System Change

Chapter 236: Wrapped Up

Chapter 236: Wrapped Up

After Derek finished checking over the list of skill scrolls he wanted, then double checking, he nodded his head and handed the paper he was writing on to Alanah. Alanah calmly took the paper and looked it over before a small smile fell over her face. She slid the paper forward to the King, who then began reading the list over.

As the King read Dereks selections, his eyes grew wider and wider. This are you sure these are the skills you want? From the entire royal treasury, these are the ones you would like to pick?

Im sure, Derek said,

Very well. The King stored the list into his ring, then stored the book, as well. Dare I ask how many skills did you choose for yourself?

Derek thought for a moment before replying. Just the two. Basic Repair and Telepathy. I didnt have them yet. Cleaning is one of my favorite skills, so I figure Basic Repair will be almost as useful. Especially now that I own a shop here in Savannah.

The King nodded. You never cease to surprise me. I should be thankful to you for taking the skills you did.

Derek shrugged. Those were just the skills I needed. Dont think anything of it. He really didnt do it for the King. The skills he chose would help everyone.

Very well, the King said. I will see to it that your skill scrolls are delivered first think in the morning, if not later tonight.

Stella then walked over and presented the items Edwin had won, including the Vitality Elixir. When the elixir appeared on the desk in front of the King, Derek could tell it took all of his power to not jump up and grab it.

Alanah looked on with an amused smile. Go ahead, they are yours.

The King hurried and yoked everything up. Once everything was stored, he flushed with a small amount of embarrassment. Ahem Excuse me for that.

Edwin then stood and gave his farewells. We have been away from the capital for far too long. That, plus everything else that has happened he shook his head and sighed. Im afraid there is much work to be done.

Yup all kinds of work, Derek said. Right after you gulp up all that elixir.

The Kings face turned a deeper shade of red as he continued. Thank you, Alanah. It was a phenomenal auction. Thank you, as well, Derek. I know this wouldnt have been possible without you, even if Im not entirely sure how.

Of course, Derek knew the King already had an idea. Natalie wasnt exactly quiet when she blurted out that he was using the void element at their dinner. What they didnt know that Alanah did was the how he used it.

Derek nodded along. I gained just as much as anyone.

Next time you have such a delicate matter to discuss with me, Edwin said to Derek. I would appreciate it if you came to me privately.

The King was talking about what happened earlier with Walter. Derek thought about it for a moment. The King had taken a few losses today. First with his interaction with Derek earlier in the day, then losing to Natalie multiple times. The King didnt quite have his respect, but at least he hadnt snapped or showed any ill will.

I will do that, Derek agreed to his request. To be entirely honest, the idea hadnt even occurred to me until I saw Walter today. And I still think it was best done in public. At least, best for House Searidge.

That may be so, the King said. However, we could have come to an agreement in private that would have been just as good, if not better.

Derek may be right, though, Alanah cut in. It may have been for the best to have happened this way. Being caught off guard didnt look good, but what followed showed sincerity and generosity to those in the Kingdom that matter.

Derek laughed at that.

What? Alanah asked.

Its nothing. He waved her off. Just the way you said it.

The way I said it?

Yeah, like only those who were invited to the auction mattered enough to see it happen. Derek clarified.

Isnt that the case? Alanah smiled. Very few noble houses matter to me as much as those who attended today. Of course, there were a few who were unable to attend. But for the most part, everyone who I think is worthy to have my attention was there. At least, they had a representative there.

I guess. Derek shrugged.

The King finally excused himself and made way to the door. Edward turned to follow, and Edgar walked over to Derek, placing his hand on his shoulder when he arrived.

Ill see you tomorrow, Edgar said before following his father and brother out.

That was weird, Derek thought. Of course, Edgar could just be the one bringing the skills over to Derek. That man would do anything to get out of political stuff. Im sure he doesnt want to spend one extra second in the capital if he can help it.

Well that was pretty eventful, Derek said.

And extremely tiring, Stella replied. Alanah. I think Ill be putting in for some leave.

