Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 176 - 176 Chapter 176

176 Chapter 17With Artemis and Aurora taking a leave from the chaos, the task of handling the good folks from entering inside the main palace fell onto Sir Dante Lucan and the men he led. The gates of the palace were immediately barred and this prevented extra chaos, hence the only task left was taking the ones who have entered inside the palace and throw them outside — and if they resisted then a dark dungeon awaited them for days to come.

Sundar and Alienor learned of what happened to their friend the moment Aurora and Artemis landed outside the dragons’ cave. They saw Toro taking the dragon and uttering the word “Valar”, before they could stop him, Toro was already flying on unclaimed dragon as if it was his. Alienor said “He knew better. He brought this on himself” but Sundar seemed to not believe that it was actually Toro’s own fault, he blamed Aurora for keeping the dragons hostages while she should be distributing them to true Morrow descendants.

Well let’s keep it like Sundar had the same mentality as Toro, the only difference was Sundar never said the words out loud. He kept them to himself and by the next day he disappeared from the capital leaving Alienor all alone — no one knew where he went.

A grand welcome awaited Prince Ambrose when he safely arrived in the Mines. Lord Leoric got his note the moment he docked, after a brutal journey from Whitebridge to Blackmount, Prince Ambrose was supposed to rest and travel the next day to the Mines but he refused. He took a host of carriages belonging to merchants who were making their way towards the Mines and slept while he was moving.

The next morning he was in Lord Leoric’s city ready to see what the Lord has to offer. He was fresh and energetic after he slept the whole night inside the carriages. The merchants charged him few silver coins and he gave them gold in return. “Where might I find the Lord of this city?” He asked the merchants.

“Just follow the smell of flower scents and perfume. His Lordships is obsessed with perfumes than his own wife” one of the merchant replied and then he busted out laughing, Ambrose chuckled softly too and said goodbye to them.

The task of finding Leoric shouldn’t be so hard, he thought. It was his first time in the Mines and just like everyone else Prince Ambrose was struck with wonderment. He remembered his father used to tell him the Mines was a place where people went to die, the hardships of slavery were intense and the slaves barely make it out alive. King Taelin also described the Mines as a dusty place, like a desert and it was always hot.

Then he went on to say the noises from banging and digging of the golds and diamonds can be heard throughout the place, in short it wasn’t a place for one to live. All these weren’t rumors but facts, when Lord Leoric’s father was the Lord of the Mines he did nothing to fix the situation.

But as soon as Lord Leoric took over the city, he managed to separate the civilization area from the uncivilized one, the market squares and inns and brothels from the prisons and dungeons. A whole new city emerged very far from the mines and more grander than small towns.


Suddenly when he was lost in the beauty of the mines and just how quiet and peaceful the city was, a man patted his shoulder and his nerves made him turn back quickly and draw his sword from his waist with haste.

The man was Lord Leoric’s rider who has been delivering the letters to the Prince. “Easy, easy... I’m here to take you to His Lordship” the rider moved back a few steps to separate himself from Prince Ambrose’s sharp sword.

“Who are you?” asked Prince Ambrose still pointing his sharp sword on the rider’s neck.

“His slave”

“How did you know it was me?”

“I was the one delivering the letters to you”

“That doesn’t answer the question. How did you know it was me?” This time Ambrose pointed the sword even more in such a way that the rider’s skin and his sword were just a few distance from one another.

A few seconds passed and Ambrose led down his sword and returned it to his waistline. Then he commanded the rider to take him to Lord Leoric, and then he warned her not to play games with him.

This version of Ambrose was a completely different one from the one who spent most of his times drinking and whoring around Whitebridge. That altercation with his sister showed him that if he were to be the King, then the only way would be to be serious about it. To truly want it and ready to work.

A feast on his name was thrown by Lord Leoric and he was introduced as the most important guest to ever step foot in the Mines. Lord Leoric never truly announced the intention of the Prince’s visit to his Lords and nobles because he knew the walls talk and sooner or later Artemis would learn of his plans. The food was delicious, the wines sparkled with grapes and laced with honey, the women were tasty and they knew how to dance and show off for the prince.

But that’s all Prince Ambrose did to these women — just watching and savoring their moves and bodies. When Lord Leoric asked if he wanted few women on his bed chambers the night after the feast; Prince Ambrose declined. “I’m married my Lord” he said this with a smile.

Princess Aeryn didn’t expect that, hence she asked; “You are? I heard you were one of the bad Taelin boys, whoring yourself around King’s City with perfumed flesh” she made a joke.

“Well I did live throughout my youth my Princess, but now I have Arya of House Greenwood and we share two sons”

“Two sons?” Lord Leoric quipped in. “So we have a King here and his heirs, I dare say you are the true King” he patted Ambrose’s shoulder and they kept on talking while making their way towards the Prince’s chambers.

One thing about Lord Leoric, he was not a man with patience. He loved to conduct businesses with clear mind and heart, he always wants to know what’s in it for him before he delivers his services. This wasn’t so different to Prince Ambrose, most of serious talks usually awaits till morning but not for Lord Leoric.

He threw a feast for the Prince during the day and at night a whole celebration, by the hour of the world the celebrations ceased and everyone was eager to embrace their beds. He would not sleep peacefully without talking to the Prince, hence he knew this was the right time — just before the Prince goes to sleep.

Just a few steps towards Prince Ambrose’s chambers, Lord Leoric halted and Princess Aeryn stopped too — Ambrose stood opposite to this couple and he knew something was about to be said and he was the first one to clear his throat.

“My dear Prince, I have invited you inside my castle. Fed you my food and wines, brought up the most expensive brothel in the Mines for you. I have shown you kindness regardless of putting my life on the line” Lord Leoric told Prince Ambrose and as always he talked while chuckling and fixing his golden jewelries — this man was so full of himself.

Then he went on “My son is the second in line to Sweet Waters throne, that unless the Queen doesn’t give birth to a yet another son, which would be a disappointment. But nonetheless, his nephew Jahery already has a dragon and whoever will come out of the Queen’s belly will also have a dragon. If and only if my son were to be relevant to his cousins then he must be their equal, and if they have dragons and he doesn’t... well that would be a problem, don’t you think so my Prince?”

This Prince Ambrose didn’t understand, hence he asked “Your son with the princess is second in line to the throne? How did that happen?”

“My husband abandoned his House name and took mine, hence my son is Jeremiah Arteides and as a male Arteides, this keeps him close to Sweet Waters throne” Princess Aeryn interrupted and she seemed to be so serious and truly wanting whatever her husband wanted.

“You abandoned your family name? Why would you do that?”

Prince Ambrose was a man of questioning and he was always intrigued by certain small things and always eager to learn curious things. But Lord Leoric wasn’t having it, he wanted him focused on what brought him to the city and leave their family matters to themselves.

“I will offer you my help to take back the throne but I need you to promise me one thing” said Lord Leoric.

“What is it my Lord?”

“I want the dragons killed. I need you find the best Dragon Hunters which I’ve heard they may reside across the Freezing Sea which is in Prophis. Once you are a King, I can manage to send men there... that’s all I need”


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