Sylver Seeker

Chapter 80: Sticks And Stones(1/2)

Chapter 80: Sticks And Stones(1/2)

Time flew by.

After Sylver had successfully finished the ritual to move Flesh and Bones into their new bodies, he slept for 2 days straight. The ritual was simple, safe, and boring, just the way anything Sylver prepared properly for was.

The resulting dead Krists were handled by Ron, who apparently sold them to some of his undead clientele as food, and used whatever couldnt be eaten as fertilizer for his flower garden. With Flesh and Bones still asleep by the time Sylver was relatively well-rested, he had a day to kill before they would wake up and would need the second half of the ritual.

Documentation was already drawn up for both of them, all that was left was simply entering Arda properly and then settling into their new lives.

Flesh was the sixth son of a very minor noble that lived so far to the east that he was a noble in name only, a distant relative of Martimer DeLeon. Fleshs new name was Faust. He was a young human man in his early 20s, who had been unable to get a class, and came to Arda in the hopes of finding a solution. A curly-haired woman named Shera offered him work in the adventurers guild and his story would start from there. Faust had bright blue eyes, very light blond hair, and had a very lean and muscular physique.

Bones, Bruno, on the other hand, was a half-elf, that was vaguely related to one of Lolas elven employees and came to Arda to retire. Due to certain circumstances his class and level were locked away, and he came here to start over as a farmer. Bruno was tall, about a head taller than Sylver, his ears were just the slightest amount pointed, and his dark brown hair was tied into a short ponytail. His eyes were brown, and his face was a little too angular compared to the rest of his body. A design choice Sylver didnt understand but didnt question either.

Bruno would be given a stretch of land and was going to be working as a farmer and researcher. Lola had found two families to work with/under Bruno, that had lost their villages in some sort of monster attack, to help him with the farm work.

Sylver spent most of the extra day preparing his workshop for his surgery. It wasnt anything difficult, rather simple by Sylvers standards. It would be the first time hed done something so direct on himself, but Sylver felt confident in his abilities. Not to mention [Biological Manipulation] made up for Sylvers lack of mana.

4 Krists were left alive for Sylver to heal himself after the surgery, just in case. The fact that they instantly died at the moment the metallic rods were removed from their heads made them ideal for use as human sacrifices. If the surgery went according to plan, they wouldnt be necessary, but it wouldnt hurt to have them around.

As Sylver wandered around the city and thought about what to do afterward, he found himself in front of Lekes house. He hadnt planned to come here and wasnt entirely sure why he ended up here. He was about to continue walking when Diarla opened the door and looked at him. She furrowed her eyebrows and Sylver really didnt like the look on her face.

What? Sylver asked.

I would like for you to come inside, Diarla said. Without the mask and getup, Raba sounded the same but somehow managed to sound meek. Which was odd, considering who she was and who she worked with. Sylver wondered if Raba was the disguise and mask, or if Diarla was.

I would like for you to come inside not would you like to come inside What does the Cord want with me now? She normally goes through Ron or someone else, weve never spoken face to face like this. Sylver thought.

He turned towards the house and entered. Diarla quietly closed the door behind him and gestured for him to sit down in the living room.

If this is about the tournament- Sylver started to say after Diarla had sat down.

Id like for you to stop seeing Leke, Diarla interrupted.

Sylver didnt say anything. They sat in silence for a few seconds, before Diarla continued.

She met someone, but shes being extremely indecisive about it. Weve kind of agreed youre at fault here, Diarla said.

Whos we? Sylver asked.

Tera and I. Leke wont admit it and has been adamant about us not interfering in her personal life, but shes under the impression theres some kind of future with you. Which I know there isnt, and Tera seems to know the same for some other reason, Diarla said.

Sylver wondered if it was the lack of two guards that made her seem so small, or just the fact that she wasnt wearing several inches of armor.

Are you asking me to stop seeing her, or are you telling me to stop seeing her? Sylver asked, with a slightly cold and calm tone.

Is there a difference? Diarla asked. Some of Raba was leaking into her voice. A kind of unspoken threat that was always in the air whenever she spoke to him.

There is. One is a friend asking for something akin to a favor, but it is being asked, nothing more. And the other is the people I have a working relationship with, throwing their weight around and meddling in my very private affairs. I would like to know who Im talking to, Sylver said.

