Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 27 - The Lowdown on Stamina and Club Activities (2)

"Please make me your disciple, Godorfun-sensei!"

After resolving the problem of my classmates' tardiness, I stormed into the staff room that evening. Since my class was already decided, I didn't need to have any apprehension.

I could see the teachers around giving me a lukewarm gaze, but I ignored them. After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I bowed my head at a perfect 45-degree angle and once again petitioned Godorfun-sensei to make me his disciple.

"...Hmm, for now, you can speak casually. I'm not fond of formality. But a disciple, huh?... You know I'm in charge of your class so I'll answer any questions you ask. In that sense, all the students of Class A are my disciples… But then, what is it that you want to ask me?"

I prepared myself to be mocked and answered.

"...I don't have the talent for emission magic, especially the attribute conversion aspect. But I want to learn emission magic by all means. As for the reason, because it's cool. There is no logical reason behind it. I heard sensei didn't have any talent in emission magic in his youth and struggled quite a bit. Can you please train me to use emission magic?... You don't need to give me a clear answer. I'll be happy even with just some pointers."

While keeping my waist bent at a 45-degree angle, I raised my face and looked into Godorfun's eyes.

He didn't laugh or anything, he just stared at me with a serious expression for a while stroking his white beard.

"I see... You're making this request with the full understanding of the hardships, aren't you?"

"I know very well that the best route for me is to instead focus on improving my body-strengthening magic."


Godorfun crossed his arms and closed his eyes. I quietly waited for his response.

"...I understand your plea. But I at least had attribute conversion talent since I was young. I have no method to give you that would meet your expectations. Even if you were to become my apprentice, I wouldn't be able to give you what you're looking for. However..."

Godrfun paused there, still stroking his white beard in thought.

"If it's about giving directions, I do have a guess."


I asked excitedly.

I mean, I had investigated this on my own, and even after continuous research, all I found was a disappointing result, as if saying what I seek was beyond an insurmountable wall. At the juncture I was at, I'd cling to any straw I could find.

But it was only after some time that I realized I had been dancing in the palm of this cunning old man's hand.

"However, I have a condition," Godorfun looked into my eyes and continued, "Do something about that disastrous morning scene first."


This morning, everyone in the class had arrived on time.

However after emptying their mana capacity, none of them were in a state of continuing the practical training, so the training had inevitably changed to practicing mana compression and recovery of mana.

"Even if you ask me, I don't think I can do anything about it. I've said it many times, I didn't instigate them to do that. I also don't think I have any right to stop them."

"Fufufu. I have no intention of stopping them. It's not every day you stumble upon a scene where kids are willing to do basic training with such determination without anyone urging them when such training is normally disliked by them. Even if it means sacrificing some time for lessons, this will surely play a vital role in the future.

...But that being said, we just can't have mana compression exercises all day. So I want you to guide your classmates to receive proper lessons in the morning. You have two months to accomplish this. If you succeed, I will provide you with the direction I have in mind."

Two months, huh?...

I momentarily calculated in my mind.

"There are two things I want to confirm. First, I'll give a helping hand to only those who are motivated. Everyone was present this morning, but there's no saying they'll continue to be. There's also no need for all of them to participate. Some may have priorities other than strengthening their bodies."

"...Very well. But I will not consider this a task completed if you slack off on those who are motivated… Rather, how about turning the morning exercise into club activities?

There are barely any functioning clubs that focus on club activities, and most students are members of clubs in name only. It's alright to hold concurrent positions, and as a coach, you'd find it easier to instruct your classmates."

Godorfun dropped a shocking remark.

"What, there are barely any functioning clubs?! What about the magic research club!? It should be functioning properly, right?"

Perhaps surprised by my sudden outburst, a sharp blonde-haired female teacher, who was nearby, lent a helping hand.

"There's no magic research club. According to the records, it was disbanded 300 years ago. Magic aspirants now mostly attend the renowned simplex magic cram school in the Royal Capital. Many students hire famous mages as private tutors as well. And please call me Mujikka-sensei, Allen Rovenne."

