Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 236 - 236 Chapter 236

236 Chapter 23Rush sent the two other girls to other tasks and left Amabel with the Dohan girl. Although she objected, “She is new Your Grace, and she might not please you as you may think” Rush told Amabel.

“New, what does that mean?” Amabel asked while not taking his eyes off the girl.

“I mean… she’s still a maiden”

Now this stunned Amabel, never did he think he would find a maiden inside a brothel.

“I can bring you other Dohan girls, Your Grace. If it pleases you” continued Rush.

“No, no, it’s fine. Thank you Rush”

Rush was dismissed and she went back downstairs to other tasks, although she was worried for the choice that Amabel picked. She even blamed herself for putting the new girl to such task of pleasing the king, but she was the same age as Amabel and she had thought maybe the young king could use a companion who resembled him, age wise.

Although maybe Amabel didn’t come there to seek an age mate, actually no one goes to a brothel to seek an age mate, they all go to have fun and enjoy the pleasures brothels have to offer. Did she make a mistake? Rush couldn’t stop blaming herself for that.

Amabel closed the door of the room and took out his silk robe, he remained shirtless with only his black trouser. The girl was sitting on the bed trembling and she didn’t even have a courage to lift her face and look at Amabel. She wore a silk transparent short dress, it was white in color and maybe the white presented her maidenhood. She was adorned with gold necklaces, anklets, bracelets and a waist chain which Amabel could see it perfectly clear from where he stood ─ staring at her.


“What’s your name?” he asked, his voice thick and husky.

“Fatimah, Your Grace”

“Fatimah? You are from Doha, aren’t you?” Amabel poured wine in his glass and then reached for another glass and poured some for the girl.

“Yes, Your Grace”

Amabel smiled softly, he carried the two glasses of wine and walked slowly towards the bed. “Drink!” he ordered the girl while giving her the glass full of honeyed wine. Fatimah took the wine but the presence of a shirtless Amabel standing so close to her, made her very nervous.

“Are you scared?” Amabel asked her.

Fatimah almost dropped the glass of wine before Amabel intervened and took the glass from her. She uttered words, “Apologies…” but Amabel stopped her. “What are you apologizing for?” he asked.

Then Amabel sat on the bed close to Fatimah. He looked at her from head to toe and saw her undeniable beauty. This girl was well put together, Amabel thought and if she wasn’t a courtesan maybe he would have sent word to her father and ask for her hand in marriage. That’s how taken Amabel was.

He reached out for Fatimah’s face and forced her to look at him, “How did you end up here?” he asked.

“I was sold as a slave, Your Grace” she replied softly, her lips full and it somehow hardened Amabel underneath his undergarments. He may have never entered a woman before, but he understood how it’s done. The man gets hard and the woman wet, then they meet and pleasure themselves. Or at least that’s what he knew.

“By whom?”

“My father…” replied Fatimah with a somber tone, still her eyes were locked with Amabel’s. “He was a gambler, he became addicted and gambled our family. My brother and I were sold to different masters, I have no idea where he is”

“And who bought you?”

“I don’t know him Your Grace, he was just a passing man. He bought me for ten gold coins”

Amabel gasped, “Ten gold coins?” his eyes widened with amazement. “Even horses can be bought for much more” he shook his head.

“Surprisingly the man sold me to Madame Rush for five hundred gold coins, it was the best day of his life”

“I bet it was, and he made a handsome profit too” Amabel stood up again, he went on to fill his glass of wine.

Fatimah couldn’t help but felt mesmerized by Amabel especially with his back turned to her. She surveyed him and his toned body, a young warrior and a good fighter so she’s heard, and with those strong arms, she wasn’t conflicted that he could wield a sword perfectly.

Without even thinking, she blurted out, “I heard about your great victory, Your Grace” then Amabel turned to her.

“Really? What do they say about me?”

“They say you fought bravely in Snowfall, you defeated your uncle in just one night”

Amabel smiled, he loved how comfortable Fatimah was getting with him. She wasn’t that scared little girl anymore, it seems with each passing minute, she grew more and more comfortable. He went back to sit on the bed with her again and they talked that whole night.

The main topic they discussed was wars, something which Amabel was so excited to keep on going the whole day. He could literary talk about wars the whole day without getting tired, it was his favorite place to be and he sure showed Fatimah that there was nowhere he would rather be, than on a battlefield.

Come dawn and Amabel left the brothel with Fatimah, he paid Rush one thousand gold coins ─ doubled the price which she bought her once. Rush didn’t object, even if Amabel would have preferred to take Fatimah without paying, she was ought not to refused a king.

Hence that morning Amabel rode with Fatimah on a covered palanquin leaving other courtesans jealous of Fatimah. So, the rumors spread starting that very day. Everyone knew Amabel’s virginity was taken by this Dohan girl, just a taste and he was ready to take her to his palace. “This girl’s cunt must be good to make the King take her home” the good folks of Raven wrote on their chronicles and journals.

Everyone said what they said about the night Amabel lost his virginity, but we all know it wasn’t that night. All he did was talk to Fatimah, and they didn’t have sexual conversations rather war talks which was unusual for a girl like Fatimah but she seemed so excited to talk about wars, knights in their shining armors and especially Amabel’s strength.

So let’s leave Amabel’s virginity in question and jump to the city of slaves and golds and mines. Aryan and Samwell Marshall were outside of the Mines city’s gates, with fifty thousand sailors and pirates without horses. Lord Leoric was waiting for them, he had ten thousand of his Killers with him and they were all ahorse, this was a show of his wealth.

Samwell sent an envoy to Lord Leoric, to tell him, “Either he gives up the city and pledge his loyalty to me or he dies and we take the city” and the envoy did as he was told. But so unlucky for him because Leoric slit his throat the moment he finished saying those words, and that poor young sailor’s blood was spattered all over the sand.

Then Leoric marched forward with his horse, accompanied with ten of his best Killers. He reached a point of center and paused.

Samwell looked at Aryan, “What now? He just killed our envoy. Do we march to listen to him or we attack?” he asked her.

“It would be foolish of us if we attack now, we must go and listen to what they have to say” she told him.

Aryan hastened her horse to where Leoric was waiting, but she knew what awaited the big fool as she liked to address him. This was where he dies and his foolishness with him, one of Leoric’s men will attack him sudden and the sailors will have no option but to join the army of Lord Leoric. Samwell hastened his horse too and tried to keep with Aryan, it was rather cold since it was still winter.

When they stood a few yard from one another, Lord Leoric managed a huge smile.

“So this is the fool who wants Sweet Waters throne?” said Leoric and started laughing. “I heard stories about you big man, but almost all of them narrate how stupid you are and how you want to die so bad”

This enraged Samwell, “I’ll cut out your tongue out of your head” he screamed at Leoric and drew his sword.

Leoric seemed so relaxed and not scared of the big man as Samwell thought he would be. Also Samwell didn’t expect Leoric to have ebony skin, and he wondered how did he come to be a Lord of such huge city.

“Alright, let me tell you tell something big man. You are going to die right now, but it was foolish of you to think you can sit on the throne. Have you even given a thought about Artemis’s dragons? Have you seen cities burning to the ground? Maybe your companion can tell you tales of burned up cities, right lady Aryan?”

“We are not here to reminisce the past my lord” Aryan pretended to not be on Leoric’s side, she didn’t want Samwell to suspect her yet, she must take him by surprise.


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