Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 138 - Greataunt Has Arrived!!

Remembering something, John suddenly sat up and looked at Yun Xia to ask "my sweet big brother....do you have any idea that can help me out?"

Looking down at John, Yun Xia frowned "I don't think so?"

Not giving up, John Hugs Yun Xia's leg with both of his hand and legs and cried "big brother....please help this poor child...whaa...I don't want to die so early. I still want to live long and help my future wife to give birth to hundreds of babies"

Hearing John's plead Yun Xia's lips twitched. Folding his hands in front of his chest, Yun Xia Xia sneered " it's better you die so that we can control the population"

"...." 'you hate me so much?'

"By the way, begging me is of no use"


Glancing at John indifferently, Yun Xis sneered "who asked you to be an unfavoured child? Look at Sia, her whole family supports her and dots her no matter what she does and look at you...no matter what good you do, your family will always choose to support Sia, especially your mom"

Looking at Yun Xia with sad eyes, John groaned "hey, I asked you to help me out...not to hurt my kidneys. I know my family favours Sia cause they always wanted to have a daughter. And don't forget how charming little red is. Get a wife and you'll then understand my misery"

"Hehe...I know-I know. In order to avoid my wife to come in contact with Sia, I have decided to build a house in my private island" Yun Xia

"Ugh...are you nuts? How are you going to avoid Sia by building your house on an island?"

Slapping John's head, Yun Xia berated "can you hear me out first?"

"Fine...fine...I will listen, continue"

"Do you know why I bought that worthless island?" Yun Xia Asked

"Because you were nuts?" John answered sarcastically only to be slapped again

"Idiot...I bought that island because there are many different species of frogs living there. And you can literally find frogs and tadpoles everywhere there and that's the reason why I bought that Island" Yun Xia exclaimed proudly

Nodding his head, John said "ohh....no wonder you were able to escape from Sia whenever you committed a grave mistake"

"Sigh....now I can't even escape from little red cause she has seized my plane" Yun Xia cried. Thinking of something, Yun Xia looked at John with glittering eyes and said "bro...why don't you just die? Anyway, one or the other day you will probably die in Mu Jun's or Sia's or her families three possessive men's hand. Instead of facing a cruel death why don't you just commit suicide and die peacefully. At one side you can avoid their revenge and on the other side I can robe your private plane off from you...what do you say? It's such a win-win situation" Yun Xia said cheerfully

"...." for a second John almost had the urge to kill himself but then when he recalled how this fellow wanted to rob of his plane he instantly made up his mind that he would never commit suicide even if he had to face several peoples wrath.

Giving Yun Xia a cold glance, John turned his face away and marched off from there leaving behind who kept yelling at John before following him.

On the other side, Sia and Mu Jun were chatting on random topics when she suddenly felt severe stomach ache.

Furrowing her brows in pain, Sia clutched her stomach and frowned when she felt something leaking between her legs.

Only then did Sia realize that her grandaunt has arrived. Not knowing what to do, Sia sat there while clutching her stomach with a painful expression.

Sitting across Sia, Mu Jun obviously noticed the change in Sia's behaviour. Looking at her pale face and her painful expression, Mu Jun frowned when he realized that Sia was in pain.

Grabbing her other hand which was placed on the table, he looked at her worriedly and asked "Sia, are you alright? Is there something wrong?"

"Uh?" Raising her head, Sia realized that Mu Jun was looking at her worriedly. Shaking her head, Sia tried to best ease her bro and replied in weak voice "no-nothing...I'm alright"

Knowing that the later was lying, Mu Ju squeezed her hand and spoke seriously "Sia, don't lie. You are clearly in pain, tell me what happened. If possible I'll try to help you out"

Initially, Sia wanted to deny Mu Jun's help and thought to call her friends for help but when she recalled that her friends were in class and may not be available and....even if she decided to wait, it will already be late and it would be too embarrassing if someone else saw her in such a state so Sia decided to swallow her shame and spit it out to Mu Jun. Anyway, he was her fiance so it was alright right?

Darting her eyes here and there, Sia spoke hesitantly "that....actually...my greataunt has arrived" after saying that Sia lowered her face, feeling embarrassed

Stunned, Mu Jun stared at Sia blankly

Not receiving any response, when Sia looked up she saw Mu Jun staring at her with a blank face.

Thinking that Mu Jun did not understand her, just as Sia was about to say that her periods has arrived, Mu Jun suddenly stood up and looked at Sia seriously before he said "I understood. You wait here....I will be back right way"

With that said, he patted her hand twice before running towards the convenience store located inside the campus.

Dumbfounded, Sia stared at the empty place where Mu Jun was sitting a few seconds back and did not know how to react.

A few minutes later Mu Jun rushed back and handed a small plastic bag to Sia.

Receiving the bag doubtfully, Sia looked inside and was surprised to find sanitary pad inside the bag and was very thankful to Mu Jun.

Just as she was preparing to stand up, Sia realised another problem. Because she was sitting in the same place for a while, she did not know whether her skirt was dirtied or not. Neither could she ask Mu Jun nor could she rush just like that. To cover up she did not even have her blazer. Left in dilemma, while Sia was cursing inwardly, Mu Jun suddenly removed his blazer and passed it to Sia saying "here take this to cover yourself"

Once again surprised, Sia looked at Mu Jun in shock but she still received the blazer and looked at him in gratitude.

Using his blazer to cover herself, Sia grabbed the cover and was about to walk towards the school building, Mu Jun suddenly stopped her and said

"Wait! The washroom inside the school might be too far away from here so use the one behind the garden. It's closer anyway and there aren't many people there"

Giving it a thought, Sia nodded her head and walked towards the washroom near the garden.


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