...Cram school? For god's sake, just why is everyone hellbent on distorting precious youth?

"...Understood. So, a club targeting only those who are motivated to improve themselves should be acceptable, right? How do I go about starting the club?"

Mujikka-sensei answered my question,

"If you decide on the club's name, we can take care of the formalities for you. We have a general idea of what the club's activities will be. Can you be the advisor, Sir Godorfun?"

"Hohoho. Very well. However, I have no intention of interfering in the club activities."

Hmm, so the titular advisor, huh?... Well, whatever. If necessary, I could consult with him, and being able to run the club without any meddling is welcome. I proceeded with another question that piqued my interest.

"One more thing. Can I interpret this 'direction' as a guarantee that you'll be my mentor and show me the way? The expression 'I don't have any clear idea' is just too vague."

The way he phrased it, "If it's about giving a direction, I do have a guess." was just too vague.

Even if it was his tactic to dodge the point, as long as I could get his words about becoming his disciple, considering he seemed to be quite a famous person, wasting my time would be worth it.

"Well, I mentioned it before. I can't provide you with what you're looking for. Instead, I'll introduce you to someone suitable."

"Someone else? What kind of person is this?"

I cast a skeptical glance at Godorfun.

"Hmm. He is the commander of the prestigious Kingdom's Knight Order Third Legion, a man who is always swift at his work. Naturally, he's extremely busy, and it would be normally impossible to become his apprentice without my introduction. I should make it clear that I'm just introducing you to him, and even if you do manage to become his apprentice, don't expect him to teach you everything attentively. At best, he might help you out once in a while."

Oh! So Godorfun-sensei already had someone specific in his mind. Not only did he perfectly understand what I was saying, but he already thought about 'the suitable person' so it wasn't just an empty promise.

Amazing! Not just me, even Mujikka-sensei appeared to be in awe. He even had an amazing-sounding title, was he really that impressive of a person!?

As soon as I thought about it, I immediately hardened my heart and resolved to thoroughly train my classmates to the point they would want to quit the club.

"Well, it seems like everything's settled. By the way, what will you name the club?"

Smart-looking Mujikka-sensei asked.

After a brief pause, I answered, "Let's call it the <Hill Road Club>."

"...Hill Road Club? Well, it doesn't really matter what name you choose. But having a name that's quite far removed from the actual club activities might pose a few problems, is that fine?"

Ah, actually, it was something I just let out without any profound meaning behind it, but saying that was embarrassing so I just explained whatever came to my mind.

"It's actually deeply connected! Running on the hill road with full strength, and then coming down without stumbling, in a sense, it's a path that parallels life itself! The hill road here signifies the adversity! Facing adversity straight and re-discovering yourself... This is the motto of this club!"

"??? Well, alright."

In this way, following Allen's hobby and whimsical idea, the prestigious <Royal Academy Hill Road Club> came into existence, which would later be hailed as 'the cornerstone of the unicorn generation', and 'Royal Academy's Unofficial Compulsory Subject'.


After Allen left the staff room.

"Sir Godorfun, isn't the condition too harsh, even for him? Didn't you say you wouldn't mind having the morning practical classes closed as long as they continued to do that gruelling training on their own, and that you'd still have enough time left for later in yesterday's staff meeting? It's just too tall of a task to compress that time into 2 months..."

"Fuhahaha. There's no meaning in giving a task when one knows it's doable. I'm curious to see how that lad will confront this challenge and how he develops others."

Mujikka sighed and shook her head, speechless.

"And the reward is introducing him to the Dew-san who excels at body-strengthening magic... What if Dew-san turns him down?"

"Hahaha! Dew is someone who had been selected as a commander of the Kingdom's Knight Order at the mere age of 38, no? There's no way he's going to refuse someone as talented as that lad. Fuhahaha!"

Godolfun was delighted by the whole affair and chuckled heartily.


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