Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 234 - 240 Chs

240 Chs


234 Chapter 23“I’m going to find those eggs”

“How? The thieves must have left the town by now. We need to think about this”

Aurora shook her head while tears fell between her cheeks, “We?” she asked. “There’s no we when it comes to my dragons Artemis. My Babushka was right, I shouldn’t have burdened you with this, you are not a Morrow descendant”

“Are you really saying that to me right now?” he asked with furious look on his face, a servant came with a dry shirt meant for Artemis. But she was sent away and Artemis remained shirtless not believing the words coming out of Aurora.

“First my dragon dies, and then this…”

“Are you somehow blaming me for Artodo’s death? I did everything to save him, he was all I had and now ─”

“A true Morrow would have known what to do in that situation. Why didn’t you leave when you were outnumbered? You could have saved him” Aurora blurted out to Artemis, she had a lot to say and maybe she was only waiting for the right circumstances and right time to speak.

Torgo stood in silence watching Artemis and Aurora fighting, Vizoro was saddled and she was ready for takeoff. However, he feared if he intervened, then he wouldn’t look wise.

“I have to go and find these thieves before someone gets their hands on the eggs, I have no idea how many but I’ll find out. If you’ll excuse me” Aurora wiped her tears and walked towards Vizoro.


She wore a brown trouser and a black long dress, her silver hairs were shining because of the scented oils. Vizoro helped her upwards by lowering her left wing and she found her seat on the saddle of her dragon’s back, she said the word, “Valar” loudly and right there Vizoro took the skies of Blackmount. Today she didn’t need to grab speed by racing, like she usually does.

This just shows how dragons are affected by their rider’s emotions, Vizoro felt Aurora’s anger and she grew wroth too in such a way she didn’t need to race in order to fly, she just flew. Artemis looked at the skies as Aurora flew away, he couldn’t stop her and maybe she hated him for what happened to Artodo.

When Aurora disappeared from view, Artemis slowly walked back to his chambers with his head down. His mind was clustered with thoughts about what Aurora just told her, he kept wondering how could she say such things to him, after what he had just gone through. He thought they were together, a team but what she did proved to him that they weren’t.

Now let’s leave Aurora in her quest for find dragon eggs, and jump hurdles straight to Prophis where Aprophil had just arrived after a nine-day ride from Sea Tone. The only reason it took that much days it’s because Sea Tone is actually far south and hence this makes it way far from Prophis which was in the North.

Upon his arrival in Raven, King Amabel welcomed him with utmost respect and threw a small feast celebration on Aprophil’s name and it took place in the throne room. Katarina was happier to see Aprophil again especially with how things erupted the last time. She told Aprophil there was no need for him to hide his true identity anymore, everyone knew about him now and the unrest in Maldonia was well known in Prophis.

However, the bigger question which people asked themselves was, “Will Amabel declare his support for Aprophil, the man who put him on the Silver throne?” yet this question meant Amabel had to betray Artemis and join with Aprophil while he just made up with Artemis and this alliance is what brought Maldonia close to Prophis once again. And speaking of that, Artemis had sent out an invitation for Amabel to visit Blackmount. However, this was before the uprising and Amabel wondered if the King had changed his mind, or if he still wanted him to visit.

All night during the small feast, Amabel was unrest, he felt like he will be put in jeopardy soon enough. He started to get scared of what he will say to Aprophil once he asks him for help, although Aprophil had no intentions of doing so. All through the feasting and drinking, Aprophil remained calm and collected. Even when other lords asked him what will he do now since his people were calling out for him, he had no direct answer to give them.

He also didn’t mention his newly found companionship with Aryan, he thought it was better to keep it a secret for now.

The next day early in the morning, Amabel summoned Aprophil to the gardens of the palace. It was freezing cold and the garden was covered with white ice, there were no trees or flowers. The same garden which was green during summers and autumns and springs, turned into a frozen space and Amabel was freezing his ass off even though he was covered with layers of fur coats.

Aprophil joined him after five minutes had passed, he apologized for keeping him waiting. “I needed a good bath Your Grace” that was his excuse.

“You’ve never change dear friend, you and your obsession with waters” replied Amabel trying to form a smile between his lips.

An awkward moment passed between them, last night it seemed they were avoiding each other, but now they were face to face with one another and it felt there was nowhere to run anymore.

Amabel was the first one to speak, “I…” he cleared his throats trying to find words to say.

Aprophil quipped in, “I only need a passage to cross the Freezing Sea” he said saving Amabel from embarrassment. “That’s all Your Grace”

This isn’t what Amabel expected so his eyes widened with amazement, “You travelled all the way here, just to cross the Freezing Sea?” he asked, it still felt like a joke, or maybe Aprophil was shy to ask for what he wants.

“Yes, I have to meet someone”

“During the winter? You do know it’s impregnable and so cold, right?” Amabel still asked just so he can see if Aprophil was sure of what he was saying or not.

“I am very well of the conditions Your Grace, but like I said… it’s important” said Aprophil with a straight face. That kind of face which didn’t take “No” for an answer.

Amabel sighed and pulled his coat further his head to secure his hairs, “I grant you the passage dear friend, but I can’t help worrying about your welfare. Maybe if you are patient enough, you can wait till it’s winter to cross the Freezing Sea. They say the cold alone can crush your bones to powder” he said still locking eyes with Aprophil, this came as a warning rather an advice.

“I’m afraid it’s a task I must do now, Your Grace. Besides, I am well experienced with walking on ice”

“What if the ice breaks? I hear its deep”

It seemed every time Aprophil came with a solution, Amabel found a way to crash it or criticize it. This showed Aprophil that Amabel still loved him, he still cared for him even though they had their differences in the past.

“What happens after you cross the Freezing Sea?” asked Amabel.

“I shall be reunited with the person I want to see”

“Will this person help you to fight the war against your half – brother?” Now right here the topic which they avoided ever since Aprophil arrived was out in the open. And it was Amabel himself who initiated it.

Aprophil lowered his eyes, he couldn’t face Amabel anymore.

“Are you on his side?” he asked, this time raising his eyes to meet Amabel’s.

“I’m not on anyone’s side. My kingdom cannot withstand another war; you saw how the coffers were emptied. We had to sell slaves to fill the royal treasury, and day by day we are being faced with debts and starvation. Wars are rather expensive dear friend, those people who chant your name, most of them can’t fight. They will call on you day and night but they won’t step to the battle and fight for you, all they do is run their mouths but not their swords”

“I know, that’s why I’m going to meet this person… and I hope ─”

Amabel didn’t let Aprophil finish. “He has dragons” he interrupted him. “Your half – brother wields a power which hasn’t been seen in thousands of years. We are all aware of what he did in Old City, and in Lawsend’s City. Both of these cities flourished in trade and its people were happy, until they were turned to ashes. He is vile and dangerous; you need to approach him better if you think of taking the Sweet Waters throne. And I hope this man who is worth crossing the Freezing Sea for, will give you insights on how to defeat dragons”


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