System Change

Chapter 186: News from the Crown Prince

Chapter 186: News from the Crown Prince

Edward hurried through the palace, moving towards the Kings Library. He planned on setting off to inspect the border before he received news hed been waiting the last six months for. News that his father, the King, needed to know.

Without waiting, he threw the door to the library open and made his way straight to his father. Upon arriving in front of his father, he bowed.

Your Highness, Advisor Musgrave. Edward greeted.

What is it, my boy? The King asked. No need to stand on ceremony. For you to rush in like this, it must be important.

Edward glanced at his father, then at Phillip Musgrave. Usually, Gerald Torith would be advising the King here in the library, but since the audience with Alanah Swan, Gerald had fallen out of the Kings good graces. Though his father still couldnt decide what to do with the man. Gerald had obtained too much power in his time as Advisor, so the King couldnt act rashly.

Edward cleared his throat. Father, its about the dungeon.

Dungeon the one you found six months ago? Off the coast in an underwater cavern? The King asked.

Edward nodded. Yes. He replied. The very same.

What about it?

Their back Edward answered. The squad.

What did they find out? The King sat forward.

As you know, the dungeon is a level 250 unstable raid dungeon with time attributes. I sent Lieutenant Truss and his squad in with escape scrolls to investigate. We havent heard from them in six months, but the dungeon status continued to be occupied. He explained.

The King nodded heavily.

The squad reappeared today after using their escape scrolls. Edward said.

What did they find out? The King asked.

Not much, other than the time distortion. According to Lieutenant Truss, they were only in the dungeon for just under a week. Yet, on the outside, nearly six months have passed. So, its safe to assume that the time distortion is around 30 times. One day inside is around one month on the outside. The Prince said.

Troublesome. King Edwin scratched the scruff on his chin. Did they report anything on the enemies within?

Edward shook his head. As you know, Lieutenant Truss and his squad of five are only upper Platinum Rank. As it is a raid dungeon with room for a party of 25 adventurers, I commanded them to keep safe. During their stay, they barely left the safe zone. As it was a time dungeon, I felt the first priority was to find out how distorted it was.

The King nodded. So, we have an unstable dungeon that could overflow at any moment. On top of that, its a level 250 raid dungeon with a time distortion of 1:30. Not to mention the fact that the border with Indria is becoming uneasy what to do?

Father. Edward said, grabbing the Kings attention. Let me select a team and lead them through the dungeon. It must be completed, and soon. Level 250 monsters would wreak havoc in the Kingdom if we dont do something about it.

Prince Edward. Advisor Musgrave spoke. We cannot have the commander of the Kingdoms army disappear into an unknown dungeon with such unrest at the border. Everyone is already on edge. If you disappear, it may be seen as a sign of weakness.


No, Phillip is right. King Edwin said. We do not know how long it will take to clear the dungeon, or if it is an elite dungeon or not. The dungeon must be cleared, but can not be the one to do it. Edwin tapped his finger on his desk.

Then who? Edward asked.

The trio grew silent in thought. Whatever decision they made would affect the Kingdom as a whole. It was a 25-man dungeon, which meant that whatever choice they made, 25 of the Kingdoms strongest would be gone for as long as it took to complete the dungeon.

What about Prince Edgar? Advisor Musgrave asked. We must send someone from the Royal Family. If neither the two of you can go, it must be Prince Edgar or Princess Eloise. Princess Eloise would be my first choice, but she is indisposed at the moment.

Edward snorted. She is betrothed, Phillip, not indisposed.

It is all the same, Prince Edward.

Phillip is right. I hate to say it, but Edgar is our only choice King Edwin said. However, he is still only at Onyx Rank. With that, plus his work ethic I dont know if we will be able to have other Onyx and even Diamond Ranked adventurers follow him.

Hmm Edward scratched his chin. Give me a month with him and Ill have him at Diamond Ranked.

He wont like that. King Edwin said. He detests power leveling.

It doesnt matter. He will do what he must for the Kingdom even if I have to make him. Edward said.

IF you can make him. King Edwin pointed out. Edgar may be the outcast among your siblings, and overly lax in his duties, but when it comes to his own values, he is hardest on himself. The two of you share in the lightning attribute, but Edgar assimilated before you. I would bet that of the skills you share, his is at a higher level.

Edward nodded. Which is why once he becomes Diamond Rank, nobody, not even the old man from the Adventurers Guild, would have a problem with him leading the expedition.

Very well. You will prepare Edgar to lead this expedition in two months time. You, along with Edgar, will choose who will accompany him. As we do not know the dangers inside the dungeon, at least three Diamond Ranked Adventurers, including Edgar, will be needed.

Yes, father. Crown Prince Edward bowed.

Good The King scrunched his eyebrows. Where is that brother of yours, anyway?

Uh Edward was at a loss. They had just made a decision that would affect the entire Kingdom, a decision that would rely on his black sheep of a brother. Yet, neither Edward nor his father knew where Edgar was. He took leave

Leave? From the army? Again? Edwin rolled his eyes. How long?

Edward looked at his feet. Two months ago Edward, as the commander of the Kingdoms army, had tried and tried to get Edgar to behave, but after years of failing, he stopped. Edgar would do whatever he wanted, and nobody would stop him because not only was he a Royal, he was noble. Not a noble, but noble in character.

Edgar would use his status to his advantage, but never if it was to the detriment of another. He was an embarrassment in court, but respected amongst the commoners. Any harsh reprimands on his Edwards brother would be confusing to the commoners, and would similarly enforce many nobles thoughts that they were above others.

Any private reprimands fell on deaf ears. As Edgar didnt cause any damage, they finally gave up and let him do as he pleased. This also meant Edgar taking a liking to promising military recruits and forming adventurer teams. Edgar led an elite military unit that he personally selected. One that he was neither given permission to make, nor did he ask.

But now, it would be Edgar and his hijacked military unit that the Kingdom had to rely on.

Two months ago? Hes been missing for two month? Have you heard anything about him? The King asked.

Edward shook his head. According to some of the officers who talked with him before he left Edward paused. Edgar went on vacation.

Have you tried to contact him through his crystal? The King asked.

At least once a week. Either he is in a dungeon or hes ignoring me. Edward said.

Edwin snorted and summoned a red crystal from his storage ring. Lets see if he ignores me. He poured mana into the crystal, causing it to glow a bright red. The light shined for some time before dimming. The King released the crystal from his grasp. He must be in a dungeon. The King said matter of factly. Who in their right mind would ignore a call from the King of an entire country?

That must be the case. Edward said. He also pulled out a crystal and tried to contact Edgar. Just like what happened with his father, the crystal did not connect.

Uh Advisor Musgrave cleared his throat.

What is it, Phillip? The King asked.

Its about Prince Edgar. Phillip said.

What about him?


Spit it out. The King commanded.

Phillip Musgrave let out a deep sigh. Your son Prince Edgar was seen two days ago in Savannah.

There must be a mistake. The King said. Are you saying my son is ignoring me? The King.

Im sorry, sire. That seems to be the case. Advisor Musgrave said.

Im going to kill him. Im going to go to Savannah and kill him. Edward said.

Not if I get to him first. The King said. Phillip. Tell me everything you know.


Edgar was disappointed that Derek didnt allow him to go with him. On top of that, the red crystal in his hand kept glowing, showing that both his father and brother were trying to get into contact with him. Edgar snorted and put the crystal away. He was tired of constantly being scolded by his family. They just didnt understand.

Jake was sitting across the table from him. Soon, the young man frowned and a red crystal appeared in his hand.

Abruptly, Edgar jumped to his feet. Dont answer it! He screamed. But alas, it was too late.


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