Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 34 - Second Cornerstone

"What's with all this fuss... Tranquility is the sole merit of this dorm and you lot are destroying it. Oh, you're back, boy?"

As the perverts continued to make a racket in a loud voice, Sora appeared.

"Sora-san. I'm sorry I couldn't inform you about this morning, causing my breakfast to go to waste. Here, I brought along some souvenirs."

Sora glanced at the meat I held out.

"Geez, you really are a sinful man, lad. You've kept not one or two, but five beauties waiting for you...... Hmm, a water-attribute horned rabbit, huh? And it must have been 18 to 20 hours since it was subjugated."

Ignoring Sora's remark as she causally counted herself in the ranks of beauties without batting an eyelid, Stella interjected from the side.

"Water-attribute? You can tell that much from just a glance? Who in the world are you, Aunty?"

"Who're you calling Aunty, you little brat? The way its muscle fibers run more or less tells you where it must have come from, and it also has a peculiar smell. Did you hunt it, boy?"

Stella interjected again before I could say anything.

"No way, I know he's strong but a water-attribute horned rabbit isn't something he should be able to handle alone. They're unbelievably fast on their feet."

"It hurts!"

My wrist made a cracking sound. I had it covered with body-strengthening magic but it was like my hand was clamped on by a gorilla.

"What does this mean, Allen? Didn't you say you went alone earlier? If it's just about messing around in the red light district, I can brush it off as a man's indulgence, but do you think I'll accept you having an overnight date?"

" "Kyaa! What a brute!" "

These freaking idiots!

"When did I say I went alone?! And even more than that, do I even need to have permission from you? Get away from me, you gorilla girl!"

My wrist hurt so much, I cussed at her like an elementary school kid.

"Kyahaha! Who even calls a girl a gorilla? You have me amused with your childishness, Allen."

I couldn't deny that it was quite a childish act, but the fault still lies with her. What could be a more apt description of her iron-like grip if not gorilla-like? I swear her grip force should be over 200kg.

"...Sheesh, can you turn down the clamor? You must have gone with that Riyad lad, right? This dismantling style is just like him. The cuts on the cross-section of the bone also remind me of the custom knife from Zaimura Corporation that he has."

Stella seemed to have muttered 'You can even identify that?' in disbelief. Though I couldn't tell how much of an amazing feat that was.

"...I believed in you, Allen. I never once considered you would forget your training and do something like bringing a girl with you to a cave in the secluded mountain saying it's to shelter from the rain and kindle your passion there like a fire on drywood."

Fey loosened her grip on my wrist when the name of Riyad-senpai was mentioned. Wasn't your imagination power too over the top...?

I quickly tried to shake off her grasp from my hand, but it failed.

"...This 'Riyad'-san... Who might he be?"

Jue asked Sora.

"He's a third-year Class B student of the Royal Academy. He's quite an eccentric person to live in this dorm despite not being from Class E, like this boy here. Well, he's an outstanding child at least."

After hearing that, Jue suddenly announced with a playful look.

"...Sora-san. I'm transferring from the noble dorm to the general dormitory. I don't see any other buildings adjacent to it, so both boys and girls share the same roof, right? I want the room next to Allen-san."

Even Sora was left stunned by her remark and looked at a loss for words.

"We were finding it strange why Allen-san was not showing any signs of moving when we asked him to transfer to the noble dorm, and you also always try to dodge that topic… But it all adds up now considering Allen-san's close relationship with that senior. He probably has no intention of moving out, no? I've spent so many sleepless nights just worrying about the status of Allen-san's V-card."

'No, how about you just stop bringing up my V-card at every point... Also, can you stop using it so exaggeratedly? You'll be buried in complaints from the V-card fans, you know?'

Fey's eyes shone with a predator-ish glint when she heard Jue and chuckled.

"...Instant decision, swift action, huh? As expected of the prodigy Jueri Rebelance of the Rebelance family which had 'fortitude and resolve' as their family motto. Sora, I want another room adjacent to Allen's as well."

Fey demanded another room next to mine casually as if shouting 'Another serving of dumplings please!'.

"Fufu. If Allen-san's room happened to be in the corner, the sole room would belong to me. First come first served."