Diarla looked confused at the words, and she scratched the back of her hand as she thought and stared Sylver right in the eye.

Does your answer change depending on which I pick? Diarla asked.

Who knows? Sylver said with just a hint of anger. He crossed his arms and leaned back into the couch.

Diarla thought it over for a while, a near solid minute as far as Sylver could tell. She spoke with the kind of forwardness and certainty Raba did.

As a friend. Not as yours but as Lekes friend. Im asking that you stop seeing her. On top of how likely you are to die as an adventurer, and the fact that youre sometimes gone for months on end, youre doing a great deal of harm to her. Unless you plan on settling down here, which I dont see happening anytime soon, Diarla said. It was almost like Raba had said it, while backed up by her two guards.

If youre asking as a friend, you dont get to ask me as someone else, Sylver asked. Calm and neutral.

Id like to think I understand you well enough to know you wouldnt do something to purposely hurt her. And Id like to believe that this is simply a case of you not thinking about the consequences of your actions, as opposed to genuinely not caring about her and her feelings, Diarla said.

Sylver didnt say anything for about 30 seconds, and simply looked at her and felt around with his soul sense.

Well, youre half right, Sylver said with a defeated sigh. This wasnt malicious, she was doing this for Leke, as far as Sylver could feel at least.

Which half?

That I wouldnt do something to hurt her. But youre wrong about not thinking about the consequences of my actions, I did think about them. I just thought it wasnt an issue. That if and when there came a point where Leke found someone else, she would be honest with me and things would end there. I am not thrilled that youve told me this because now its on me to break things off with her, Sylver said.

Diarla smiled slightly at this, but it didnt reach her eyes.

Youre a lot more calm about this than I would have expected, Diarla said, pausing as she spoke to carefully pick her words.

This isnt the first time Ive had this conversation. Although being sat down and having things calmly explained is new for me. Everyone always seems to think Im a lot less reasonable than I am, Sylver said.

Well, you did ask the head of the Black Mane to kill himself as proof of surrender. Via a letter sent through the only survivor of one of their hideouts. After making him watch his friends bleed to death, and explaining that youre a force of nature, more than a person, Diarla added.

That was different. I was acting on emotion and obviously didnt think he would take me seriously. I had a plan, and appearing unhinged was part of it. And as I said, I was a bit angry, Sylver explained.

And when you headbutted Eliot so hard that he had to grow new teeth and threatened to castrate him if he ever so much as got near you again? Diarla asked. She raised an eyebrow and sat up straight in her seat.

Also acting on emotion. And its his fault for attacking me in the first place. He was fast enough that I barely had time to react, so there is no way he didnt recognize me the second time. He chose to try and throw me to the ground, and I retaliated, Sylver explained.

I guess when you crippled Samuel DuRodiers and refused to undo whatever it is you did that stopped him from being healed, that was also acting on emotion? Diarla asked, with a slightly raised eyebrow.

Ive never said I was perfect, Sylver said with a shrug.

Hes still eating through a straw, and there are about 5 different healing sects that have inquired about you and whatever skill it is that you used on him, Diarla added.

He got off easy if you ask me. People have been killed for less. Ive seen what happens when you let small things slide, let alone what happens when its such a public and blatant offense against me. And it wasnt like I sucker-punched him, I challenged him to a fair duel, and he accepted, Sylver explained.

Alright, to be fair that one I did kind of understand. Although if it werent for the multiple witnesses, I would have thought it was a joke, who steps on someone's back? But what about when, instead of sitting silently and waiting for a lawyer to show up, you started telling the guards the number of hours they had until they were raped and murdered? And then made a man that is famous for holding a grudge, apologize for wasting your time, under threat of having one of his guards kill another guard, Diarla asked, her voice gradually having shifted into Rabas.

Hey, I was the victim in that situation. Its their fault for being prejudiced against practitioners of the dark arts, and believing in unfounded stereotypes. I was the one wronged back then but also, yes, I dont react well when threatened, or when a threat is implied, Sylver explained with another shrug of his shoulders.

Uh-huh And what about when you-

Probably acting on emotion, after getting threatened. If you look closely youll notice a pattern when it comes to me and violence, Sylver interrupted before Diarla could bring up another questionable thing Sylver had done in the past.

Diarla had a real smile on her face now, as close to a smirk as possible without actually smirking.

