System Change

Chapter 285: Evolution

Chapter 285: Evolution

While wrapped up in the darkness, evolving, Derek occasionally received messages from the strange new system. The latest notification was about Silvis evolution. It hadnt seemed long after the previous message about his bonded link that the evolution had already completed. Of course, that could have either been because of the time difference between the dungeon and the outside world, or just his skewed sense of time while evolving inside the darkness.

But really, none of that mattered. He was just happy that Silvi had successfully evolved.


Bonded Companion Evolution Successful.

However, that was all the notifications he received about it. He tried to check his own status to view their bond, but he couldnt currently access his current system, and the strange system didnt allow him to do anything with it. He just had to simply wait.

So thats what he did. He waited for an unknown time while the void energies moved through his body. He was numb to the world and could feel almost nothing. Then, after an unknown amount of time, he finally completed his own evolution.


Evolution Successful.

Race has been evolved to: Human (Void)

Previous bodily limits have been adjusted accordingly.

Well, thats something, Derek thought. What he assumed that meant was that he was no longer limited to the 1,500 stat point cap. He wasnt yet sure how that was going to work, though. Would he be able to use stats gained through his current system to go beyond 1,500 or would he have to do that some other way.

From all he knew, he would be stuck with almost the same amount of stats. Though, the extra points he got from the Void Beasts may now be visible to him. He would have to check on that once he regained control of his current system again. If he regained control of it, that is.

While pondering the new notification, another one forcibly popped up.


For upgrading your class to Void Monarch, you have received two new skills:


Void Creation

The ability to turn the void physical. Can be used to conjure items from the void or to reinforce other items. You will never be weaponless with the void running through your veins.

Hint: Can create temporary weapon or armor as long as mana is available. The bigger the creation, the greater the cost. This skill is directly connected to Channel Void.


Void Travel

Before, you could move through the void unscathed. Now, nothing can contain you. Instantly travel from one place to another using the void.

Note: This is a dangerous skill. Use with caution. Traveling with those not of the void is not recommended and could lead to physical or emotional damage. For best results, use alone.

Hint: Not recommended stacking with storage skills or devices. This skill is connected to Portal.

I could kiss this strange system. Not only had he received two new skills that seemed to be great, but the system had given him notes and hints. Without even experimenting, he knew that he could create temporary weapons, armor, and most likely anything he could think of as long as he had mana with Void Creation.

And the system saved him the trouble of accidentally killing someone with Void Travel. There was no doubt in his mind that he would have eventually taken someone along with him using the skill, resulting in who knows what kind of danger. It also warned him about storage skills and devices, which was a bummer, but because of the warning, he could test what it meant instead of taking everything he had on him and getting it destroyed.

Maybe it only counted for living items. Maybe that was a warning not to throw someone inside his Time Prison and try to exploit the system. Any way he looked at it. He liked this new system.


One out of two requirements met for advancement!

Meet more requirements for advancement.


Two Titles unlocked!

User can not currently receive Titles.

That let a little wind out of his sails. He was familiar with Titles from his first system, so he knew that they were great to have. And he had apparently done something worthy of unlocking two of them with this new system, but he couldnt actually use them.

He also had no clue what requirement he had completed for advancement, or even what the advancement was. It could be anything. He didnt have an inkling of a clue. It was just more questions he didnt have answers to. Though, if he had to guess, the Title or requirement, or both, probably had something to do with earning a Mythical Class or reaching a certain affinity in his element. The new system had really focused on his affinity.

His thoughts were once again interrupted by another system message. A system message that he was not expecting.

Initiating forced system oath.

What!? Before Derek could move or make a sound, he felt a tearing pain deep inside himself. A pain that he felt deep within his soul. But the pain vanished just as quickly as it had appeared, and he instinctively learned a small bit about the system and knew that he could not speak of anything related to it to anyone without consequences.

He also got the feeling that, though not prohibited, he shouldnt speak of obtaining a Mythical Class to anyone. The system was not completely altruistic. It had rules that needed to be followed, just like any other system.

