System Change

Chapter 221: Lock Up

Chapter 221: Lock Up

Derek took his seat and sat back to watch everything play out. His job was completed. It was now up to the rulers of this Kingdom and city to figure out what to do with their new captive. Of course, he would chime in if something didnt set right with him. If the King decided to be lenient with Gerald, Derek couldnt think of a better time for there to be a new King.

Of course, he seriously doubted the King would go easy considering his eldest son had quite literally been disarmed because of Gerald. Plus, he was with both Alanah and Natalie, who seemed to be in even better situations than the King. Derek found that funny. If Alanah and Natalie teamed up, they could control the Kingdom. Actually, either one of them could probably take over if the other didnt oppose.

The room waited for Alanahs control over the half naked Gerald to wane. Finally, after some time, he broke out of his trance.

Wha- Gerald started, but was interrupted by the King.

Silence! He shouted. Gerald. I am disappointed. You have played me for a fool for far too long. Edwin started. Im afraid I have been too tolerant and forgiving over the years due to our relationship. I never thought you would be the one to put me in such a situation. Frankly, I am embarrassed as both a King and a human. My judgement has been clouded by our frankly, one sided friendship.

Edwin? Gerald looked confused. What is going on? Why was I attacked out of nowhere?

The King shook his head. There is no point in pretending, Gerald. I already have more than enough evidence He nodded at Natalie before continuing. To call for an immediate execution. This is not a situation you can talk your way out of. It is pointless to try. Just listen.


No. The King held his hand up to stop him from continuing. You are a trafficker, and that is enough to warrant the execution. You also ambushed the Crown Prince and his guards, killing good men in the process. There is nothing you can do or say to be forgiven. The King turned to Natalie and Alanah. Ms. Savannah, Ms. Swan, I am tired. I will leave everything else to you. Use your best judgement, as mine has failed me.

King Edwin sighed deeply and stood. The two of you may do as you wish. He told Edward and Edgar. Im going to retire for the evening.

Edwi- Gerald started again.

Stop talking. Alanah commanded, sending the half naked man back into a trance.

Derek watched as the King walked toward the door with slumped shoulders. It was the form of a defeated and betrayed man. However, when he reached the door, he tidied himself up and stood straight. Those in the room may know what was going on, but he couldnt allow others to see his defeated form. He was the King. He couldnt show weakness to his people.

Edgar grabbed a drumstick from the dining table and stood as well. Well, none of this has anything to do with me. Politics suck. He turned, but before he left, he spoke to Derek. That was fun. We should do it again sometime actually, Im going to stop by your place after this auction. We need to talk. He smiled, then left behind his father.

Edward sighed. I think I need to stay here to know exactly what happens. Somebody from my family has to.

Derek laughed. Well, you are the Crown Prince. He looked at the now closed door. And you will probably be King sooner than you think.

That seems to be the case. Edward sighed again.

Could you put him away? Natalie pointed at Gerald while asking Derek.

Derek shrugged. Sure. He opened his Time Prison again.

Go inside. Alanah commanded Gerald, and he marched back inside.

Derek closed the prison once again. What now?

It is good that you have this ability. Natalie said. It means we can move the captives to my dungeon without any more rumors or fanfare.

Derek nodded. We can do that.

Good, then follow me. Natalie hopped from her chair and began toward the exit. Alanah, will you be joining us? She asked before she left.

Alanah smiled. Not tonight, Natalie. I have much to do to prepare for the upcoming auction. Busy, busy.

Indeed. The small woman nodded.

Derek stood and gave Alanah a half bow. Dinner was great, and there was some really good entertainment. Well talk again soon.

With that, he and the Crown Prince followed Natalie out of the room, through the restaurant, through the city, and to the City Lords Manor.

When they arrived at the Manor, a middle aged man was waiting for them.

My lady, about the earlier matter. He said cautiously.

Marcus. This is Derek Hunt, and you know Crown Prince Edward. Natalie spoke. As for the matter, ignore it. It has been taken care of.

As you wish, my lady.

Now, if you would follow me. Natalie motioned for Derek and Edward to follow, having Marcus trail behind as well.

She led the group through the Manor, to the back. Then, they came upon a locked door covered in runes, which Natalie activated. The door slid open, revealing a set of stairs behind. Derek watched with interest.

After passing through multiple rune locked chambers, Natalie began her explanation. When you can see as I do, you find that there are few that are truly trustworthy. They continued through more rooms and down another set of stairs.

All Derek knew was that they had to be deep, deep underground. And with all the runes he kept seeing, the place was a fortress.

Yes. Natalie said. It is a bit of overkill. But you do not get to where I am without making enemies, and execution is almost never the best option. At least not at first. Some people are even redeemable. You would never know that if you didnt try.

Derek nodded along. I can get that. But only someone with your skills would be able to easily find that out.

Oh, no. You are mistaken. Natalie corrected. Even with skills like mine, it is not an easy task. I dare not say how long it will take to get all the relevant information out of Gerald Torith. He has been in his position for some time, and he will have secrets upon secrets. The problem will be working out which secrets to fish for first.

Like you previously said, finding if there is any blackmail material would be for the best. And if you do find any, it will make the decision of what to fish for easier. Derek said.

And that is the plan, if I can find any. If I cannot, I will have to go about everything blind. Finding that material will allow Edwin to gain some of his dignity back. Weeding traitors and those revolting individuals out of the Kingdom will do well to heal his ego. And a King needs a bit of an ego. She looked pointedly at Edward. You would do well to learn that.

Finally, Natalie stopped behind one last door. When she opened it, Derek saw the cells inside. It was like her own personal dungeon. Edward wasnt surprised, and the King had known about it, as well. I guess all the greats have some kind of private prison.

Natalie led them inside. Derek examined the surroundings as they walked. Most cells were empty, but occasionally, he would find one that was occupied. Doing some quick math, he supposed there were around fifty cells in total, and ten or so prisoners.

None of the prisoners made any noise as they passed by. They also didnt look much like prisoners. Seemingly knowing what Derek was thinking again, which was very creepy, Natalie spoke to his thoughts.

Torture does nobody any good. And until their fate is decided, it is only right to treat them with dignity, even if they have none themselves. I will not lower myself to their standards.

I see. Derek said. And he did understand her reasoning. Derek didnt know if he would be able to do the same with those who offended him in such a way. His usual response was to kill them-until he got his Time Prison, but then again, the prison didnt allow him to make any extra decisions. They didnt need to eat or drink, and the prison was a different form of torture than most. His only decision was whether he should subject someone to the prison, and for how long.

After seeing how Clay was once he was released, Derek wasnt sure how he felt about his Time Prison. He would make his next decision when Bones and Ogre were released. Of course, Gerald was a different story. If he were asked to toss him in and lock away the keep, he would have no qualms.

Natalie finally stopped in front of a set of cells. She walked to each of them and opened them. The cells on the end are made to hold more powerful people. She explained. Once activated, the runes will seal most elemental abilities and weaken physical strength. Even if they didnt the material that makes up the cells is strong enough to withstand even the most powerful of people.

What about abilities related to the material used? Derek asked.

Youre thinking about Clifford Aardens ability to control earth and minerals? Natalie asked rhetorically. The runes make the materials unresponsive to mana signatures other than my own and my trusted few. And that is only needed if the runes do not weaken the abilities enough to begin with, which they always have.

Sounds good. Derek said.

Please bring out the captives.


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