Im not sure if I should be relieved or upset that there isnt some sort of deep meaning to your actions. Your movements make a lot more sense if its that simple, Diarla said as if she were savoring the words.

I have a goal and Im striving towards it. It doesnt get any simpler than that. There isnt a whole lot of room for ulterior motives when you know exactly what it is you want, and thats all you want. Everything else is an obstacle or a distraction, Sylver explained. Diarlas eyes narrowed slightly.

So Leke was a distraction? She asked, with a completely neutral tone.

In the same way eating, drinking, and sleeping is a distraction. Im still human at the end of the day, I have moments where I need to rest, where I take time to recuperate and spend it doing things I enjoy Whens her next day off, Ill talk to her then, Sylver asked. He stood up from the couch and adjusted his robes collar.

What are you going to say? Diarla asked as she also stood up.

That theres no long-term future with me and she should be with someone else? Sylver said.

Are you sure you want to say that? Diarla asked, with the kind of tone a parent asked a child if theyre adamant about sticking their hand in a fire.

Ill dress it up a little, but thats the gist of it. Unless you have some sort of alternative, Sylver asked.

Diarla just stared at him for a while.

I dont know how shell react to that But youre the one whos going to be doing the talking, so who am I to say what you should or shouldnt say? Oh, but please dont tell her Im the one who told you about this, Diarla added quickly, practically tripping over her words as she suddenly realized just how much she had gone against Lekes wishes.

You know her better than I do. If you dont think shell understand that youre doing this for her good, I wont tell her Although I would advise you to tell her, sooner rather than later, Sylver said. Diarla barely reacted to his words and spoke as if he hadnt said the last sentence at all.

Shes got 4 days off after the tournament ends. I would tell her on the fourth day, if I were you, so it doesnt ruin her rest, Diarla said.

Sylver waited to see if there was going to be anything else and left.




You know, its funny. Last night a friend of mine came here with a similar situation, Salgok said, as he continued to stroke his forge and gave the shades the signal to add more coal.

Similar how? Sylver asked. He took another drink of Salgoks latest creation, and still couldnt taste the alleged pumpkin. It just tasted like mediocre wine, there wasnt so much as a hint of pumpkin.

In his case, it was a lifespan issue, he was terrified at the thought of outliving her and decided the best thing to do was break things off before either of them got too attached. A real shame if you ask me. I sometimes wonder if the old religions had the right idea of keeping everyone separated, things were a lot cleaner back then. You didnt have to hear about a dwarf whos barely in his 200s and has outlived his half-human children, Salgok said, as the shades helped close the forge to let the coals heat up.

Whos to say what is right and what isnt? Life is so unpredictable as it is, trying to marry while keeping something like the average lifespan in mind is ridiculous. How long do dwarves live anyway? Sylver asked.

Depends on the bloodline. In my case, Ive got another 400 something years left, if Im lucky. Although Im already at a higher level than my father, so its hard to tell. What about you, how old are you? Salgok countered. He knew Sylver wasnt human, at least not entirely, but hadnt pushed the issue after the first time hed confronted him about being a [Hero].

Old enough to know Im doing the right thing, even if Im not happy about it. It was nice, you know? That someone was waiting for me that didnt want anything from me. In hindsight, I should have maybe I dont know, I cant say what I would have done differently. I would have spent more time with her I guess, but it wasnt like I was purposely not seeing her, I was busy with other things, Sylver explained as he finished his cup of pumpkin-flavored wine that didnt taste of pumpkin.

Salgok poured him another cup as he sat down. Salgok poured himself something else and swirled the drink around while looking at it.

Have you ever been married? Salgok asked.

Sylver choked on his drink and laughed a little. There wasnt a whole lot of joy in his voice.

No, sadly. Although I nearly was a couple of times. At the end of the day, the problem was I knew from the start it wouldnt end well. I used to have this kind of optimism about things, but after a certain number of failed attempts I made a list of issues and narrowed down the criteria my partner would have to have, and it ruined my chances, Sylver explained. He tasted a bit of pumpkin this time, although it was so faint it could have easily been his imagination.

Like what?

Immortal, at least tier 7 or higher, unharmed by negative energy, hasnt tried to kill me, isnt trying to take over the world, not insane, has a physical body, doesnt- I cant put it into words, it sounds idiotic when I say it out loud, Sylver said.

