Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 199 - 199 Chapter 199

199 Chapter 19The same men who followed Prince Ambrose from Whitebridge, Arkala and the Mines, were the same ones who were quick to drop their swords when they knew the battle was lost. Prince Ambrose shout at them, “Cowards! Cowards! Pick up your swords and fight, what are you doing?” while he rotated around them ahorse. But his men had lost all hope or whatsoever, even the Killers knew they wouldn’t make it out alive.

Prince Amabel’s army moved front, hence closing the distance and squeeze Prince Ambrose’s army more, making it look like they were inside a bowel and surrounded. Aryan didn’t move, and neither did her men who fell back at the city’s gates as they watched what was going on.

“You’ve lost uncle, give it up” said Prince Amabel on his mount looking sharp and more of a man than a boy. On his right side, his mother stood beside him on her horse and on his left side, Aprophil stood still on his horse looking like an ebony under the snow. He didn’t utter a single word, he just listened and look, as if he wasn’t sure whether the war was really over or not.

It had started snowing, the smooth ice felt like feathers falling down from the sky. Aprophil’s black fur coat was smitten by the snow as so was everyone who was out in that cold during the War of the Kins.

Prince Ambrose refused to accept, “If you are a man now, fight me in a duel, right now. If you win, you take my head and my men. If you lose, I take your head, your little brother’s and that whore you call mother” he said while pointing his sword at Amabel, although it was useless since all his men dropped their guards and they weren’t going to fight for him any longer.

Aprophil intervened, “To what ends prince? We can take your head right from where you stand, our King doesn’t have to prove himself to you. You’ve lost.” he said, and Katarina nodded in agreement.

This made Prince Ambrose angrier, “And what are you? His slave?” he asked. The reason why he asked that question had to do with Aprophil’s skin color, he meant it as an offence but Aprophil was used to such critics all his life, hence instead of reacting to it, he just smiled softly.

“He is to be my Hand. I won’t fight you uncle, I have nothing to prove to you” Amabel kicked his horse softly, then he passed right there through his uncle’s army and proceeded towards where Aryan stood in front of the city’s gates. Aprophil stood firmly now taking the lead on Amabel’s army, still Prince Ambrose and Princess Thelma were surrounded with no way out.

Aryan had expected Prince Amabel’s arrival, after all it was her who sent out the note to inform him of Prince Ambrose’s ambush at that gates of the capital. Thanks to the raven, the day was saved and so was Aryan and the people she wanted to protect.


When Prince Amabel came close to Aryan, he dismounted from his horse and started to walk slowly while releasing himself of his sword and shield, this was a sign that he was surrendering himself to Aryan. Aryan dropped down the two swords which had taken thousands of lives that night. A show of respect between two estranged married couple, or should we say between two allies who were destined to be foes.

Even though it was Gandalf who murdered his father, Amabel appreciated it that if it wasn’t for Aryan, they would also be dead by then. Aryan risked her life, betrayed her twin brother all because she wanted to save them. And this wouldn’t go unnoticed by Amabel, he was a man who remembered good deeds.

Hence when he and Aryan stood close together, he lowered his head. Aryan was taller than him, she was taller when she married him three years ago and she was taller now standing in front of him.

“You’ve grown, how old are you now?” asked Aryan with a smile.

Amabel managed a small chuckle, “Shy away from my fifteenth name day” he replied with a smile too. “I believe I am still married to you, my Queen”

“In your dreams maybe?” Aryan laughed and so did Amabel, these two even though they never spent even an hour together, yet they felt as if they had known each other for quite some time.

Their bond was felt even by Katarina and Aprophil who stood far from them.

Aryan sighed, “This is it I guess, I shall take my leave before the sun rise” she said. “You be a good King to these people, don’t be like your father”

“I am not my father”

“I know you are not, and if you forget I will come back to remind you. Only this time I shall come to take your head” she said, they both chuckled softly and take in the joke as it was.

“Where will you go, my Queen?” asked Amabel, he felt concerned for Aryan’s life.

“Far from here, to an island where the summer never ends and the food tastes better than any place I’ve ever been. I wasn’t born to rule, I’m a warrior, my place is out there not on some throne. But you… you were born for this Amabel, it’s your birthright”

The words from Aryan’s lips were as pure as a moonlight, neither filtered nor bounced. She kept it real as much as she could, and when she was done, she mounted her horse and said her goodbyes to Amabel. This was the last time she would ever see him again, Aryan swore never to return to Prophis and she said the frozen lands were cursed, they took Gandalf from her.

Before she took her leave, Aryan rode her horse slowly towards Aprophil.

These two had never met before, yet Aryan was very well informed about Aprophil and his true nature. Things which even Amabel wasn’t aware of.

Aprophil bowed his head softly, then he said, “Your Grace” as a show of respect for notifying them and also for refusing to fight, hence preventing further bloodshed.

“I met you once, Lord of Free Hall and Master of the Sea. Do you remember me?” asked Aryan.

“Do pardon me Your Grace, I meet a lot of people in one lifetime alone. I guess that comes with being at the harbor all my life. But I have never come across a creature as magnificent as you, they sing songs about you in Whietebride, they call you the Lady of Stonedance”

“I’m flattered my lord, I do hope one day they sing songs about you too and your true claim. What you need my lord, is at the other side of the Freezing Sea” said Aryan then she smiled, Katarina locked eyes with her, and Aryan winked at her.

Katarina lowered her eyes down gently, she was shy no doubt and when Aryan took off into the dark in the snow, she looked back at her as if she wanted to call her so she can come back.

“What did she mean by what I need is at the other side of the Freezing Sea? Was that a riddle?” Aprophil was confused, Katarina said she didn’t know either what that meant, but the Freezing Sea was impregnable during the winter.

If even during summers, the sea still remained frozen, what about during harsh winters. Katarina told Aprophil if he wanted to cross the Freezing Sea, he should do so when it’s hot and not during that time of the year.

The gates of Raven were opened under the orders of Sir Thomas Buken, and it was almost dawn. It was rather a short siege which they suffered, but all thanks to Aryan who held off the rogue prince until the rightful prince arrived.

Prince Ambrose, his generals and Princess Thelma were thrown to the dungeons and they were set to wait for their punishment later on, preferably when a new King is sworn in front of masses and anointed with holly oils.

The poor people of Prophis had no idea they will wake up to a new ruler, they went to sleep thinking they had a Queen, only to wake to a new King and all that without bloodshed. Amabel made a promise to honor Aryan throughout her reign, and to notice the sacrifice she did for the greater good. All she did was for the good of the realm, the good folks later chronicled this smooth transfer of power between Aryan of House Squire, and Amabel of House Taelin.

Many people praised Aryan for her wisdom, she knew she didn’t have enough men to hold the city, hence she decided to hand it over to the true heir instead of the Usurper uncle. They titled her, “The Everlasting Queen” and because they believed Aryan will live inside hearts of many Prophisians more than her brother ever did.

She prevented a whole war which could have resulted in the death of innocent people, she put her people first instead of her own greediness for power. Now a whole new set of songs were sung all dedicated to Aryan, and even the actors on night street theatres recreated this memorable day when Aryan went off into the snow just to save her people.


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