What? Alanah looked at Stella in shock. You literally just got back. You havent even been to the capital restaurant yet.

I know, but there are some things I have decided I need to do. Well talk about it later. Stella put an end to the discussion.

It was odd for Derek seeing someone speak to Alanah like that. He secretly gave Stella a mental thumbs up.

I guess I should be heading back as well, Derek said. Im sure everyone will have question for me when I get back.

Ill transfer your funds to your account first thing in the morning, Stella said.

I dont think Ill be hurting for money for quite some time.

You never know, Alanah said. It never hurts to have extra gold lying around. Just ask Natalie.

I guess so, Derek agreed. But there are still Void Beasts that need to be prepared and auctioned, and the revenue from the coffee. Im sure Ill have quite the continuous flow of profits for the foreseeable future. Unless your business goes bankrupt, but I dont see that happening any time soon.

Alanah snorted and Stella shook her head.

Have a good time sorting out all your money. Derek moved back around the desk and headed for the door. Well talk later.

Have a good night. Alanah called out as he opened the door and walked through. Derek held his hand up in a wave behind himself as the door closed and he left.

Soon, Derek was walking down the street at a leisurely pace toward his shop. He pulled his communication crystal out of his storage bracelet and injected some mana into it to make a call. Soon, Walter answered.


Heya, Walter. Bad time? Derek asked.

Not at all. I was just surprised you were contacting me so soon after the auction, Walter replied.

I was just walking home and remembered that I never set a time to spar with Clare. I was thinking we could meet up at the Adventurers Guild at around noon tomorrow. What do you think?

That would be great. Even after such an auction, all Clare has been able to talk about is sparring with you again. I think you have a fan. Walter chuckled.

Derek laughed. In that case, Ill see you then.

After that, Derek put his crystal away and continued his slow trek back home.

He arrived at his shop sometime later. When he opened the front door and walked inside, a fragrant smell wafted through the air and into his nostrils, immediately causing Derek to realize how long it had been since he had eaten, and how hungry he was. He hurriedly marched upstairs to the dining room and was greeted by a table full of dishes.

Silvi had gone all out while they had been away. Everyone was already sitting at the table and digging in when they saw him. Of course, the glutton bunny had the biggest plate out of the bunch. It would never get old seeing the bunny eat more than her weight in food, then hop around like an inflated balloon after.

I see yall started without me, Derek smiled as he sat in one of his seats, one of his comfortable, cushioned seats.

We didnt know how long you were going to be, and you know how hard it is to get Brandi up here for dinner, Malorie said.

Derek nodded in agreement. The small girl was rushing through her meal. He wondered if she was even bothering to chew her food before swallowing. Well, at least she was eating. He began to question his decision to let her know about Greater Meditation.

As he began his meal, he let them know about everything that went on, and hinted about some surprises tomorrow morning. Thomas and Jacks both seemed very happy about the Walter situation. They were the two that actually knew the man. Thomas had been there with Derek when they first met, and Jacks had met him numerous times while being the Guard Captain for Malcolm Torith.

Both knew of his character and knew he deserved to have his house restored. Then Brandi asked a question that Derek had no clue how to answer.

How much gold did you earn from the auction?

I have no idea. I didnt ask. It will be deposited in our account tomorrow. Malorie can go to the bank and find out if she wants. I trust Alanah enough not to scam me.

After that, they settled in and finished their meals. The auction had been an all-day event. Derek retired to his room and slipped into Greater Meditation to pass the time until morning, while everyone else cleaned up and went about their business. Derek made sure to tell Rayna and Jacks not to leave so early in the morning to go for training.

He hadnt gotten those two much, but the handful of basic skills like Telepathy and Basic Repair would be useful to them.

The next morning, Derek got up and ventured downstairs before anyone else. Surprisingly, when the King said first thing in the morning, he meant it. Not long after Derek went downstairs, a knock sounded at the front door.

When Derek opened it, he found Edgar standing there with a shit-eating grin on his face. The prince let himself in and spoke.

Its time we had that chat.


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