It feels like if knowledge of this system got out, it may upset the balance or something. It wants users to find out about it naturally, like I did. As he was pondering the new information, he was pulled out of his thoughts by yet another system notification.

Congratulations on all your current accomplishments!

We eagerly await your future achievements!

You will soon be transferred back to your current system.

With that, a pressure that was inside Derek head that he hadnt even felt disappeared. Still floating in the darkness of his evolution sphere, Derek waited for either the sphere to disappear or for his current system to come back.

His wait didnt seem long as before his eyes, web-like cracks began to form in front of and all around him, allowing the daylight from outside to shine in. The pieces of his evolution sphere soon began to fall and disintegrate before his eyes. In no time at all, the previous thick spear of void was completely gone and Derek floated uncontrollably to the ground.

The first thing he did was survey his surroundings to see if he had gathered a crowd, but nobody seemed to be around. He let out a sigh of relief. If nobody actually saw anything, or even if they did and decided to ignore it, which was something Avery would probably do, he wouldnt have to worry about anything.

Next, he looked down at his body and hands and his heart dropped to his stomach. He was purple. His skin was the same color as the void-the same color as Silvis mane. How am I supposed to explain this? He wondered, but right in front of his eyes, the purple faded away and his slightly pale white skin was soon back.

He breathed out a sigh of relief. The last thing he wanted was to be a walking purple human. He definitely wouldnt be able to avoid questions then, and he would have to think of very novel ways to answer them.

He also noticed, while cursing, that his clothing was nowhere to be found. Not only his clothing, but his storage bracelet and rings were gone as well. He panicked before looking at the ground and seeing all his storage items. Though his clothing was still gone, and after he re-equipped his storage items, he found out that none of it had been stored. He was down another pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

Hell, he even lost the pair of shorts he had been wearing underneath his jeans in case his jeans werent able to hand his new physique after increasing his breaking through with his stats. He sighed and put on one of his final pairs of clothing. Well, he still had extra shirts because of Brandi, but he was lacking in the jean department.

The current pair of jeans he dressed in had holes in the knees and were scuffed throughout. But they would work. What he also noticed was his body had reverted back to his ideal size. He didnt know if that was just how the evolution worked, or if it had taken into account his thoughts on the matter. Nevertheless, he was happy about it.

Finally, he took a mirror out of his storage bracelet, one he had bought on a whim before leaving for the raid dungeon, and gave himself a once over. Again, he winced at what he saw. And it seemed like something he wasnt going to be able to change.

His eyes still had the same purple coloring in his irises, but his hair had also changed. It wasnt a huge change, as if he didnt focus hard on it. It still looked the same coal black as always, but if he looked hard, he could see that it was actually a very dark, deep purple color. It kind of had the same coloring as it did when he unleashed his aura, but now, it seemed to be permanent.

I guess I can explain that by saying I got a new skill, or an Achievement related to my element. I should be able to get away without having to explain much. But before any of that, I want to check on Silvi, but I still cant access the system, Derek complained.

But ask and you shall receive. Not a moment after thinking about it, he was hit with a flood of notifications. They were all the usual notifications about upgrading his class and such. He quickly looked over at them and dismissed them until he got to some of the ones he wanted. Of course, what he was most worried about at the moment was Silvi, and he finally got to those notifications.


Companion (Silvi) has evolved from Void Rabbit to Gluttonous Void Bunny.

Companions (Silvi) class has upgraded from Legendary Void Companion to Mythical Void Battle Chef.

Due to reaching Mythical status, shared stats between bonded companion and user have increased to full and you are now able to share two class skills with your companion.

Derek stared at the screen for ages before finally breaking out into a fit of laughter. He had called the bunny a glutton so many times. Now she really was one. He could only hope that it didnt change her much. She had also upgraded her own class to a chef-type class. That almost confirmed that her evolution had taken into account her deepest desires.

She loved to fight, but she also loved to cook. Then, there was the simple love of cooking beasts she defeated in battle. It was perfect for her. It was also kind of funny that her races had changed from a rabbit to a bunny.

What he really knew, though, was that he had been right all along. Those damn dragons had nothing on his companion. Silvi was the best!


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