Jue chuckled and looked down at Fey with a taunting look. Well, Fey was taller than Jue but looking down here meant psychologically.

"...You girls, you must be from good families given the clothes you're wearing, right? Just so you know, this dorm's different from a noble dorm and you aren't going to be served or anything by anyone here. Can you manage? If I'm not wrong, you're all from Class 1-A whose students are famed for having the best of the best. Do you even know what this place is called by others? Dog house of the loser dogs."

Sora peered down at the two of them from above and delivered the same threat I had heard before. Nice one, Sora!

"As long as there's motivation, I can learn how to handle my own chores. Besides, it won't be just Allen-san, we too will be staying in this dorm. It's just a matter of time before that title is abandoned."

But it seemed like Sora's follow-up ended in vain as Jue confidently remarked so.

"Haa...... Whatever. But unfortunately, although his room isn't in the corner, the rooms above and below are already occupied."

...What? Was that so? But I didn't feel even an atom of anyone's presence so far though...

Just as I was feeling confused by all this, Sora pointed her cane behind us.

"Well, here comes the occupants."

When we turned around to look at where she was pointing, we saw Al and others running toward us along with what seemed to be a magic car resembling a truck carrying their luggage.


"Hey, Allen! We're going to be part of this dorm from today onwards. I was going to talk to you about it in morning training but you were absent… How is it, are you surprised?"

How did it come to this…? I especially chose this dormitory to stay away from them.

"......What in the world are you thinking? There's no merit in doing all this, is there?"

I posed an obvious question.

"...After doing the same number of hill dashes as you in morning training, Leo said he was going to visit here to ask about sword practice... Today's a holiday so we also tagged along out of curiosity."

Next to Al, there were Leo, Coco, Dan, and Dor.

"...It seems like not everything is completely set yet, right?"

It seemed like Leo wasn't just content with the present status quo as he said so bluntly.

"We didn't find you when we came here. So we asked Sora-san how you usually trained with your sword but during our discussion, we learned you've clearly said to her 'I'll be under your care for the next three years' even though you said you'll move to the noble dorm one of these days."

Al looked straight into my eyes and waited for my response. Jue let out an amused giggle as if saying 'I knew it'. I would have given a vague reply but I lost my will to deceive them seeing the serious look in Al's eyes...

"Well...... Sorry."

I meekly apologized.

"No, I'm not angry or anything... We heard from Sora-san that you were impressed by the dorm rule 'unaffected and sincere, with fortitude and vigor' when you first came here and decided on the spot that you'll be living here for the next three years... I just felt embarrassed with myself for being content with passing the exam of the Royal Academy and savoring a luxurious life in the noble dorm which was unthinkable in the rural Engraver Viscounty."

Following Al's words, the other four beside him hanged their heads down in frustration.

'No-no, my thoughts are not as noble as you're making it out to be, seriously... I just decided on it casually, without giving any thought... It's a bit hard to say something like that, but should I say it? It kinda feels like a landmine at the moment…'

"I think you may have misunderstood our goal so first, we aren't chasing after you like this because we want to improve our proficiency in body-strengthening magic. What we're aiming for is your mindset, a self-reliant spirit that doesn't let himself be spoiled. Well, that's why we decided to move here.”

Leo added while gritting his teeth.

"Lately, I've started to have a vague understanding of your way of life and what you really want to do, Allen. Your devotion to pursuing what you truly desire and your mindset to discard everything else but that. You possess that thing that I lack, and I want to see what that thing is by staying by your side. And then...... I'll surely grasp it with my own hand one day."

Leo said it with such a solemn air surrounding him that I really felt like dying. "What he said does sound like me but they're both different things in essence!'

My brain felt like it had been turned into mush at the rapid development and blurted it out on a whim—

"Hmph. First of all, can you settle on 'you' or 'Allen'? You're making it awkward by switching between them."



Yeah. I know. I messed up......


"By the way, Al. Why haven't I heard of this crucial information? Am I the only one who considered us friends?"

Fey finally released my wrist and confronted Al with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Hn? Well, it was a holiday yesterday and today, right? We didn't meet in morning training as well... I was planning to talk about it in tomorrow's class. Ah, but worry not! There seem to be a lot of empty rooms!"

