Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 192 - 192 Chapter 192

192 Chapter 19Princess Aeryn warned her husband from saying treasonous words while he was drunk, but he never listened to her during the day he threw a feast to celebrate the birth of Princess Haisa. Artemis’s men heard him and they didn’t hesitate on bringing him these words. “He called his son, King of Maldonia and Lord of Ten Cities” the spy told Artemis.

“Did he say this in front of people?” A very angry Artemis asked.

“Yes, Your Grace”

“Can you testify against him in the court? I need more than three witnesses to apprehend him”

The spy was willing to, but he had to remind Artemis. “The Lords whom he invited to the feast won’t testify against Lord Leoric. They all worship him as if he is some god…”

Lord Balrus who was present inside the council chambr quipped in, “He’s right Your Grace. I know how penniless the Lords are in the Mines. None of them will say anything against Leoric, but there’s only one way to stop this bullying” he advised while sitting calmly on his chair.

“What do you have in mind my Lord?” Artemis asked him, his hands were on his waist.

“Name your daughter as the second in line to the throne after her brother. She is your pure blood, the daughter of the King. While Jeremiah doesn’t have the blood of the King, your claim will be backed up by everyone and this is how you defeat Leoric at his own game”

Artemis managed a very wide smile, that’s why he always loved to be around Lord Balrus because somehow he had a solution for every problem, even the ones which sometimes feel like impossible to solve.


Artemis went on to tell Aurora about this, and Aurora was so happy. She said she was just waiting for Artemis to step up and be a man. It had been long Lord Leoric thought he got a hold of the King, but it was time he was reminded that he was just a Lord and nothing else. He had no real power against the throne just because he married a princess.

Hence the next two days were for preparations, a tourney was to be held on the Princess’s name followed by a huge feast. This time Artemis promised to feed his people, every household will receive the same food he ate during the feast, and the tourney will take place inside the arena.

All the Lords of the Ten Cities of Maldonia were invited to the capital. The first invitation was sent to the Mines, and Lord Leoric was preparing himself to arrive in style, he called upon the best of his tailors and have them design the very best silk tunic to make him look grander than ever. “I am the father of the future King!” he shouted at them when they got his measurements wrong.

No one knew why did he refer to himself as the father of the future King whilst Prince Jahery was still breathing, but all they knew was Leoric was impulsive and arrogant. Princess Aeryn wasn’t in the mood to attend any tourneys or feasts, she excused herself from this and allowed her husband to go by himself.

Leoric was against this, “You will come with me whether you want it or not” he said to her.

“I am not your slave, I don’t have to do what you command” replied the Princess holding her son tight.

“But you are my wife, by law and under the gods eyes”

Princess Aeryn screamed at him, “Since when do the gods say a woman must be a slave to her husband? I shan’t go and that’s my final decision”

Leoric was done with dressing up and he was ready to leave. If they were to leave at that time, then they would make it to the capital during the golden hour since it was still dawn. The tourney was tomorrow, and Leoric wanted to arrive at the capital a day before the celebrations so he can brag out about his son. He had no idea what Artemis had in store for him.

“If you are not coming then hand over Jeremiah to me, he must go” Ordered Leoric.

“So you can go on ranting about how he is the future King of Maldonia? While we both know he is not”

“We don’t know that Aeryn”

“Yes we do, unless you plan to kill my nephew and replace him with our son. He won’t be a true King then, just a Usurper” said Princess Aeryn looking straight at Lord Leoric.

“Oh don’t pretend to care about Prince Jahery… you want his mother dead. You want the dragons dead, clearly you even hate your own brother”

“I don’t ─ I…” Princess Aeryn found herself stuttering and unable to complete her sentence. “I love my brother with all my heart, and I wouldn’t want him to see his son killed by a man like you”

Lord Leoric took a moment to laugh out loud. He looked at Princess Aeryn as if she was a very na?ve and stupid girl, “But you would conspire behind his back to kill his dragons?” he asked her when he stopped laughing.

Princess Aeryn found herself weak against her clever and manipulative husband, there is nothing she could say now that will make her win the argument.

Leoric moved closer to her, he saw the tears rolling down between her cheeks. He couldn’t care less as to why Aeryn was weeping, he just took Jeremiah from her and then exhaled. He raised her chin softly, “You and I my love are not so different. Our hearts are cold and we hate the ones who are above us, stop trying to fight the hate that you have against your nephew, or your good sister, or even your brother. Let it out, don’t be ashamed to let it take over you, trust me it feels good” he finished and kissed Aeryn’s forehead.

Then after that Leoric walked outside of the castle with Jeremiah on his arms. He ordered ten wet nurses to accompany him on their own carriage and handed Jeremiah to them, a journey to the capital started just like what Loeirc said, he will go whether with or without Aeryn.

His silk tunic was new and his leather shoes too, he had three golden necklaces around his neck. Two golden bracelets, one for each hand and he also tied his long black hairs with small bells in such a way whenever he moves, the bell rang softly.

This was a technique he employed to make an appearance and also to be noticed when he walks inside a building. He wanted everyone to notice him because of the bells, as if he was a royalty. And he was smelling so good from the new perfume he received as a gift from Andreia, such a sweet lovely scent.

As he planned, Lord Leoric arrived in the capital during the golden hour and the sun was setting. Although it had been dark all day long because of the winter, and so cold along the way, he had to cover himself with a huge fur layers. There were no ices or snow in Maldonia, but he cold during the winter was harsh as if they were in Prophis.

The moment Lord Leoric’s caravan of five carriages and five hundred slaves on horses arrived at the gates of Blackmount, it’s like everyone knew who had just arrived because of the sigil the slaves carried. The whores of Blackmount were delighted to hear such news, and this day Isabella washed her girls properly and scented them with pleasant perfumes. She burned the spices of Doha inside her brothel and the whole place smelled heavenly.

Lord Leoric was famous for whoring himself in Blackmount, and he also paid good that’s why the courtesans wanted him to come to their brothel. He was also famous for making love so good to these women, sometimes he would want to watch two women fucking each other just for his pleasure. Or other times he would fuck two women at once, and the most shocking thing was when he fucked five women at once.

The courtesans who were present this day said he bent the whores down and mounted them one by one as horses mated, at the back and these women screamed of pleasure when he released his seeds to each of them. That’s how famous Lord Leoric was in Blackmount.

And this night was of no different to the Lord of the Mines, he was exhausted after travelling the whole day in cold. He refused to go to the main palace during that time and opted for Isabella’s brothel while sending his slaves and the wet nurses to the palace, “I’ll meet you there soon” he said to them.

Isabella was expecting him and that’s why he filled the place with the most pleasant smell. “You must be exhausted my Lord. My girls will give you a birth first, do you mind?” asked Isabella taking off Leoric’s fur coat.

“Give me five of your fine girls Isabella. My wife and I are quarrelling and I need my mind at ease” said Lord Leoric. Then he reached out for a small piece of bag filled with gold, he handed it to Isabella.


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