Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 12 - Entrance Exam (2)

"Ah, you. You come here and accept the test."

I pretended not to hear the call and went ahead to my chosen place. I mean, who would want to willingly jump at the lion's mouth?

Also, the young receptionist from earlier had said I was free to select anyone after all! If there was an easy way, why would someone want to take the hard way, no?

Without slowing down, I walked straight toward the gentle-looking examiners. Alright, I choose you!

But the examiner with the unkempt beard further raised his voice seeing me ignore him.

"Damn you, you should be able to hear me, right!? Don't ignore me!...... You've already passed so stop for me goddamnit!"

Huh? Passed?

His words were so surprising that I reflexively stopped in my tracks.

"...Good grief. You must be that person, right? That brat who's been running around the perimeter of the Academy for the last 3 days? You know there's been rumors about you, right?"

'??' My mind failed to process his statement.

I was stupefied at why he knew I was running around the Academy, but even more than that, how did running around the academy lead to a rumor?

Unkempt beard heaved a sigh seeing my perplexed expression.

"You're underestimating the security of this Academy too much. Did you think as long as you're not touching the wall, you're fine?... There are just too many idiots with unkind thoughts that come here before the entrance exam. Someone in charge of security, like me, gets immediately contacted when an unfamiliar brat with a not-so-normal pace loiters around the wall."

Not-so-normal pace? I didn't think I had been running that fast. But I guess it was careless of me to run around in an attempt to make myself familiar with the Academy before the entrance exam.

Our territory was just in the countryside so we didn't have them there, but I presume they must have had monitoring camera-like magic tools installed around the perimeter and that was how the Academy's staff captured my movements.

"Certainly, I had been running around the Academy's perimeter. Is there any problem?"

Considering the other case where they presented the proof, I admitted to it instead and carefully questioned him.

"Ah~, about that, huh? A lot of experts analyzed the picture and affirmed that you are just a country bumpkin who's been cluelessly running around. That's why there's nothing to blame on you."

Eh, so I hit the bullseye? Did they really have the equipment to record images? But, a lot of experts?

I did consider the possibility of there being a monitoring camera so I was glad I didn't try to scale the wall and take a peek inside.

"Anyway, that's how the information came to me, the security-in-charge. I also watched the image and your actual performance while running. As far as I can tell, you have quite the skill so for the practical exam, you pass."

I see, so they already grasped the extent of my abilities even before the exam, just by watching me run for a short while? Was analyzing someone's power ever so easy?

My mind had a nagging feeling kind of like a deja vu as I asked unkempt beard.

"I don't think it should be that easy to grasp the extent of my abilities just by watching me run for a while......"

I mean if it was a first-class professional, they might be able to estimate one's level of mana manipulation at a glance, but to accurately understand someone's capabilities should still be pretty tough.

Unkempt beard sighed upon hearing my question.

"Well, you're right, it's impossible normally...... However, you, you were running while it was drizzling, and that too on exam day.

Just what were you thinking…

What were you planning to do if you failed the mana cutoff?... Though I guess that must be why you had come here at the last minute, to restore your mana. In the end, old man Godorfun bet you will come running today as well, and you did."

Haaa~ I see! I sort of get it!

For a moment, I panicked thinking maybe Fey had somehow improved the power level measuring magic tool enough to put it into practical use at the last minute and delivered it here...

So he betted on me?

"You already know how dangerous it is to train on a rainy day. The required finesse in mana manipulation is on a completely different level."

He must have been having a headache from his hangover so unkempt beard continued while pressing his temple.

"But, you, you completed the circle around the Academy's perimeter in 1 hour 40 minutes today, compared to your 1 hour and 28 minutes from yesterday. Not every 12-year-old is as exceptional to complete the course at this pace in the rain."

Hmm, I see... I guess it was better not to mention how I still ended up doing 12 hill sprints today with an uplifted mood due to the rain, unlike my usual 10 sprints. It might complicate things.

"And that's how your finesse in body-strengthening magic, especially your mana manipulation, has been confirmed in the last two days. Though there is still a question about your pacing drop which depends on your stamina and mana capacity that I have yet to confirm."

…As expected, there were no surveillance cameras near that lovely hill to the southeast, huh?

After saying that, unkempt beard revealed a fierce grin.

