Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 464 - 464 I’m going to kill you today!!!

464 I’m going to kill you today!!!

Looking outside through the window, Mu Jun heaved a long sigh.

at the end he still couldn’t make up his mind to date someone other than Sia, even if it meant that he could easily break the marriage agreement.

This girl Sia had bewitched so much that he could no longer recognize anyone other her as woman.

Just as Mu Jun sighed again, there was knock on the car window. Lowering the window, Mu Jun saw the driver standing outside respectfully. Once Mu Jun looked at the driver, the rather bowed respectfully and said “I have delivered your message”

“Got it...did you manage to take the picture of that person?” Mu Jun asked

“Sorry Boss, I failed to complete the mission. The other party seemed to be on guard and would always turn her head at the crucial time” the driver apologized

Nodding his head, Mu Jun did not take it to heart and said “Drop me to the appartment”

“Yes boss”

Upstairs, both John and Sia had a complicated look on their face as they looked at the card placed on the table.


Earlier, when they thought the male lead had finally appeared, the person who came in was not Mu Jun instead an unknown working beside Mu Jun. The later had come and introduced himself before passing the card to ‘Miss Rao’. He revealed that Mr. Mu was extremely sorry for the delay but he could make up his heart to attend a blind date when it was not with the person he loved. He also expressed Mu Jun’s unwillingness to marry an unknown person, when he already had a person he deeply loved. Mr. Mu by giving his personal card hoped that the latter would cancel the engagement and in exchange he would owe them a favour. Anytime and anywhere, the other person could come to him if in case they were in trouble.

While speaking, the driver tried taking a few pictures of Ms. Rao but failed on everyturn. Atlast, the driver left unsuccefully after relying the message.

After the driver left, Sia looked at the card on the table with a complicated look. She did not whether she should be happy that her boyfriend did not attend the blind date or that she should be sad since she couldn’t catch her boyfriend red hand.

One the other hand, John had only one thought in his mind. He wanted to kill that bastard very well. ‘Seriously, was he nute? if he did not want to date then couldn’t he just not agree to the blind date? Or he could have atleast informed early morning so that he wouldn’t have had to undergo all those hellish process. Now, after going through all those torture from morning till evening and even after dressing up beautifully and waiting for him for so long, the latter simply sent his driver to apologize? This bastard, who does he think of himself? He really wished he was Miss. Rao so that he could cancel the engagement right here and then. But to bad he wasn’t. Sulking to himself, John picked up his purse and left the restuarant while puffing her cheeks in anger. Seeing the young miss like this, none of the servant dared to make any noice and quitely watched her leave furiously on her high heels.

On the other hand, once John left, Sia no longer lingered there and swiftly climbed up to the rooftop and packed her things before heading down towards the parking lot.

The whole way from the hotel back to their mansion, John did not say a single word. He was really furious at Mu Jun who wasted his whole day. It was only after reaching home and having few bear did John finally get alright.

Mu Jun on the other hand waited till sunday midnight but still did not receive any call from his baby girl. it looked like his baby girl was furiou seeing how she continued to ignore hime. Sighing, Mu Jun decided to confront Sia the next day morning.

Monday, early morning when Sia and John were making their way inside the school, they heard a familiar voice call them from behind “Hey! Sia, Beauty! Wait for me”

Since the last words were not clear, John did not catch the word Beauty. When both of them paused on their steps and turned around, they saw Zhen Wei hurrying towards them looking a little messy.

Looking at Zhen Wei who had her bowtie loosely tied, her skirt that was not arranged properly, her shirt not tucked in properly and her hair that looked like a birds nest, John raised his eyebrows and asked “Old Lady Wei, where you kidnapped to amazon forest? You look like a complete mess”

“Shut up! Why will they kidnap me to amazon forest when there is chimpanzee right front of me” Zhen Wei scoffed

Ignoring the later half, John continued to tease Zhen Wei “May be its because their old ancestor lacked an old lady to accompany”

“Huh!” before Zhen Wei could fight back, Sia glared at the two of them and said “Can you guys not fight so early in morning?”

