Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 71 - If I’m Not Wrong You Didn’t Bring Us Just To Have Fun!

"Do you even need to question that? If I did not know your plan then do you think you could take us away from the school so easily?" Sia replied with disdain

"You…hmph, so what if you know about our plan? You're going to die here anyway" he declared arrogantly

"Little brother, you know, one should know how to be merciful or else the heavens will never show you mercy"

"Mercy? Haha….sorry, mercy isn't my piece of cake" the bodyguard laughed before his face icy as he declared "Today, I'm going to kill you…haha"

"Kill? Too bad, you don't have that capability" ridiculed

"You-" angered, just as the bodyguard was about to fire the gun at Sia, the latter kicked his hands and grabbed the gun before pointing it at the driver and warned "Keep driving or else I don't mind to shoot you"

Scared, the driver went stiff and he did not dare to turn around.

Angered to death, the bodyguard lost all his rationality as he wanted to jump on Sia and grab the gun but before he could do that he was hit at the back of the neck and before he knew he fell unconscious.

When the driver saw his partner's condition, he gulped a mouthful of saliva and did not dare to go against this devil. Inwardly he was cursing at those girls who had asked him to kidnap this devil.

Pointing her gun at the driver, Sia smiled and asked coldly "tell me…who ordered you to do this?"

"that…that, I don't know" the driver stuttered

"Do you think lying will help you?" Sia questioned with a wicked smile

"No! We really don't know the identity of that person. An unknown woman called us and ordered us to do these things. She said if we succeeded then she-she would transfer hundred thousand dollars into our account"

"What did she ask you to do?"

"She asked us to kill you and then…then-dump you into the sea" hearing that An Ran gasped in horror.

Not noticing An Ran's expression, Sia smiled and thought "hmm not bad….at least she is not so wicked"

"Now that you have come clean, you are no longer of any use. Stop the car…"

'Fuck, do you want me to stop the car so that you can kill me…absolutely not' the driver thought in his mind

Knowing what was running in the driver's mind, Sia smiled widely and reassured "Don't worry, I won't kill you"

"Really?" the driver asked with uncertainty

Annoyed, Sia puffed her cheeks and said "Hey, do you think a cute girl like me will have the guts to kill? But if you try to resist and then If I get annoyed, what if I fire the gun and shoot you accidentally? By then you won't even have the chance to regret" Sia warned in a stern voice

Scared, the driver hurriedly nodded his head and said "Okay okay, I will stop the car, don't get annoyed" Saying that the driver turned the car and stopped it at the corner of the road.

Just as the driver was about to plead Sia to show some mercy, the latter hit the back of his neck, and in no time, just like the other bodyguard, he fell on the seat unconscious.

Getting down from the car, Sia checked the dashboard and the trunk. Just as she had expected, there were a few coils of rope and a gum tape.

Picking two coils of rope and a gum tape, she went to the front and dragged the two men out of the car.

Turning to her friends who were frozen on their seats, she called out "What, aren't you going to help me out?"

Getting back to their sense, they stumbled out of the car and looked at Sia questioningly.

After tieing their hands and legs in such a way that they could not escape, she covered their mouth with a gum tape.

With a satisfied expression, she turned to her friends and said "Help me throw them to the drunk"

Nodding their head robotically, the three girls helped Sia to carry the men and throw them into the trunk.

After throwing them inside, Sia dusted of her hand and turned to her friends.

Before they could ask anything, she cut them off and said "If you want to ask me anything then hold it in for now. I'm very badly hungry. I checked the map a while ago and saw that there was a small food stall nearby. Let's go there and have something first. After that, I will answer your every question"

Then without waiting for their question, she took the cell phone, purse, and car key which she had robbed from the two men and went to the driver seat.

Putting on her seat belt, she waited for her friends to climb on before she made her way to the nearby stall to have some food.

Inside the stall, at a quiet corner, An Ran and the rest stared at Sia with their hands folded in front of their chest and waited for the later to finish ordering.

Once the waiter left, without wasting a single second, Su Yan turned to Sia and asked "You knew that we were being kidnapped from the start?"

"Yes!" Sia nodded her head and responded obediently

"You asked all those silly questions just to anger those gangsters?" Su Yan asked


"You mentioned the strange name just to test them?" An Ran asked


"Fuck!" Su Yan cursed "If you knew it from the beginning then why didn't you run away?"

"hmmm…because I was bored and wanted to have some fun?" Sia answered nonchalantly

"Fun your ass" Su Yan cursed and yelled "Do you know how scared I was when I saw him point his gun at you? My heart was almost about to jump out of my chest"

Shrugging her shoulder, Sia did not comment. Anyway, it was common for anyone to get scared after seeing a gun.

Taking a deep breath to calm down her racing heart, Su Yan glared at Sia and asked "Since you knew that we were being kidnapped, why didn't you inform us?"

"what's the use? Informing you would have only made things worst" Sia replied indifferently

Silence filled the table and none of them spoke again. It was after a while that Xiao Li finally opened her mouth ask "Sia, if I'm not wrong you did not bring us just to have fun"


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