"That's why you passed. However, we still need to assign a score. Give me your best shot, even if it's just one atta—"

Just before unkempt beard could finish his words, in a split second, I channeled my strength to the max at once as I closed the gap between us and launched my attack— an overhead strike.

However, he dodged the strike with unexpected but skilled footwork and a twist of his upper body. I knew it, he was in a league far above mine.

No other option, huh? I needed to take risks and aim for a short battle.

He kept his upper body in a twisted state while horizontally swinging the wooden sword.

I had already anticipated his move, so with enough leeway, I blocked it with my wooden sword while pretending to lose balance, deliberately letting the force deflect my sword away.

Unlike my sister, I lacked the skill to drop strength from a defensive position to create openings against opponents like unkempt beard.

Losing my wooden sword was a problem, but that was the sole way I could have created the opening.

Unkempt beard's body slightly tilted to the left from losing the rebound force that he expected to be there.

Following that, I released my actual move— a perfectly timed high roundhouse kick to his right.


The kick that I thought would decide the game ended up brushing past his forehead as he swayed skillfully to avoid the attack. With swift speed, he distanced himself with backsteps.

I seized a wooden sword from the nearby examinee and assumed a stance.

"...What an impertinent brat…… You, was the flat attack in the earlier... a bait to lure me?"

"You claimed not to counterattack, yet your stance seemed primed for a counter. I wanted to limit your options, even if only slightly."

Hmm... This mean-looking in-charge currently had a hangover. Furthermore, he seemed to have lost a bet due to me (not my fault). So there was no way he would be receiving my attacks normally.

"...In the first place, who attacks before the conversation even ends? Isn't it common courtesy to say something like 'I understand' or 'I'm starting'?..."

'???' Ah, true...!

I wished for a gentle elder sister who would give me a heads-up before attacking me......

"...Haa. Whatever. This is the end of the practical exam. As I said before, you... Speaking of which, what's your name? You passed, so have lunch for now. The theoretical exam starts at noon. Also, take note that the examinees who passed the practical exams aren't allowed to leave the premises before 3 p.m. Now head for the building you saw 5 minutes ago, the one you can see from the main gate."

"Thank you very much! My name is Allen Rovenne!"

The first impression was important. I knew the rules, so I followed the strategy from my previous life which I had learned during job hunting, and replied briskly, trying to give a refreshing impression.

I must say, it was flawless.

Phew~. Alright! I managed to escape from the clutches of unkempt beard and avoid being mowed down in the practical exam!

I returned the wooden sword to the examinee who had been waiting there silently, uttered my gratitude, and made my way to the academy.

On the way, I passed by an enthusiastic group of examinees. One of the strangers asked me how the exam was, so I replied that it was a simple test where examinees sparred with each other.

There was also one sweet-looking, adorable girl, so I quietly whispered to her 'The examiner with the unkempt beard near the reception is in a bad mood due to a hangover so don't approach him'.

I hope we can become friends if she manages to pass the exam.

For lunch, I had my emergency portable ration (salami flavor). After that, I entered the building set up for the theory exam.

Still, I was impressed by the Royal Capital, the place for leading innovation. I was so moved after discovering the salami flavor emergency ration during my tour of the Royal Capital yesterday…… Though I still like the plain flavor……

As told, I entered the exam venue before noon.

The exam papers for the five subjects — Physics, Magic Theory, Geopolitics & History, Military Strategy & Politics, and Linguistics — were distributed simultaneously. I tackled them in the order of my proficiency. After completing them, I reviewed my answers. When I checked the clock, it was still before 3 p.m.

There was no irregularity worth mentioning in the theory exam.

I did find some subjects which were slightly more difficult than in the previous years but that was the same for everyone. It was simple, no amount of brainstorming would give you the answer if you didn't know about the subject.

Everything ended before it even began. That was what academic tests were all about.

I reviewed my answers until the designated time to give my exams a proper closure, then left the Academy.

And thus, my three-month-long examination came to an end.

T/N - I was thinking in the previous chapter as well, but that power level measuring tool reminds me of scouter from DB. And damn, MC and his obsession with emergency ration. Maybe he really landed in the correct world? A spartan society huh.

Editor's note - So cameras in a fantasy world… Well, he did say it was a world of sword and magic. He didn't say anything about it being a medieval one. (T/N: Apparently they even have monitor)


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