Hed met exactly 6 people who he had reasoned would be a good fit for him, and all 6 were either already married, or were too scared of him to so much as hold a conversation. Or both.

If you already knew it wouldnt work, why did you get involved with her? Salgok asked. His brows furrowed as he took a sip of his drink and promptly spat back into his cup.

She caught me at a very strange point in my life. I wasnt sure of anything, and she was the right amount of open and inviting and one thing led to another and I barely noticed what had happened. I thought after everything I felt like I deserved to be a little selfish. But as always, Ive lived long enough to see the consequences of my actions. I knew from the first night it wouldnt end well, but there were so few things that brought me joy back then, that I chose not to admit it, Sylver said, adding the last part almost under his breath.

Aye, you had that look when we first met, Salgok said. He reached under the counter and pulled the cork out of another bottle and poured himself a new glass.

What look? Sylver asked. He finished his potential pumpkin-flavored wine.

Hard to put into words, now that I think about it. Lost? Confused? You looked like some sort of beaten dog, stuck between wanting to lay down and sleep, and ready to tear someones throat open. I was worried that if I let you go to your room that night, Id have to clean up your hanging corpse the next morning, Salgok said with a serious tone, which caused Sylver to spit up his drink from laughter.

And here I thought you were an all-around jolly dwarf. Do I still look like that? Sylver asked after he had settled down and wiped away the spilled wine.

Its still there. Although truth be told, your eyes arent doing you any favors. Its like being stared at by a crow, its unnerving. Youre still upset, but Its less intense if that makes any sense You said you lost something back then, Im guessing youve come to terms with it not coming back? Salgok asked. Sylver smiled slightly at this. Amazing how a single sentence can hurt so much.

Im used to losing things. But this isnt something that Ill one day forget, Im certain Im going to die thinking about it. Its I cant even begin to imagine how to describe it. Its not just that its gone, its that theres nothing I can do to get it back. Not just gone, but damaged. Time has withered it, I dont even know that I could still safely call it mine, even if I do get it back. Im as worried about finding it, as I am about not finding it, Sylver said.

But youre still searching for it, right? Salgok asked.

Of course. Broken, shattered, rusted, wilted, abused, neglected, or even dead, Im not going to stop looking for it until Im dead. I wouldnt be able to call myself Sezari if I did, Sylver said as Salgok poured more possibly pumpkin-flavored wine.

Why not? Salgok asked as he poured himself a cup from the same bottle.

Its a name I took. My masters people had very strict laws about names, especially when they got married. A name is meant to be shared, and her husband was incapable of sharing his name with her, so I did what anyone would in that situation. I took it from him, so she could share hers with him, Sylver explained.

Im not following, Salgok said.

Its a long story. He was given his name in exchange for a promise. And when I took his name from him, I took the promise along with it. I was supposed to give it back when the promise was fulfilled, but by that point in time there was no one to give it back to, even though I had done as he had promised, Sylver explained. He tasted his drink and found he could actually taste the subtle taste of pumpkin in it.

Im still confused. What does your name have to do with giving up? Salgok asked.

Not giving up, searching. It means to seek in a language thats long gone. Although it can be interpreted as one that seeks, or one who searches, or seeker of something, depending on the context. He had promised to always look for something, and was supposed to stop once he found it, Sylver explained.

Ah I see, so if you translate it youre Sylver, the one who searches. Doesnt quite have a ring to it. What was the last one again? Salgok asked.

Seeker of something, Sylver said.

So you would be, seeker of silver?, Salgok asked.

If were translating it would be the other way round. Since my first name in essence means silver, I would be silver seeker. Which is quite funny if you think about it, Im looking for something that causes me great harm, Sylver said, as he reached into his robe and pulled out the pure blessed silver dagger Salgok had made for him.

Silver seeker Sylver the seeker? Salgok asked, trying to translate a language he didnt know, into a language that didnt have the correct conjugation.

Well, no, in Erish it would be Sylver Seeker. At least thats how it can be read when written down, Sylver explained, as Salgok looked more and more confused at the linguistic cluster fuck.

Good name, either way. To always finding whatever it is you seek! Salgok drunkenly shouted as he raised his glass towards Sylver. A lump of coal popped in the background of the dark smith room.

To always finding whatever you seek! Sylver shouted back, toasting his glass against Salgoks.


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