Allen said unfazed. Oh, that's Al for you! I knew we could become bosom buddies from the get-go!

"...So who might be planning to stay in the room next to Allen-san?"

Jue, giving the speechless Fey a sidelong glance, asked. Somehow, I had a bad feeling.

"Hn? Coco and I are in the adjacent rooms, Dan is in the room above and Dor will be in the room below! After all, this is definitely the best way to increase brotherhood between ourse—"

Jue cut in before Al could finish his words.

"One million rea... Al-san, Coco-san, can one of you consider changing rooms?"

With her trademark calm demeanor, Jue casually presented an outrageous proposal.

Following her, Kate, the girl with the class president-like aura and crazy fantasies filling most of her mind along with superficial knowledge about perverted crap, also chimed in,

"Rest assured, I'm sure I can persuade my father. In fact, I believe he'll even recommend me to go over the top."

What a sick parent you have! I knew my hunch was right. She's definitely a cut from the same cloth as my elder sister, another eccentric person…

"I'll pay 3 million, alright? Coco, we're friends, right? Will you not change rooms with me?"

Fey astutely preyed on Coco, who was obviously weak to coercion.

"W, well, you don't need to bring up money. If you want the room that badly, I'll—"

Not good, I would be checkmated at this rate! I swiftly interrupted them and said,

"No matter what the reason may be, room change is not permitted. If any of you break the rule, that person will be removed from the Hill Road Club under my supervisory authority. And, of course, for three years, I won't exchange a single word with you."

The ruckus thus put an end to my tranquil dorm life, but the silver lining was that I at least managed to stop the eccentrics from moving in.

On a side note, Leo seemed to have secured his room closer to the entrance on the first floor saying 'It would be a waste of time to move up and down'.


"...So are you kids going to eat my custom-made breakfast? By the way, I'm a researcher specializing in monster ingredients... My research mostly prioritizes effect over flavor, so the food here won't be flavorful. By the way, Allen boy eats it every day saying it's something necessary for his goal. Hahaha."

Sora suddenly threw away her dorm mother's consideration and instead, her words were like a mad scientist trying to lure in her guinea pigs. Albeit, I was the only one who knew what she really meant by 'It's not going to be a flavorful dish'.

"So that's how it is... That's why you were so detailed about the horned rabbit. I'll definitely eat your breakfast, Sora-san! It seems like this dorm is full of secrets tied to Allen's strength. I'm going to move in here as well."

"...You guys... Seems like I have no choice as well. I'll be moving in too."

Of course, what Stella said about the reason behind my strength was baseless, but the victims Stella and Kate were successfully unable to see the trap Sora laid as they too showed their intention to move in. Kukuku. I bet these two must be the originators behind my 'Lust Incarnate' rumors. 'Don't you like to toy with people and make slanderous remarks? Now reap what you sow.'

Since they were going to move in, I might as well take them down in one fell swoop. Just to ensure they don't pull back later, I said provocatively,

"Leave it, you guys can't endure this sort of discipline. Especially Leo, Fey, and Jue. You guys have refined palates, right? Heed my advice and think again, you'll definitely regret it later."

As I said my words, Sora looked at me with a sharp glare. I know you don't want your guinea pigs to run away, but rest assured I know just how much pride they have. See, as long as I taunt them—

"Naturally, I'll be eating it every day. Rather, I should be the one to request it."

"Your concern is unnecessary. I'm an artificer, did you forget? I was just thinking about how to simplify my meals as much as possible. I'll gladly eat breakfast here."

"Any dish will taste delightful if I can enjoy it while looking at Allen-san's face."

Sure enough, everyone hopped on the bandwagon.

"Hahaha. So everyone is going to eat, huh? I guess mornings from tomorrow onwards are going to be hectic. Hahaha, ahahaha!"

'Good grief, I warned you guys', I tried to appear dismayed by lowering my head and shaking my head.

But I chuckled mentally. Hahahaha! This feeling of deceiving people is surprisingly addictive... Ahem, I must make sure to not let it go over my head.


Lining up next to the Royal Academy Hill Road Club, this incident was the precursor to the future where the general dormitory would be hailed as the second cornerstone of the unicorn generation.

EN - So many new guinea pigs! Good for you Sora 😂


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