Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 206 - 206 Chapter 206

206 Chapter 20Both Amabel and Katarina were taken by that enormous amount of loyalty between a rider and his dragon. They couldn’t stop looking at the skies until Artemis was gone from their sight.

Then Amabel sighed softly, few air clouds escaped from his lips. “Lord Commander” he called out to Sir Tyriol, “I’ll give you one million gold coins if you get me a dragon” he said with a small chuckle.

His mother intervened, “I think dragons are worth more than one million gold coins”

“How much do you think they are worth mother?”

“Dragons are not for sale, they are magical creatures bound to whom they are promised to. Aurora is the one to whom they are bounded to, if you want a dragon I suggest you make a good pact with the Dragon Queen” explained Katarina and then she reached out for her son’s hand.

It was too cold in the outside and hence they had to return inside. Amabel went back to sleep as he prepared for his big day tomorrow — his uncle’s execution.

The High Septon, Father Stewart was right when he advised Amabel about carrying out his uncle’s sentence himself in front of masses. The next day, even though it was freezing cold, Prophisians showed up to the arena which was at the centre of Raven. All excited to see if Amabel would really execute his uncle and end the Taelin dynasty.

The Taelin sigil was set to be put on fire that day after Prince Ambrose’s death, and Prince Amabel’s sigil — a spear piercing through a brown moon was set to rise and hence declaring a new day and a new sovereign.

Before setting out to the arena, Amabel summoned his Hand inside his chambers to discuss about the altercation that happened last night.


Aprophil entered inside Amabel’s chambers dressed in his dazzling green – black silk robe, his hairs were scented with heavy oils and he applied perfume all over his body. He smelled rich and it fit his status as the Lord of Free Hall and the Hand of the King.

“You summoned me Your Grace” he said softly, placing his hands in front.

Amabel who was dressed by two female servants, excused the servants so he may remain alone with Aprophil. “Yes I did my Lord Hand. Wine?” he asked while pouring whine to his glass.

“No, I prefer going to executions with a clear head”

“I prefer getting drunk since I’m the one who is carrying the execution. I’ll forever be known as the kin-slayer after today, not a very honorable title”

“It’ll be honorable to your people” said Aprophil still standing at the same place.

Amabel picked up his glass and drank all the wine in one gulp. Then he turned to Aprophil;

“I heard you drew your sword to the Dragon King last night. What did he do to make you lose your temper Lord Hand?”

“I... I apologise Your Grace, I shouldn’t have”

Amabel quipped in, “Yes Lord Hand, you shouldn’t. I just won him to our side, I need him to be on our side. You never told me about your true nature, and that you are the King’s bastard. Why?”

“Because I’m not a bastard” Aprophil said this out loud.

This was the first time Aprophil said it out loud that he wasn’t a bastard and it felt weird and full of uncertainties.

Amabel thought he didn’t hear him correctly. “You said you are not a bastard?” he asked him. “I don’t understand...” and he did look confused.

“I’m King Luca’s true born son, his first son. My mother was not some whore who just carried the king’s bastard, she was King Luca’s first wife and love of his life” said Aprophil.

“Wait... does Artemis know this?” Amabel’s eyes widened with amazement, never did he think Aprophil would be a true born son of King Luca Arteides.

Aprophil took a moment to exhale. He wasn’t sure if Artemis knew about him or not, but by the way he acting during his visit, he knew something wasn’t right.

“I think he does, and it’s the reason why he flew here, to see me up close” replied Aprophil.

“Five gods do help us...” said Amabel stroking his hairs backwards. “You are the true heir to Sweet Waters throne, is that why you helped me get my throne back? Because you were doing something which you couldn’t do for yourself?” he asked Aprophil.

“I never wanted the throne. I spent my life doing trades in the Liberty Cities and I thought that was enough for me. I was safe, my mother was safe and so was my son and my wife. But coming here... experiencing battles and coronations and...” He paused.

Aprophil couldn’t continue, he knew how the battles have changed him completely from a merchant to actually wanting the throne which was his by right. But he shouldn’t be wanting things he knew weren’t good for him, like wanting a Sweet Waters throne.

Between Prophis and Maldonia, the Sweet Waters throne was more famous than the Silver throne and it was worth more than the silver throne. Even the kings who ruled Prophis during the ancient years envied Maldonia, for it’s endless summers, the ten huge cities under one ruler and the magnificent city of Blackmount. Not to mention the throne itself made from gold, diamonds, sapphires and all the ancient coins you know of.

It was called Sweet Waters because the legend has it King Ayman Arteides, the first King of Maldonia once poured water on the throne. Then he instructed his servants to pick it up using cups, and then he urged them to drink. Every servant said the waters were sweet, it was because of the pure mixture of treasures which made up the chair. The King himself tasted the waters which came pouring down from his throne, and from then he declared it should be called “Sweet Waters throne”.

Even Amabel who was only forteen years of age knew what Aprophil wanted was death. Hence he advised him, “Bury this inside your chest Lord Hand. I cherish you as a friend and the only person I can trust, if court matters seem to trouble you. I would love for you to return to Whitebridge, to your family and your mother. The throne isn’t worth losing the most important people in your life” he said looking straight at Aprophil.

“No, Your Grace. I want to stay here and serve you”

“But you won’t be serving me will you? You will only be thinking about the throne which you want to have, and that will only invite battle and fire and blood...”

“I don’t want the —”

Amabel intervened, “I know you more than you know yourself Aprophil. You want the throne more than anything now, that’s why you drew your sword against your half brother without thinking straight. I won’t risk my kingdom burning while I just got it back...” said Amabel.

There was a silence moment between Amabel and Aprophil, what was supposed to be a short conversation turned out to be a long one full of surprises and disappointments.

“You will leave for West right now with the slaves, when you return you shall take your leave home. I’ll pay you one million gold coins for your service to the crown Lord Hand” Amabel said this while turning his back on Aprophil.

“I don’t need the money”

“But you’ll still take it, it’s what your king wants”

“Amabel... I want to serve —” Aprophil took two steps towards where Amabel stood, but still Amabel didn’t turn to look at him.

“That will be all, Lord Hand” Amabel ended their conversation with this, and it was clear he didn’t want to continue with Aprophil as his Hand anymore.

Aprophil understood that, he took out the small brooch from his silk robe which presented him as the Hand of the King. Then he left it on top of the table, bowed before Amabel and walked out of his chambers.

He didn’t stop anywhere else but straight to the warehouse where the Killers were chained and readied to leave. Aprophil gave commands to his men and sailors to ready the ships, all five hundred ships offered to the crown by Lord Howsley. The men were stunned by the sudden departure, the journey was scheduled to take place tomorrow and not today.

Yet they didn’t dare to question Aprophil’s decision, after all he was the Hand of the King. They did as he instructed, in the next two hours the ships were already sailing towards the West — to the kingdom which Aprophil once visited and had a talk with it’s king. Amabel looked at the fleet from above as it sailed away.

Sir Tyriol opened the door of his chambers and informed him everything was set up in the arena, and that his people were waiting for him. For just a split second Amabel had forgotten about his uncle and aunt, he reached out for his long sword and walked outside of his chambers while Sir Tyriol followed behind.


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