Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 182 - 182 Chapter 182

182 Chapter 18One thing about Lord Balrus was he always kept weird sigils and seals inside his manse. Most of these seals had no meaning, and they belonged to no great kingdom or any Lord. He used his rodents and skilled craftsman to make these seals, and they always came in handy when he wanted to send anonymous letter.

This time two riders were sent to Raven, and they were instructed to make it in less than three days. Hence that meant they had to sail alongside the Silent Sea towards small towns in the North, and then the ride won’t be long to the capital. This was a shortcut that most people who hated riding for days in the heat and cold used, but it came with a cost.

The sea on this side wasn’t so calm and it had strong waves especially during the winter, and the cold waters swallowed many during this time of the year. However, Lord Balrus had to risk his two best riders so as to deliver this message to Queen Aryan. “Make sure you leave it at the gates, don’t let anyone see you” he told the riders. By sundown, the riders were off to Prophis.

It had come a time when Aurora needed to slow down and not fly anymore, first of all it was because she was heavily pregnant and close to giving birth. Secondly, her dragon Vizoro was pregnant too. What a joy it was the day Torgo and his fellow dragon keepers announced that Vizoro and Artodo mated to a succession.

A small party was thrown just outside the dragons’ cave to celebrate what Aurora termed as “The New Age of Dragons”. Lord Balrus missed this gathering hence it was just Aurora, Artemis, Visera, Torgo, Alienor who was still in the capital and the four other dragon keepers.

Artemis asked Torgo to mate Artodo with the other three female dragons, “So that we get more dragons” he seemed so charmed talking about this.

“My love, you do know that not all the eggs hatch” Aurora told him.

“But eighty percent do, don’t they?”

Visera quipped in, “Fifty percent Your Grace, but that was during the ancient times. Maybe this time they will all hatch, and I can finally get a dragon of my own” she teased and chuckled softly.


Even though Visera was just joking and she didn’t actually meant what she said, Aurora took it to heart that maybe she had passed on her grandmother on the topic of dragons. Without Visera, she would have never found the dragons nor even close to finding her true self especially since her mother forbade her from finding anything. It was Visera who made sure she rose to power and with that she claimed the dragons as her birthright.

Hence Aurora decided to interrupt Artemis who was trying to explain something regarding the eggs of dragons, and she found herself saying it out loud. “You can have one of the dragons babushka” said Aurora. Then suddenly, everyone was silent.

Visera strongly disagreed, “I can’t child, I am fifty and one. I don’t think I can handle a dragon at my age” she said.

“Nonsense babushka, Euric Morrow’s wife flew a dragon to war and she was sixty and three. You are a true Morrow descendant and without you I wouldn’t have found these creatures, so it’s fare that I give you one”

Torgo nodded his head in agreement, and the other four dragon keepers too. Artemis then added on, “You are the strongest woman I know Visera, if I can handle one, then so can you” he said with a soft smile.

“But I…” Visera was clearly caught off-guard, and she blamed herself from saying that joke which had Aurora thinking that she truly wanted a dragon.

“Torgo, bring out the blue dragon” said Aurora, and quickly Torgo entered inside the cave while accompanied with his helpers. Visera placed down the glass of wine and she seemed nervous. “It’s alright babushka, you’ll be fine. Just hang on to the saddle”

“What if… she doesn’t like me? We all saw what happened to Toro” Visera expressed her concerns.

“Toro tried to steal her from me, her mother. If I give her to you, she will obey because she will know I’m here. You won’t be a strange touch to her, but a touch of her true rider” Then Aurora pulled in her grandmother for a kiss, these two had become so close ever since they took that trip to Dark Town to see Lord Spider.

So it was only fitting that Aurora strengthened their bond even more by giving her grandmother a dragon as she should have a long time ago.

“Where will you go on your first flight?” Artemis asked Visera.

The blue dragon made it’s way outside, the sun was shining and the blue color of the dragon sparkled. From a far one may say the dragon was perhaps made of blue diamonds or sapphires, it was the most beautiful of the three and not only because of her color. But also her face, this she-dragon had the most amusing face and she seemed to be smiling all most all the time.

The only time this dragon was pissed off, was the day Toro tried to steal her. Aurora saw a completely different version of this dragon that day, but apart from that, she was a soft to touch and pleasing one to look.

“What will you name her, a dragon is out to have a name” Alienor quipped in and asked.

Visera didn’t want minutes or seconds to think about what name she will give to her dragon because she already had it. “I’ll name her Huyana” she said, then looked at Aurora.

Aurora was startled, “After your daughter?” she asked with displease.

“Yes, your mother and to answer your question Your Grace…” This time Visera turned to Artemis. “My first flight will be to Forewater, to see my daughter”

The blue dragon stood firmly at twelve feet, she was getting bigger each day. Visera made her way to her and when she reached her, she placed her arm on her soft skin. “Goodness me! The blue is like an ocean…” gasped Visera, this was the first time she actually touched this dragon.

Aurora took a few steps towards Huyana, she still had that look of not being pleased on her face. “Do you really have to go to her?” she asked her grandmother. “I sent her a letter years ago and she never replied, she doesn’t want us babushka”

“Would you abandon Jahery even if he says he doesn’t want to see you?”

“The situation is not…”

Visera corrected her, “The situation is the same child. I love you so much, you are my granddaughter. But Huyan is my only daughter, she and I don’t share the bond that you and I have, however that won’t change the fact that she is my daughter and I am worried about her every single day”

This was a moment between a granddaughter and a grandmother, neither Artemis nor Torgo intervened. They remained silent just listening as both of these women poured their hearts to each other. One thing which they strongly shared in common was the fact that they loved one another deeply, and fondly.

Aurora finally agreed to her grandmother’s yearning and desires, she reached out to the blue dragon and patted her back softly. Then she said to her in Low Moor, “You have found a new rider Huyana, and she happens to be my grandmother. Guide her with your life” and then she placed Visera’s arm on the dragon.

The dragon locked eyes with Visera, this was necessary because that’s how bonds were formed between a dragon and it’s rider. Visera then mounted her dragon and sat steady on the saddle, she said to Aurora, “This actually feels good” and Aurora laughed.

Artemis quipped in, “Wait till you are in the skies, it’s magical” and they all chuckled softly as they waited for Visera to fly make her first flight.

Visera said her goodbyes to Aurora and made a promise to come back soon, and she also expressed how she didn’t want to go but it was better she fixed her bond with her daughter for her own equilibrium.

Then when she was ready, she said the word “Valar” out loud and the Huyana slowly battled her wings. In just a minute she was up in the skies of Blackmount in the sunshine. Visera screamed and tried to hang on to the saddle, the flight was calm though and the scream came from the pleasure that she felt on finally flying a dragon.

Tears rolled down between Aurora’s cheeks and she couldn’t contemplate were they tears of joy in seeing her grandmother happy, or were they of sadness because her grandmother was leaving. Artemis pulled her in for a tight hug as they both stood watching the dragon disappearing in the clouds.

“You think she’ll come back?” Aurora asked Artemis never taking her eyes off the clear blue sky.

“Of course she will, she has a new grandchild to look for” he replied while touching Aurora’s big belly, when Aurora turned to look at him ─ he reached out for her lips and kissed her passionately.


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