she wouldnt fault him for calling her a pet at least not right now. She would take that out on the king when she was fleecing negotiating for her reward.

You? A pet bunny is going to save him? the pointy nose fellow snorted and laughed.

Silvi narrowed her eyes. She would kill him third. After she killed the two best looking elves. She couldnt allow them to get away.

If you can do something about him, the crown prince lifted his arm and pointed at the first elf with his arm. The barrier will disappear and my reinforcement can come.

What happened to his hand? Hes down to one opposable thumb. I hope he has Mage Hand. She felt sorry for the prince, but at least he still had one thumb. Silvi shifted her attention to the elf. Then, with a sneak attack, she shot off her back paws while using Charge and channeling Void Lightning into her horn. She would hunt him first.


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