“Hmph” Scoffing at each other, both of them turned their head away.

Sighing at the two childish people, Sia turned to Zhen Wei to ask “Did you party all night again?”

Combing her nest like hair with her fingers, Zhen Wei answered with a sigh “Yeah! A few of my classmates including Gu Nian and his friends attended a friends birthday but ended up partying whole night”

Looking behind with her eyebrows raised, Sia asked “So where’s senior Gu then?”

“Ah that guy? God knows where he dissapeared into after I kissed him” Zhen Wei replied nonchalantly.

Hearing that both Sia and John’s lips twitched and they could not help but feel sorry for poor Gu Nian who had succefully attracted this perverted old lady.

“Poor brother Gu!” John shook his head in sympathy and turned around, intending to head inside but was stopped by Zhen Wei

“Wait beauty John”

Pausing on his steps, John turned to Zhen Wei and asked “What did you call me just now?”

“Beauty John! What’s wrong?” Zhen Wei asked cluelessly, not noticing that a certain someone was blinking at her continuosly.

Turning to Sia, John just happened to see her guilty look. With a forced smile, he asked “Baby, did you send her that photo too?”

“Hehe...that, after I sent the photo to katherine, she did not reply to me so I sent it to Zhen Wei for fun” afraid that John might flare up, Sia hurriedly raised her hand and swore “I swear, they are the only ones I shared the picture with. Other than these two I havent’s shared your picture with anyone else yet”

“Yet? You still want to share that picture with others?” John asked through gritted teeth

“Hehe!” with a guilty smile, before Sia could deny, she heard Zhen Wei exclaim “Oh!”

Turning their head, they saw Zhen Wei look up and say “Leo just texted me”

“What did he say?” Sia asked indifferent

“Uhmm...he is asking if he could make an appointment with John? His friend want to meet him” Zhen Wei replied

Raising his eyebrows, John asked curiously “Why does he want to meet me?”

“That...he said that...that his friend...uhm fell in love with you” Zhen Wei replied with aguilty look

“Wait! What??” John asked in shock. He almost thought he had heard wrong.

“Uhm...his friend happened to see your photo in a female outfit and fell in love at first sight. So...now he wants to make you his wife”

“What the F***! How the hell did he get my photo? Weren’t all the pictures already deleted?”

Afraid that John might flare up, Zhen Wei held her hand together and apologized John pitifully “I’m sorry John, I really did not mean to but when Sia sent your picture I was texting with Leo. In a flow I..forwarded that photo to..Leo” at the end Zhen Wei’s voice grew weak and she did not dare to look at John.

Returning to his sense, John pointed his finger at Zhen Wei and Sia and yelled “You both...I’m going to kill you today”

Looking at John’s face that looked like he wanted to kill them, Sia and Zhen Wei ran backwards before turning around and running away in hurry to save their lives.

The initial calm building was instantly disturbed by the three of them.

“Ahhhh! Helpp”

“Baby, Sweetie, Beauty, please calm down!”

“Fuck! you still dare to call me Beauty”

“Ahh...John, calm down”

“My most handsome brother John, my bestie, My hero, please let us off”

“Huh! Don’t even think I will let you off if you act cute. Today I’m definitely going teach a good lesson to both off you. Hey you both, stop their...”

“Like hell we would. We are not stupid enough to surrender ourselves”

“I’m fucking not gonna let you guys off!!”

(From above)

Author: (While munching the chips) Faster, Run faster John! Ah Sia, Zhen Wei run to the next floor, I have cleared the traffic for you guys. Ah! John, don’t stop chasing. I will refill your fuel. Comeone Zhen Wei, run for you life...Ah, Sia run faster, look at your running so slow, Guess I should start cutting of your food. Ah, John don’t give uo! Fighting!

Zhen Wei, Sia, John “....” ‘Are you having fun?’

Author: Yeah. (After thinkig for a moment) Should I also add the PE coach and Teacher Ye in your chasing game? That would look much more fun.

Zhen Wei, Sia, John “....”


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