Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 215 - 215 Chapter 215

215 Chapter 21After selling the twenty thousand Killers to the King in the West, Aprophil gained the six million gold coins from the King and he was set to return. The King offered him a whole Manor for him to stay as long as he wanted, but Aprophil refused. He used the birth of his new son as an excuse for him to leave, while he knew very well he didn’t want to stay from the very beginning.

The Prophisian men who escorted him to the West were set to return to Raven and to their King with the money, while he sails back to Whitebridge. To his family, the most important thing to Aprophil at the moment. He took the one million gold coins as his payment from Amabel, the rest five million gold coins were to be taken to Amabel by his men.

It would have been wise for him to stop by Raven while making his way towards the Free Hall. But Aprophil chose not to encounter Amabel again after the heated conversation they had before he was forced to resign his post as the Hand of the King.

Hence he used the other route down South, and this one passed right through Sea Tone and Blackmount. After crossing the Silent Sea, he would be home. Blackmount and Whitebridge were close, they were only separated by the Silent Sea. Hence the gossips from Blackmount could easily cross to sea and spread all over the Liberty Cities.

Jordy was the first one to hear about Matthew’s death, and his friends. The burning of traitors was like a slogan in the Liberty Cities, some praised Artemis for what he did while others criticized him. They even wondered if he was the true King, because if he was then he wouldn’t have burned those traitors.

The mentioning of her son’s name shocked Jordy when she heard of the rumors. How did the best kept secret come out? She and Luca promised to keep their son away from all this, and those who would wish him harm. Did she make a mistake by telling Aprophil who he was? Maybe if she were to stay silent then maybe her son wouldn’t be mentioned in everyone’s lips by then.

The situation was terrifying especially in Free Hall. Many people started to ask about Aprophil, they refered to him as their true King instead of Artemis. Doors of Aprophil’s castle were banged from dusk till dawn, guest after guest would walk in and start asking around for Aprophil. Jordy would simply tell them he was fighting a battle in Prophis, and she had no idea when he was going to come back.

Most of these people had ebony skin and friends of Jordy’s. They showed up to Jordy with assurance, “If it’s true, we shall put a black King on the Sweet Waters throne and rule over these white chickens” they laughed. These ebony Lords and wealthy men were doing good for themselves in the Liberty Cities. They had armies, servants, Manors and they did sure have slaves too — but they preferred white slaves most of the time.

There was a code amongst the ebony Lords in Whitebridge, and that was to never own a black slave. “A black slave is like a brother, never put your brother in chains” they agreed to that. Aprophil also agreed to this because he was there the day the law was passed on, and he also didn’t have black slaves, only fighters and knights.


Aprophil docked in the port of Whitebridge during the hour of the wolf. Good for him to enter the city during this time where everyone was inside sleeping with their loved ones, and this did include even the Lords who wanted to put him on the throne. Jordy praised the gods for this, at least she could have alone time with her son before the ebony Lords reached out to him.

Miranda was waiting too, standing alongside a very worried and anxious Jordy. Miranda was carrying her infant son in her arms, feeding him with her milk, she wouldn’t let the wet nurses touch him. This was the same with her first son Arteides, Miranda chose to do it all on her own. The feeding, the raising and all of it.

The night was cold that day, the winters in Whitebridge were as cold as the ones in Prophis. That’s what the locals said, but mostly because most of them never traveled to the North. They never knew about the harsh winters in King’s City or Bellward or Claydall. That deep ice snow for months, and sometimes years.

“Are you sure he’s on his way mother?” asked Miranda, she was in her furs but still shaking from the cold of the night.

Jordy turned to her, “Perhaps you should go to bed child. It’s freezing out here, take Aera with you”

“And leave you here all alone?”

“I am waiting for my son, not an enemy. Go inside, he will be with you shortly”

Miranda nodded calmly then she was escorted by servants to her chambers. As she walked inside the castle, she couldn’t help but notice that Jordy was freezing too even though she played tough.

Aprophil arrived ten minutes later with his host, fifty men went to pick him up at the harbor as Jordy requested. The horses’ hooves pounding the Earth notified Jordy that her son was close, and hence she stood up ready to receive him. Aprophil was stunned seeing his mother at the gates of his castle anxiously waiting.

As soon as his host halted in front of the castle, Aprophil climbed down from the carriage and went straight to his mother for a tight hug. He was exhausted and worn out after such a long journey, not to mention it’s been long ever since the last time he saw his mother. The battles and altercations with Artemis has really done a number on him, he had lost so much weight.

Jordy noticed it, “Weren’t you eating in Prophis? You have lost a lot of weight” she was concerned.

Aprophil smiled, “How are you mother?”

“I was anxiously waiting for you to come back”

“Why is that? Did something happen?” asked Aprophil, although he wasn’t expecting any bad news, still he hoped everything was alright.

“Artemis happened” replied Jordy.

Now Aprophil was concerned. He painted thousands of pictures in his mind just from two words, Artemis happened and he started to ask himself what that actually meant. How did his half happen inside his castle?

Hence he asked with a frown look on his face. “Did he come here and cause trouble?”

“No, he didn’t. Did you meet him in Prophis?”

“Yes, we um...” Aprophil passed for just a few seconds. He knew his mother very well and she doesn’t respond positively to violence.

If he were to tell her the whole truth, and that he and Artemis exchanged swords. That will freak out Jordy if not send her in a state of panic.

“You what?” asked Jordy.

“I was meaning to say we met, and he said I look exactly like our father”

“He told you that?” Jordy asked worried again. “That can’t be good, he must be up to something...”

“Mother, we should go inside. It’s freezing out here” advised Aprophil trying to cover his mother and embracing her.

“Before we go, there’s something you must know. The whole realm know about you now, they chant your name in the streets in Blackmount and other ten cities. Men were burned in front of masses because they supported your claim openly. This isn’t what your father wanted Aprophil, I shouldn’t have burdened you with this secret. Now I’m going to lose you sooner or later, what will we do when Artemis comes for us. We have no dragons, he will burn everything we’ve ever cherished or cared to the ground. And for what, a chair?” Jordy wept hysterically at the end.

Then she reached out for Aprophil’s fur coat. “Promise me you won’t fight for the throne. Promise me Aprophil” she pleaded for her son.

All this time Aprophil was confused by a lot of things, first the fact that men died for him. Secondly, his mother’s wailing which he had no idea why she was crying that much.

She mentioned dragons burning everything they cared for and cherished, but he didn’t see that happening anytime soon since he wasn’t going to challenge for the throne. Or was he?

Aprophil promised his mother nothing, “Let’s get you inside mother” that’s what he said and embraced her. They both walked inside the castle slowly while the host unpacked the luggages. Inside these luggages there were lots of gifts for Miranda, Arteides, Jordy but most importantly, the new addition to their family.

Not to mention the one million gold coins which he made from the war. This would help him live throughout the winter days when business wasn’t picking up that much.

However during that time Aprophil could barely think about his coffers. He had that desire to be king inside him, I guess that came from his father. If people are chanting his name, maybe there was hope after all.


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