Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 150 - 150 Chapter 150

150 Chapter 15The Spice Street was named that way not for a fluke, it was because of all the spices that occupied this whole place. The shops were organized on both left and right side, and the vendors only sold spices with varieties ranging from cinnamon, gingers, peppers and many more. Katarina was outside today with her son Amabel, Barkis and Frost were left home as they were taken care by a nanny. The festival celebrations didn’t concern them, they were Prophisians after all and they didn’t worship gods made of dolls.

Just like how Aryan assumed it, the Spice Street was empty for the first time ever and the people who occupied it weren’t natives to the Liberty Cities. She kept on going still on her horse looking around, it was then she caught a sight of a bakery. Three years ago when she roamed around these areas, the bakery didn’t exist so it could only mean it was new and it was also open meaning the baker didn’t attend the festival.

Aryan dismounted her horse, then she took off the red cloak she was wearing and her short hairs were clearly seen now. For anyone who had once met Gandalf, would die of shock upon seeing Aryan ─ she was an exact replica of her dead twin brother. Underneath that cloak she had a black shirt made of silk and a black trouser with black boots, it’s clear to say now that Aryan was a fan of earth tones and she didn’t like the sparkling colors.

She still wore her sword around her waist, and she also hid two knives in her boots. The knives were just for emergencies if she somehow loses the sword in the fight. When she tied her horse outside the bakery, she slowly walked in while looking around. There were breads on a table, pastries and also a lemon cake ─ they were just freshly baked and the aroma was satisfying.

If the baker had no history of poisoning cakes maybe Aryan would have tasted the cakes, but she hesitated and because the place was so silent even her moves became easily known. From inside the kitchen where obviously the baker was making his goods, she heard a voice “Who is it? We are closed until the festival is over” he said.

“I… was just looking”

“Get out” the baker screamed from where he was. Then he ordered his assistant to go and take a look, it was a young girl possibly in her teens. The girl was confused when she saw Aryan, she couldn’t tell whether it was a man or a woman. She stuttered “Welcome… my lord, lady?” she was asking herself.

“Where is he? The baker?” There was a husky tone inside Aryan’s voice.

“In the kitchen”


“Can you call him for me?”

“Yes, I…” the girl then turned back and called out “Someone here to see you my lord” she said with a whip. The baker was truly disappointed in whoever was calling him because he didn’t want to be troubled when he was working. He left his kitchen while his hands were stuffed with flour, his apron was covered with stews and several bit pieces of food which fell on it.

“How many times must I tell you girl…” He complained but then he suddenly stopped when his eyes locked with Aryan’s. The baker couldn’t believe what he was seeing, it’s either Gandalf’s ghost came to haunt him in Whitebridge, or maybe he was just day dreaming. At that point he had completely forgotten that Gandalf had a twin sister, but he remembered the sister had long hairs, this version he was seeing now was a replica of Gandalf from head to toe.

Aryan moved closer to him, the shock look on the baker’s face told her all that she needed to know. Standing at six foot two, and the baker being five foot six, well let’s keep it like Aryan towered the baker and he was threatened by her when she stood so close to his face. “Do you remember me?” asked Aryan.

“His Grace… Gandalf Squire?” he stuttered, then he fell down and quickly picked up himself. His intentions were to run away using the back door but Aryan was faster and he caught him before he could run away, then she closed the back door. “You can go little girl, and don’t tell anyone. Take all the breads and all the money.... he won’t be needing them anymore”

The girl didn’t need to be told twice, she went after the baker’s savings and took all the money and all the gold the baker was bragging about ─ it was the gold he was gifted by Lord Cregan Lawsend after he poisoned Gandalf. Then it seemed the girl wasn’t done yet when she packed all the breads, pastries and cakes inside a bag while the baker watched.

Aryan waited until the girl was out of the bakery, that’s when she closed the door and threw the baker on top of the table. Like how it was before, the place grew silent again as if nothing had happened. “Now we talk!” said Aryan pulling a chair. “You will tell me everything from the very beginning… let’s start with who hired you to poison my brother and murder my nephew” she sat down while the baker seemed terrified, he was trembling so hard.

Katarina and Amabel collided with the girl from the bakery, she was carrying heavy bags and running while she looked behind scared what if her Lord catches up to her. This girl’s name was Georgina, thirteen old just like Amabel and these two were close friends, that’s how Katarina got to know her.

“Where are you running to Georgina?” Amabel asked, he even helped Georgina to pick up the bags. A bread fell off from one of the bags, and Georgina quickly picked it up and placed it back.

“I must get to my mother; she is waiting for me”

Katarina wasn’t easily convinced “Where are you taking the breads Georgina? Did you steal them from your Lord?” she asked.

“No, no, my Lady I swear. I… there’s a woman in men cloths inside my Lord’s store, she’s beating him. I must get to my mother; I’m scared” Georgina was indeed scared because of how hard she was trembling.

“A woman in men’s clothes?” Katarina was stunned. Then she gasped, “Aryan!” it could be her, or another person. “Why would Aryan beat your Lord?” she asked. But then she didn’t wait for Georgina to reply “Amabel, take Georgina home”

“Mother, I should be with you” Amabel resisted.

“Amabel, I’m a grown up woman I can take care of myself. Just make sure Georgina makes it home to her mother. Help her with the bags, hurry up” she insisted.

Amabel picked up the bags, he was way too tall and strong for his age. At thirteen he was already five foot eight while he kept on growing, a replica of his father on everything even the height. While Georgina and Amabel walked away, Katarina raced to the bakery to see if the woman was Aryan or another person. If it was Aryan, then it’s possible she was in Whitebridge to seek them out, and probably with an aim to wipe off Amabel and Barkis from the face of the Earth and keep the throne for herself.

But why would she attack a baker? Katarina arrived at the bakery and looked around, the Spice Street was empty and quiet. She heard movements coming from inside the bakery, then she was startled when she heard a man scream in agony ─ then a huge thump on top of a table, when the table broke she heard the impact from where she stood.

Even a blind man could tell there was a brawl inside that bakery, Katarina was scared to even get too close. But then suddenly the door was opened and Aryan Squire revealed herself, she was carrying the baker’s head on her right hand while her face was covered with blood. She presented an image of a conqueror after a victory.

Katarina hid herself as she looked in terror, Aryan had just murdered an innocent man. Aryan reached out for her horse and took out two huge bags, she placed the head inside one of the bag and then wrapped it with the next bag. There was a canteen of water inside her things and she reached out for it, she used the water to wash her face off the blood and drank the rest.

After she exhaled softly, Aryan noticed someone was watching her from a distance. She wasn’t bothered by whoever it was, but she just wanted to know. Hence she untied her horse and moved it slowly to where she felt there was someone hiding. “I know you are there” she said. “I won’t hurt you, I’m not a murderer”

“Yet you carry a head of an innocent man” replied Katarina. Then she revealed herself and Aryan’s eyes popped up, she hadn’t seen Katarina ever since the Battle of Stonedance, nor did she knew she was in Whitebridge. Her face lightened up and she even managed a smile, it was as if she had seen a sunlight in the midst of a storm.


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